"The full game doesn’t have wordwrap. My apologies for that, but there’s no easy or simple way to do it besides opening the game, clicking until you find a line that needs wordwrapping, saving the game, closing the game, finding that line in the script, hitting the space bar a bunch of times until you’re pretty sure it’s been fixed, saving the script, closing the script, re-opening the game, loading until you’re at that line, checking to see that the wordwrapping worked properly, and moving on to the next one. Except that’s only if it worked perfectly, the much more common scenario is realize that while the first line now fits the second line now needs adjusting so you have to repeat the process but then after you wordwrap the second line it’s going off the edge of the screen so you have to cut out some dialogue in order to make the line fit, which requires you to repeat the entire process AGAIN, except this time the line is less accurate. For 14,000 lines. I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do that. If anyone wants to for me, you’re more than welcome.” - Anonymous Translator