
New Member
Dec 31, 2021
Does anyone else have this bug at the beginning of the game, right after the first h-scene with Estelle in the weapon shop? I've been stuck in a dialogue loop and have no way of getting out of it. Even when the options showed up they did nothing but lost me health.


New Member
Jul 9, 2020
Good game but the answers don't work correctly : sometimes you click and no problem, you pass the step, and sometimes ( 2/3 times) , you click and you make a "wrong" choice. To pass the dialogue , you should click on "x" , or the dialogue won't stop and you don't have the list of choices (but you lost lifepoints)... Bug or specific mechanic? It's frustrating.... ( I don"t pass the Princess level because to this).
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Jul 31, 2017
This game is really unplayable without translation, current MTL still fine to play but some playthrough might pretty confuse.
Some amateur tips of the game:
Before capture
1. Check through all entrance of the building to get important tool. (Important, I guess that's why some people unable to pass certain debate because missing tool.)
(Any event found like new tool or H event, repeat step 1 again as some event trigger new h event or event in previous location)
2. Buy all items in the tool shop you can find except consumable like potion.
3. Upgrade all the weapon whenever possible. (This is important as some capture very depend your team equipment stat)
4. Colloseum free battle is OPTIONAL, so you can skip it except h event if you have no money difficulties (I almost never has this problem honestly).

During capture
1. Suppose any debate should not have any problem, if still do, you might have missing tool not yet discovered before capture phase.
2. Some tool you found before capture, or given out during the playthrough actually useless, so don't force yourself to use that answer if it doesn't make sense for objection.
3. Battle are actually winnable in every matchup without consumable. (Look at battle tip for improvement)
4. Anagram minigame (Wagon with words minigame) solution just refer to the "solution to a mini-game.txt" in your game folder, it actually incomprehensible for English user, just use that solution to bruteforce.
5. There is a bonus money depend on your life bar total, but actually not very important since money usually enough without grinding.
6. If you failed your capture, you don't have to load the game again. Just press retry on lose screen, and retry the capture, the previous progress you have done are auto skip so you don't need to repeat the previous progress.
7. Some heroine small H event may appear randomized in the map by "refresh" through go through the building.
8. Save the money as later game, you need large sum of money to upgrade the equip at weapon store.

Battle tips
1. Counter is very important as it give early resource advantage, you get extra mp limit when you successfully counter the skill. (defense don't count)
2. You need to have mana leftover during your last turn in order to activate counter skill on enemy move.
3. Skipping turn is actually correct play for some turn, because you need leftover mp to use counter skill.
4. Watch out if opponent has leftover mp, they might counter you back. It is safe to use big mp skill if they have no mp or skill is in cd (Check the enemy hp below of those small icon).
5. Both you and the opponent can counter the counter move back, so yes, you can counter twice in a single move. (Just like YuGiOh)
6. Not all spell are usable to counter enemy skill, read the skill description for more info. Any skill with "Opposition" with more text info means the skill can keep as counter.
7. Using item cost mp but won't end your turn, use it as your own advantage.
8. The turn end only you have no mp left or using attack or skip turn.

I honestly lazy to make walkthrough since it is not multiple playthrough fun. Just get a gallery save or unlock gallery in game by talk to the inspector near the entrance if the gameplay is not suit to you.

Correct me if needed, I'm not english native speaker so I might describe wrongly.
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Jul 31, 2017
Is the pregnancy ending only or during the story?
Nah there is no pregnant content, cross section creampie yes but some only. (Pregnancy content I could be missed it, but I really don't see any story/h scene has in it.)

I don't see an ntr tag
If we talk about prostitute, nah we can't control, it is automatically happen.
If we talk about ntr, not really, the mc has no actual lover or something to define as ntr.
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Mar 8, 2023
controller doesn't work during the capture game, i just can't get the dialogue to apppear so i have to use the keyboard instead (xbox controller btw)

Arashi Blitz

Nov 16, 2016
Alright, so... For those as confused as me as why we couldn't advance and whatnot, I've discovered how the first part of the mini game works (I think).
Whenever you're in Capture mode (where you can select topics and stuff), you actually click OUTSIDE of the text box to get the dialogue going. Once you see something in the textbox that sounds it's not supposed to go there, click INSIDE the text box to try and "Object" that statement (red text).
You basically click on the text box only if you want to object a statement, so for anything else just click outside of the box and text will go on. If you make a loop in the dialogue, you lose some HP. Think of it as if you wasted HP to read again (loop back) their statements and check again if you missed something. I think it's supposed to be a punishment for not guessing the wrong statement on your first read, but not as much HP as if you accused her of a statement and it was not correct.
If I'm wrong, just let me know. But I think this is how it works.
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