Ren'Py - SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm [v0.41] [Shadow Portal]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4447828

    This is one of good examples showing that making a sandbox game with unnecessary grinding ruined a beautiful art and possibly stories of the game.

    I admit I wouldn't have touched this game if the 2D arts hadn't looked excellent. But having to click same things 1,000 times made me regret the decision. Those clicking obligations kept breaking my immersion into the story. At the end, I was not sure if the story itself was good or bad because I lost my interest at that point. But I felt its story of an imprisoned girl was inconsistent - possible reason for dev to make this sandbox. Bugs were everywhere in the game, even at the end.

    It's just surprising to me that dev with sound experience and support created a game with this kind of quality.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 great game
    i remember when the game was first made and now it have gone a long way even though it is slow to update some time but it art quality out weight the down side
    the game play is good and using renpy engine is a great way to tell the story it is simple and easy to use for both pc and iphone user so that is a plus
    i know that many people complain about the mini game and i can see the down side but i think it as a small part of the play and to make the game play less dull but it is a porn game so i don't know how to see into this
    if anyone have never played this game before you should give it a try
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I fell in love with this game back in 2018. Since then, not a little time has passed, but the game is still not abandoned and the developers are loyal fans. The game is not without problems, but unfortunately there are no perfect games. In fact, I'm ready to forgive the long wait for patches, because this game really surprises me: with each patch more and more interesting. I really like chapter two, the third is also okay, but I like more traditional sex, I have some disgust for the Zerg, sorry.

    Really like the art and dialogues, very refreshing. I like Saimon and Lizzara, they have an unusual setting and that makes it more interesting to watch the story. I must admit that in the last patch (0.25) there was a boring minigame, but Shadow Portal has already responded and know about it - I can not help but praise, I like this attitude towards the fans. The game is good as it is, in some places it sags, but still I think: if the developers are warm to the advice of their players, listen to them and change the game for the better, not just to make money, such a project is worth its attention.

    Slutcraft still needs to work and work, but it's even more interesting. It's tempting to watch a game that grows before your eyes and you experience all the events along with it, find yourself in the circle of fans and waiting for the scenes that glimpses of the raboaters showed. It's an unusual game, but it's worth trying to play, I'm not the only one who is enticed by this game as much. I recommend at least giving it a try.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    V 0.25
    There is more than10 hours worth of sexy content
    Lots of hot scenes, the story by itself is also interesting, not generic at all,
    some of the game mechanics could be frustrating but I still find the quality of the overall game to be great
  5. 2.00 star(s)



    Good game that turns into a disappointment.

    Why add the obnoxious mini-games without an option to skip them?
    Whose idea of 'fun' consist of navigating a maze while being almost blind?
    Why make the half-man's quests a necessity?
    Why force to farm all of the corruption options, instead of escalating routes?
    Bonus about routes: they don't matter, at all all content paths end up the same and for the allegiances only Zergs have content.

    In Short: Unnecessary (and way too long) mini-games, the grind, player option removal (you need every option to progress) and the hellish development cycle turned this from 'eagerly waiting' to 'ruined potential' for me.

    Shame, since the art's good
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This Game (now in v0.25) is very frustrating to follow (in its development that is). Very often, maybe always, the updates break save states. Loading a saved game from an earlier version may work, but usually doesn't. My impression is that work on the game happens in sweeps through all of it, not in chronological order (so next patch may re-write -say- the mid-section, or the beginning of the game).

    You usually won't find out that your loaded game is broken until you cannot progress suddenly, even though you didn't reach the end of content yet. You get a warning about that, but what are you supposed to do, always start a new game with every patch? That's .....quite a pain.... sorry.

    Because I have replayed it at least a few times, I get bored with the text very easily and try to skip through dialogue as much as possible, missing details about my tasks (that I should remember, but don't), and thus I keep getting stuck for a bit.

    There is no Quest tracker really, except for the tree of scenes you have unlocked, and it's not useful enough (but better than nothing).

    The dialogue is sometimes buggy and will often mislead you about what to do next.

    The art is really good, I find and holds up throughout the game.

