Ren'Py - SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm [v0.41] [Shadow Portal]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Dev is dead set on keeping the worst character in the game (that shouldn't even be there in the first place) around and he exists in 70% of all chapter one scenes (despite there being no reason for him to be there, they just put a fat bald human guy in the corner for most of them).
    The zerg scenes in chapter 1 are great, unfortunately, the rest all mostly take place in chapter 2 where you get turned into a grotesque white woman with dreads and veiny skin and they introduce another woman who is just as ugly but blue and the game turns from a trainer into a boring minigame player.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.31.1

    I am here for exactly one reason: the alien sex. Ever since some old obscure game awakened my teratophilia fetish years ago, the concept of hot women + bizarre aliens/creatures does it for me. A very niche thing as I have found out, as this type of content is rarely done (especially to the degree of this game). A lot of my rating and enjoyment of this game come from that aspect.

    If you're looking for a more vanilla/standard trainer game, this is not it. The female character gets a transformation later in the game that I imagine a lot of people will either find very grotesque or very hot (I myself falling in the latter). A majority of the sex scenes are with the aliens.

    The art really is great. No scene is without it, and some are even getting animated. It's a huge draw for me. There's a pretty good variety in that one scene is usually pretty different from the next which is nice.

    So why the three stars? Two reasons, one being the Stukov problem. He's an annoying old man character that is forced upon the player and completely unavoidable. I do not want to see the scenes with him plain and simple. Problem is, he got so ingrained into the first 3rd of the game that, as per the devs, it's almost impossible to remove him at this point. I get it, but that essentially means this is an ever present barrier to the game if you're like me. To give some credit though, the devs recognized a lot of people didn't like Stukov and he has a very minimal presence later in the game.

    This is only part of a bigger problem and my other reason for the lower rating. There is almost a complete lack of player agency. You have no control. Nothing is avoidable. You are given no options for almost everything. It just kind of sucks. It's a strangely linear experience, the only thing that might differ is if you choose to see scene B before scene A.

    The dialogue is a mix between decent and passable, and truth be told I stopped paying attention to much of the story towards the end. A lot of it feels bloated as the game goes on.

    The last thing I want to mention are the minigames, once again unskippable. It's actually infuriating being locked into them in order to progress or see scenes. I want the option to not do them.

    TLDR - Great art and it satisfies my niche fetish pretty well, but it's held back by the lack of player agency and not having having options to avoid both scenes and minigames. In the end I found myself holding the skip button more often than not.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Game was GOD TIER in chapter 1. all of the scenes were incredibly hot. and then it kind of got ruined when majority of the scenes revolved around the guy. not that i disliked him or the scenes on their own, it just really ruined the pacing and corruption. it felt like all of the progress towards corruption got wasted on him when they could of been done in more creative ways

    once you get passed all of that, the game starts to move on from a corruption trainer game. seems a lot more story focused and the dialogue ramps up. the scenes arent as hot anymore bc the mc is so corrupted. i dont even really want to finish the game at this point

    it went from a game i was incredibly excited to play whenever i got the chance to something I'm kind of dreading to finish :/
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    If you are a fan of Strcraft 1 and 2. And you want to find out what happened to Sara Kerigan after she was left by Arcturus Mengsk on Tarsonis to the zerg, of course with a pinch of salt, then I invite you.

    The game consists of three chapters

    Ch1- Confinement boring endless grind - a slave training simulator who tries to fight his fate but his fate is sealed in advance. He is slowly becoming sexually depraved and there is nothing shee can do about it because he has no choice.

    Ch2- Evolution of grind me

    Ch3- Command

    graphics 10/10



    Something's playing there

    Dialogues 5+/10

    quite humorous

    Characters 5/10 quite humorous. Later in the game, our main character has his alter ego, reminiscent of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    Game selection 2/10

    almost none. Not everyone likes futa unfortunately it's forced you can't skip it. Dev did not give the option to skip.Practically most of the scenes are forced, nothing you can do

    Sex scenes 5/10 lots of humor

    Game mechanics 3/10

    To see something new in the game, we repeat the same actions endlessly when we first discover a new scene at the beginning, it's interesting. But then we click skip because how many times you can watch the same scene endlessly is terribly boring. And we wait until we see the desired inscription in the game "NEW DIALOG" on some character. A quest log would be nice.

    Great mini-games 3+/10,
    it's a pity that so little, especially in the tasks from the leaders

    In conclusion, if you are a fan of Starcraft 1. and 2, you appreciate humor and do not mind the game's flaws, then I can recommend this game to you.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty good Starcraft game is you like slave trainers.

