Slice of Venture 2 v0.6 is out!
Patrons only
Dec 30 at 3:13pm
Corrected versions are now up!
Hello everyone o/
You waited for it, here it is, the latest version of SoV2 \o/
I did it! I said this version might end up being the biggest and now that it's done, I can confirm it. IT IS!
Look at those delightful stats:
5 new base images (former champions v0.2 and 0.25 with 4 images)
14 new H-scenes (former champion v0.25 with 12 scenes)
104 New pics (former champion probably v0.2 (but non-H pics were counted back then)
Rewatchable scenes, new places, new NPC models, new achievements, auto-save feature, new way to improve your stats, the collectible cards, new elements to mix, difficulty toned down, mouse-friendly title screen, new bugs corrected... aaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
Yes, this is the biggest update since launch. And yet there are things that weren't improved: As I mentioned, the main scenario is the same. I changed things this time so scenario events will be in v0.65.
I also didn't have the time to include more thoroughly the collectible cards. I created 78 of them, but you can barely get 25 for now. That's something I'll do for v0.65. There are also scenes that were ready to be included but I didn't have the time to add (can't do everything). Also, the rewatchable scenes will not work with a few scenes that I added these last days (but those are really a few). Another drawback is that
you'll have to start a new game as older saves have high chances to fuck things up. I'm sorry for that.
Be careful with the auto-save: it saves during each Monday evening on the 1st slot of the save states.
All in all I'm glad I took those two November weeks to work on that update. Even though it was Christmas and stuff, we were late enough to provide new pics even though the rythm of work was a bit slower (since Sencha's departure left a bunch of lineart in wait of coloring). Thankfully, Carlis did a great job at keeping the pace. And was able to provide good work fast enough

4 of the 5 new base pics also have Aimless' backgrounds so I hope you'll enjoy the improvement. I'd like thank particularly Paquito who did the bug hunt ALL BY HIMSELF (I didn't even take the time to help him (I just corrected them) to be able to add content until the last minute). And there were a lot (probably still have many, but nothing game breaking I hope).
I'm gonna take the coming days to rest since I couldn't rest much during this week and then I'll go back to v0.65. If everything goes well, the following three months should be cut this way:
January : v0.65
Februrary : v0.7 (End of the scenario)
March: The Hunter new version (don't know how I'll upgrade the number yet).
That's all for now. Enjoy yourself people. That's the main reason my games are for