>>Check under inventory, you will see it in the middle of the screen near the bottom under the green egg. I didnt use it although its appearance is welcome.
Just keep clicking on EVERYTHING, EVERYDAY. Thats the best "game" play tactic i have for porn games.
I love the pierced exercise training. it dead ends. theres a zerg dildo. it dead ends.
heres a dog to fuck.6 dead ends.
there has been this tentacle wall from day one. its never done anything.
events like the bath chamber, used to be more frequent, i made my choices and the event happened andpost event because there is no more content orlevel or something, it forgets the event happened, in example all but the squat training events cycle to "never happened" some people want to play events again and again, most people want to PROGRESS the GAME.
the character log for activities, some counters work some dont, by the time you put Sarah in the mutagenic egg she's had at least 30 orgasms from anal vaginal, sperm swallowed, training counter, none of these counters work.
Why is Sarah a complete slut by second abathor transformation but wont take her clothes off, or even the ability change clothes?
all constructive critiques are legitimate. and there are many many more.
the current flow of the game is ok. kinda feel the protoss stuff is DLC,compared to the foibles listed above.
Ok I’m stuck and I’ve exhausted all options I believe. Done with the zergling and being trapped in the wall. Also the pool and training keeps repeating itself and the other options show (soon) and it keeps bring up the masturbation even after I completed the first 7 days. I have V19.1 I believe as well please help
make sure you have days where you do nothing but eat workout and sleep.
do you have the feeding events maxed? wall event goes up to a full body aphro-bath and choice whipping.
the masturbation will repeat until you finish uh,,, somewhere in there that event stops repeating, youll get magazine two different times and half to masturbate for two weeks. or maybe it was a glitched 1 week. eh..
make sure you have days where you do nothing but eat workout and sleep.
do you have the feeding events maxed? wall event goes up to a full body aphro-bath and choice whipping.
the masturbation will repeat until you finish uh,,, somewhere in there that event stops repeating, youll get magazine two different times and half to masturbate for two weeks. or maybe it was a glitched 1 week. eh..
This game makes me feel a little icky.
Or possibly sticky, idk. Anyway, it's an interesting game. Just started to play it the other day. Ran into a few issues but nothing major yet. Still can't shake the feeling that the game gives you only an illusion of choice despite despite reaching the point where you're presented with two possible "mutual" routes. Regardless, I'm enjoying the ride so far!
Ran into a couple places where the text wasn't translated while playing in the English mode. Usually I'm able to get an image-to-text converter to fire off without issue, but I just ran into this one where the text converters just gave up. Could some kind soul translate this? It's not a big deal, but I was curious what it said.
This game makes me feel a little icky.
Or possibly sticky, idk. Anyway, it's an interesting game. Just started to play it the other day. Ran into a few issues but nothing major yet. Still can't shake the feeling that the game gives you only an illusion of choice despite despite reaching the point where you're presented with two possible "mutual" routes. Regardless, I'm enjoying the ride so far!
Ran into a couple places where the text wasn't translated while playing in the English mode. Usually I'm able to get an image-to-text converter to fire off without issue, but I just ran into this one where the text converters just gave up. Could some kind soul translate this? It's not a big deal, but I was curious what it said.
I have completed all training, the kissing one just repeats as does the masturbation one. She has been whipped in the wall the pool leaches have had fun and the Zergling has been handled what is left to do after these? Also the feeding tube was modified earlier in the game, I’m stuck and I’ve trained naked and regular over 80 times. WTF am I missing lol
I have completed all training, the kissing one just repeats as does the masturbation one. She has been whipped in the wall the pool leaches have had fun and the Zergling has been handled what is left to do after these? Also the feeding tube was modified earlier in the game, I’m stuck and I’ve trained naked and regular over 80 times. WTF am I missing lol
try d/ling the v0.20, idk when the v.19 content ends, but v.20 added ending content and a quest tracker, so you'd at least know if you hit a softlock bug (which is a possibility, but it sounds like you're past the 2 that I know about so can't be more specifically helpful) or do like me and wait for the v.20.1 hotfix that was supposed to come out yesterday that promises to fix the softlocks.
I seem to be stuck after getting the little zergling pet. I've tried both from a new game as well as the skip to the 0.13 stuff, but as soon as it shows up, the game tells me that I'm not high enough level and it is stuck on a black screen. I can still click around on stuff to interact with things if I can find them, like feeding tube and what not, but it seems that I'm failing to sleep and so I can't do anything.
I like that there's a new quest tracker and everything, but it does seem like the changes have introduced a few bugs that I'm hoping will get sorted out in the next update...
It seems like Sarah Kerrigan was a loyal member of Sons of Korhal and obeyed Arcturus Mengsk's orders to every syllable just yesterday. But who would've thought that Mengsk didn't forgive Sarah for killing his father.
Because of his plots and betrayal, a secret operation on Tarsonis, the capital of the Confederation, turned into a bloodbath and a 'captive' status for Sarah herself, but as she found out later, it was just another hard way to promising new opportunities. Opportunities to become stronger. To get revenge. To get some pleasure...
This is a story about Sarah Kerrigan's path from a loyal soldier to a powerful (and sexy) Queen of Blades.
yea, the saimon route is always a softlock rn, that and getting stuck on a black screen with the zergling are the two main ones that the hotfix is supposed to fix.
YuriiH FYI Alexi Stukov is a Terran who was infested by the Zerg and eventually works with Kerrigan in the actual videogame. The way he's used in this parody is still nonsense, but I thought you should be aware that his existence was not a random decision by the developer.