    The art is cartoonish in style but above average. The sex scenes are steamy. The plot/progression are full of fun Starcraft references. It's a slave trainer game, which means it has many limitations on the story it can tell, but it operates well within those confines. Overall, it's an excellent love letter to Starcraft. Still, there are areas I wish played out slightly different.

    It can get a bit slow at times. It does this in the story with exposition dumps and it does this in its corruption progression. Many of the corruption events are babysteps more risque than the previous one and are gated behind mandatory waiting periods. For example, you have 4 levels of "feeding" events that you have to progress through before you can even unlock the next branching path, but each feeding event has a mandatory delay of two rest cycles and each scene takes 1-2 minutes to read through with no real significant progression.

    And damn I wish they'd chosen a better male dom for Kerrigan. I think I would've rather seen a hydralisk seduce Kerrigan with nothing but grunts than have to watch this ugly space admiral with a shitty personality.

    It's a slow burn, but it's a great game for anyone who likes Starcraft and slave trainers--especially if you're a fan of the "ugly gross guy coerces the supermodel" hentai trope. If you don't already like slave trainers, you probably won't find love for them in this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A simple gameplay that allows you to spectate the corruption of the mind of our female protagonist. Point and click loop with changing results and increasing extremes of sexual acts. I haven't finished episode 1 yet, so I can't say that 'loop' is the theme in this game.
    Art is excellent
    Story is excellent. From what I can tell, it is a linear progression process.
    Appeal to moral degradation and other fetish excellent
    Gameplay is very good if you have the patience
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.30.1

    There are plenty of slave training games on this website, but game where you are the slave being trained, well now that is exceptionally rare. This reverse slave trainer game managed to pull off the concept relatively well.
    The art is made with love, the characters and their interactions are entertaining and the sexual scenes are great.
    Yet the only reason im not giving this game 5/5 is the gameplay. There is no gameplay, just point and clicking. But if that was not bad enough, its the type ero game where you only can count clicking the screen as gameplay AND need to heavily grind. The grind is entirely pointless in this type of game.

    Despite the shit "gameplay", this game is amazing.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer, I haven't finished the game yet, but I'm a few hours in so I have a pretty good idea of how it works. Has a high potential imo but was disappointing nonetheless.

    Art: 9/10
    looks kinda gross but that's pretty lore-friendly, really high quality overall, even the UI elements have art, even a few animations

    Music: 7/10
    Nothing crazy but it creates a nice atmosphere.

    Story: 8/10
    Pretty generic Sci+fi story, not going to spoil anything but it's solid overall, no typos or anything like that as far as I'm aware.

    Gameplay: 3/10
    Kinda ruins everything, it's super grindy and boring because even with the skip function you still have to go through every single "event" to unlock the rest of the content even if you don't like the events, and it gets absolutely horrendous when you get to the "masturbation week" thing because you're just forced to sit there and click sleep-eat-skip scene-train-repeat for like 30 minutes for no reason, just remove that from the game ffs.

    Conclusion: I'm going to finish the game anyway because of sunk cost fallacy but if you were interested in the game honestly I'd recommend you don't play it and just look through the gallery, you'll see a lot of the good stuff without wasting your time.

    Edit: I got to "part 2" or whatever it's called and it actually gets a lot better, less grindy and the art is really gorgeous, some of the best I've ever seen in a game. But I don't think I'll be changing my rating, I'm still mad about the beginning part. Really unfortunate to hide good content underneath a pile of repetitive grindy garbage.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Lots of grinding. Many hours sunk into just doing the same thing over and over.
    That's fairly common though.
    The main reason I'm giving this such a mediocre rating is because of the mandatory content I'm not interested in, that is implied is not mandatory.

    Stukov goes on about how you don't have to do anything sexual with him if you don't want to. How he doesn't want to rape you, he wants you to enjoy it. But you do. You do have to do stuff with him. And part of the reason I sunk so many hours into this game is because I was trying to find a way to progress but couldn't figure it out. If you don't do ALL the GROSS DIRTY OLD MAN shit with Stukov, you can't progress. I was stuck forever, not realizing that the whole "you don't have to do stuff with Stukov" thing the game hammers in at the beginning was entirely a lie. I dunno if that's changed since. It's been updated since then. But this might be a 3 or 4 star review if not for those lies.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    very unintuitive sandbox grindfest.
    while the corruption is intruiging and the scenes keep you invested in playing further, you seem to always hit a dead end whereas it seems that there is no progress available/developed.
    BUT definitely recommendable if grinding "boring stuff" doesn't bother you.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Lord of Hentaiz

    Decent Art
    Decent Concept ( Sarah + Zergs + Multiple choices ? much yes ! )

    - Really Questionable Delivery ( Lack of choice predominantly )

    I sometimes swear that Stukov is the main protagonist of this adventure. The player cannot skip his content, it must be done to progress. You cannot truly defy him short of one 'bad' ending where you bite his dick off at which point his content is like 90% of ch1+2.