    I wish Stukov was even half as charismatic as he is in the real starcraft (he is a bit buffoonish in this game). And his main dialogue drawing is not great, let's say.

    The Zerg porn on the other hand is actually pretty good. I was pleasantly surprised by that. They don't look very appealing in the original games. Well done. Didn't know I wanted to see that.

    The game-play mechanics are (for the most part) annoying mini-games. There are hints of exploration (where you may think that you'll get to wander around and visit different locations) and also hints of upgrading things and resource management, but those are pretty much fake-outs and you have an extremely linear plot-path where choices are meaningless. You probably won't quite understand the mini-games if your experience turns out similar to mine, you will wonder how to progress and try clicking random things and re-read the same dialogues many times, you may be playing broken save-states and you will be re-playing the same stuff a lot if you want to support this game. (I have been a patron for a short while, because I find this game quite unique, it's ambitious and may very well turn out well in the end.)

    There is a big event in there, where that game changes quite a bit, from there on the mini-games are torture (they are not hard, just drain your will to care about any of this). I still have no idea what the drone-essence mini game is and what the bar means. There is also a maze mini-game from the realm of nightmares where you are chased (by the scary thing), try to run, and your body won't move. Ever wanted that as a game? Now you have it, but less scary and more not-movingly.

    I want this to succeed, but it's too frustrating to play right now.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game so far! Very interesting premise with lots of good scenes and artwork. Big fan. Hopefully it'll continue to be just as good! Developers seem to know what they're doing and the functionality/UI is solid as well.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    From the plot to the pace to content this is just perfect. The active play enhances the experience and doesn't get tedious. The appearance is great and there is enough of a variety in pictures. Even those that only go for the most realistic 3d stuff would appreciate this. Five stars!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great original game in the Starcraft universe. One of the best corruption games out there with very gradual corruption and a decent story to back it up. Art is also of high quality. Serves to a wide range of fetishes mainly found in hentai but with a refreshing western story and art style.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the game i wanted for a long time, a corruption arc with kerrigan. For a 0.22 release theres a lot of excellent CG already, and its well paced. I had a few issues figuring out how to progress during certain points, because theres currently no quest log, and the person you talk to about the quest doesn't elaborate on what they want you to do, if you missed initially. I'm really looking forward to updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this project is currently the best example of Starcraft porn. It uses some aspects of the universe for porn and takes place at a very intriguing time, regarding lore. The slow progression from human contact and simple common fetishes to more and more lecherous sex with zerg means it doesn't get stale. The porn itself is of the highest level, maybe except for a couple of scenes. The jokes littered through the script also keep the atmosphere from becoming too gloomy and are sometimes very funny. It's also nice to see how much work goes into the impressive artworks that are not pornography, especially the whole sequence with the Chrysalis. Finally, what I love most about this game is how deep it is willing to dive into the exact aspect of sex with the zerg, rather than how many people try to replace it with tentacles. The game also has great potential to actually create an interesting gameplay based on Sarah's mutations.

    Of course, the best doesn't mean the perfect one. It has problems with the lore that are impossible to fix since that would ruin the whole concept of the game. For example, Stukov shouldn't be there at all. On the other hand, it opens up a huge space for new developments in the story, and it's gotten better lately. Going on about the negative parts, some segments of the grind are just crazy. Two weeks of masturbation without any other activities? I really hope that doesn't happen again. And the last thing is that I as a person who read books about Sarah Kerrigan can't help but notice that she does not exactly match what she is in the games, falling into the trap of a template girl for porn games of this type. These are probably all my complaints that I think are fixable.

    Also if the developer hears me, where are the inflation scenes? The game text says that Sarah's stomach is inflating, but the picture doesn't change in the slightest. Also, I would say that the abundance of abrupt stops and placeholders is very disappointing. Why are there so many seemingly abandoned routes/scenes?