    Stukov is so obnoxious that he should have a skip toggle. I genuinely think the game would be better for it despite how little content would be left of ch1+2.

    Now onto the other issue. Sarah has her own kinks and desires so don't expect a chance to shape her in any meaningful way. You are just a viewer watching one slide after the next. You will not get to chose your kinks, they are chosen for you.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Great polish, art, and dialogue.

    However, I came for Zerg x Kerrigan corruption, and was mostly disappointed.

    Instead, most of the content is Stukov X Kerrigan, which wasn't what I was hoping for.

    I can respect a slow burn corruption, but I felt pretty teased by the end with the lack of true Zerg content.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately, not what I expected from it, but a good game nonetheless

    + Great art
    + Animations are a bit simple, but make all the difference
    + Gets into the porn pretty fast
    + Has a gallery

    ~ Corruption is a bit of a slow burn, so that might be a nuisance for some
    ~ Music is alright, but I missed sound effects the most

    - Scenes have way too much text between each step (as in a lot of text before the scene makes the next significant change)
    - Other interactions also go very heavy on the text
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't even know this game before yesterday and I need to say that it's a nice find. Excellent and exciting game, with nice ideas and good animations. I hope new contents will be up very soon. Keep going like that
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    First things first:

    This game features some nice artwork and some well throught-through situations.. For a porn-game, that is. I like that the MC doesn't get corrupted straight away but has to undergow some corruption.

    And here is the first problem.
    Most of the content is pure grind. Repeat stuff over and over and over again to advance a single, tiny stage. That's boring. Next problem, there is basically no Zerg content. 9 out of 10 scenes are with Stukov. Why bothering making a Starcraft game centering around the heroine being captured by aliens.. When basically all of your content is malexfemale? And not even good content, at that, it's just Stukov being an asshole, teasing and annoying you. No penetration.. At all... There are some Zergmistress and zerg scenes but they are short and very rare. And to top it off, none of your choices matter. Like no difference at all. This is something i really came to hate after games like cp2077 that try and hook you with "choices matter" just for the sake of getting you to buy it.

    Overall, i can't recommend this, it's just a boring malexfemale grind with the alien 'touch' to it.

    I would have given the game a 2 star rating, but the lack of actual choices and the grind really put me off.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    So like, the tags and art are decent, but your choices do not matter at all. It is a perfectly linear virtual novel with little to no choices if you want to progress. You have stats that you can grind, but they don't mean anything and don't affect anything. I think they need to add virtual novel to the tags because that's what this is. It sucks because their are paths that you could have taken to make it more realistic, but sadly the author didn't do any of them.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    There are not many 18+ game in Starcraft universe. And this one is quite interesting. The developers do not forget about the game and are constantly working on it. I hope there will be more cruelty in the future.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has too many under developed paths. Many paths have only 1 or 2 sex scenes in them.

    For the most part this is utterly grotesque and gross rather than sexy. The art makes the zerg even more gross then they were in canon starcraft. There are moment of sex appeal but they are buried deep.

    The most developed path is a reverse trainer. It is like a normal trainer game only you play as the girl being trained, while the Trainer role is handled by an NPC, namely Alexei Stukov.

    Grindy and too much pointless verbiage during the sex scenes. (I normally like it when they talk more but even I have a limit and this game exceeds it)
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4447828

    This is one of good examples showing that making a sandbox game with unnecessary grinding ruined a beautiful art and possibly stories of the game.

    I admit I wouldn't have touched this game if the 2D arts hadn't looked excellent. But having to click same things 1,000 times made me regret the decision. Those clicking obligations kept breaking my immersion into the story. At the end, I was not sure if the story itself was good or bad because I lost my interest at that point. But I felt its story of an imprisoned girl was inconsistent - possible reason for dev to make this sandbox. Bugs were everywhere in the game, even at the end.

    It's just surprising to me that dev with sound experience and support created a game with this kind of quality.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 great game
    i remember when the game was first made and now it have gone a long way even though it is slow to update some time but it art quality out weight the down side
    the game play is good and using renpy engine is a great way to tell the story it is simple and easy to use for both pc and iphone user so that is a plus
    i know that many people complain about the mini game and i can see the down side but i think it as a small part of the play and to make the game play less dull but it is a porn game so i don't know how to see into this
    if anyone have never played this game before you should give it a try