    4.5\5 But I put five in the hope that all my complaints will be corrected.
  12. T
    5.00 star(s)


    I love this Game. The 2D art-style is amazing and all scenes are fucking hot. The game-play is a bit repetitive, but the scenes are absolutely worth it.
    Some of you might be more into vanilla, but I really enjoy the variety of genres (from bestiality to tentacles).
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Using the Starcraft Lore, this game has a lot of potential. It's so sad that the developers focus so much on Stukov (Russian bearded jerk). Stukov's personality is not even like that in the original game! I find the forced kissing scenes with Stukov especially horrendous.

    Fortunately, the game seems to be steering away from Stukov with each update. Speaking of updates, God they are slow to come!

    So yes, the recent updates introduce some welcome lewd scenes with Zerg creatures. Seriously this what I expect from a lewd Stracraft game, not endless talks with annoying jerk. Although I'm quite into tentacles/bugs sex, I wasn't turned on by the first two scenes with Abathur (really weird), but the third scene is great. More like this please.

    All things considered the game is pretty good, especially the arts and Ah I forgot to mention: the game is grindy.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome Update!!
    The artwork is improving after every update .
    They're introducing more characters from the Starcraft Universe in Very hot situations while keep within the lore. The story provides nice build and a Leveling system with multiply endings and alternative scenes .

    I would Recommend update some of the older character art models like the Terran/Human Sarah to be more expressive with posing and facial reactions during dialogs. Sarah would also look more sexy and in line with any of the newer characters added. Cant wait to see Where the ShadowPortal next us next!
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 462235

    As a StarCraft professional, I was excited at the possibility of nutting to my favorite lore.

    However, juvenile dialogue and incongruent world building completely broke immersion. My linked comment below explains my position further.

    Nonetheless, I will give two stars for representation of SC and art.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice artwork and storyline , updates monthly but a bit slow and scarce in new scenes ,dev should increase amount of new scenes baked instead of fallowing same route as most games - releasing 2-3 events per month with 2-3cgi each if he wants to boost up patreon counts
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, scenes are hot and the corruption gameplay is exactly what I came for. I especially love the facial animations In terms of art, It is very stylized, but honestly it does great in capturing someone slowly succumbing to pleasure.

    In terms of gameplay, there's not much behind it, mostly point and click, and the storyline is rather straightforward. I'm not looking for an intense or hard gameplay for these kind of things, so I quite liked that. Basically a visual novel with extra steps.

    My one critique with this game is that some features seem like the game could do without. There is this one maze section where you have to choose left or right continuously for many rooms, so you basically had to systematically check them all out. That was kinda meh, just took time on my part.

    But overall, I would say its a must play for ppl that like corruption topics.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Great art and somewhat funny dialogues, that's all for the good points.

    This game is nothing more than a money milking machine, 6 people working on it for over a year and you can count the actual sex scenes on a leprous hands fingers.

    I'll check it again in 2030 if they didn't split with the usual team drama stuff or nobody ddos'd patreon to death before that
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most enjoyable games in this genre. I like the drawing and the development of the plot. And it’s a pity that the content is still so little. Of course, I would like more freedom and plot progress options, but now the beginnings of development in this direction are noticeable, so I hope that the game will have a bright future if it is not abandoned
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    1) Sarah Kerrigan.
    2) Starcraft background.
    3) Zerg art (see also 3 in CONS)
    1) Bearded(!) Russian(read: "war criminal") Human(!!!) with infested hand as psy-Slave Trainer. Inside Zerg Brood? No kidding?
    2) Slow pace of the game.
    3) Only a bit of CGs+events for a year+ of development. (Money milking?)
    4) No replayability at all.
    5) No win scenario.
    The game was almost promising at its start (except for the Russian Bearded man making me a bit suspicious of the future of this game).
    It could have options to focus sex on specific Zerg kinds.
    It could have options to develop Sarah into a psy-focused or warrior-focused Brood member, or into an uber-mix of both.
    It could have options to mutate Sarah in different ways.
    It could have options to capture Raynor or Mengsk, or just other Ghosts/Spectres.
    It could have options to communicate with other Zerg slaves, including some protoss.
    It could have options to destroy/control the brain parasite by own will.
    It could have a valid escape scenario at the very least.
    It could even have an option to infiltrate and destroy the Brood, or maybe control the Overmind.
    It could…
    …but no.