
Aug 26, 2019


Good afternoon, patrons. There is a new addition to the Shadow Portal Team - an editor, who from now on will be increasing our activity on patreon. We can promise you more posts, more news, more about the development process and we hope to stay in closer contact with you from now on.
But we aren't empty-handed anyway, we have something to tell and even show you. Let's start... with this.
*takes out news file #348*
The main topic of this post was the fact that the new update, as you already know, will include the gallery system rework.
Currently, the team is mainly focused on transitioning to the new system and checking each scene in the game for compatibility with it.
The new gallery system is actually almost ready but it only represents a part of the content we plan to add in this update, so development is in full swing.
By the way, you might remember that our $50 tier patrons are supposed to get a bunch of HD art from our game. Well, we finally made it happen and will share the art with all of those who've been waiting for it. Also, we're going to rework out Patreon tiers, make more of them and make them better. We already have some changes we'd like to talk about it, but that's a whole different post. But for now, this is it.
We are deeply thankful to those patrons who stay with us and support us to this day.
Jul 21, 2019
I hope Shadow Portal gives us news every week on their patreon page.

Because successful developers do that.(I don't want to tell names, but some successful XXX games always have weekly news every week.)

Sgt. M

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
Will the new update be this month and will it finally have new content for the pet zergling?
Jul 21, 2019
Fortunately their new editor can make this waiting time much less boring.(Since if he does his job correctly then there should be weekly updates on the patreon page.)


Aug 26, 2019

Hello, Shadow Portal Team here and the topic of our discussion will be Patreon. During the two years of our game's development we've updated the system of reward tiers many times, but the last big change was a long time ago, which we are about to fix now. In this case, we decided to take the existing system as a basis and only smooth out its corners, giving our patrons additional choices on how to support us, now everyone will find something to their liking, as well as new rewards that will not leave you indifferent. Introducing the new reward tiers!

This post includes:

  • New polling system — how the new polling system is going to work and how it will influence our interactions with patrons.
  • New update release rules - from now on, there will be less of a gap in release times for all the reward tiers.
  • Three new tiers: Drone, Cerebrate, Xel'naga - these are to help you find a reward tier that best suits you.
  • Updates to old tiers - goes hand in hand with the previous point.
Now, we'll talk in depth about each of the changes. Let's start with the most interesting.

As you all know, we currently have 5 reward tiers - from the Zergling to the Overmind. They have different bonuses and rewards, but they are all equal in the polls we sometimes conduct. In the new system each role will have a different vote weight, you can find out the details in the list below.

About the new update release rules.

As of right now, all Ghost-tier patrons get access to a new update two weeks before public release, Hydralisk-tier patrons a week before public release, and Zergling-tier patrons only a day before public release. That is about to change. In brief, all of our patrons will get access to the game earlier than they used to. Details are in the list below.

And lastly: three new tiers. The Drone tier will replace the current Zergling tier and will serve as the basic tier for anyone who supports us, Cerebrate will fit between Abathur and Overmind, and Xel'naga is going to be the ultimate tier, patrons of this tier able to gather the power of the Void itself (Note: does not actually give you the ability to gather the power of the Void), overtaking Overmind. And now, here's the list.

Additional New Tier*
$1 Tier Drone

  • Access to Patreon content
  • Unique Discord role (Drone)
From now on, Drone is the initial tier. You can access the active feed on our Patreon, and on our Discord server you will be given the corresponding unique role. This level of support means that you want to help our project and contribute a part of yourself to it. Thank you!

$3 Tier Zergling

  • Unique Discord Role (Zergling)
  • Content polls access, your vote counts as 1 vote
  • Latest update available one week before public release
The Zergling has grown up and matured! The changes mean that patrons of this tier will be getting updates much earlier than they are used to. Also includes all of the Drone-tier rewards.

$5 Tier Hydralisk

  • Unique Discord role (Hydralisk)
  • Latest update available 3 days after initial release
  • All (Zergling) Rewards
Previously Hydralisks used to get access to a new update a week before public release, now they'll be getting it just three days after it is finished. Also includes all of the Drone-tier and Zergling-tier rewards and a unique Hydralisk role in our Discord server!

$10 Tier Ghost

  • Immediate access to an update
  • Unique Discord role (Ghost)
  • Exclusive Patreon teasers (WIP art)
  • Access to content polls, your vote counts as 2 votes
  • All (Hydralisk) Rewards
  • All (Zergling) Rewards
This is the first tier with increased vote weight in polls on Patreon, and you also get access to new updates as soon as they are finished! Furthermore, Ghosts get access to WIP artworks for WIP scenes, allowing you to get glimpses of what future updates may bring. Of course, you also get all of the rewards of the previous tiers and an exclusive Ghost role in our Discord.

$20 tier Abathur

  • Unique Discord role (Abathur)
  • Name in credits (message us if want to remain anonymous)
  • Access to content polls, your vote counts as 3 votes
  • All (Ghost) Rewards
  • All (Hydralisk) Rewards
  • All (Zergling) Rewards
While thinking about the changes, we decided to modify our credits policy. From now on, all patrons of the Abathur tier and above will be included in the game credits forever (if you don't want your name to be added to the credits, message us). This role also has an even higher vote weight in polls, which we are planning to conduct more often. Of course, you also get all of the rewards of the previous tiers and an exclusive Abathur role in our Discord.

Additional New Tier*
$30 tier Cerebrate

  • Access to Early Beta testing channel via Discord
  • Unique discord role (Cerebrate)
  • All (Abathur) Rewards
  • All (Ghost) Rewards
  • All (Hydralisk) Rewards
  • All (Zergling) Rewards
Another new tier which grants you access to a hidden Discord channel where beta versions of new updates are published, allowing you to experience updates before they are even finished, and optionally help us find and fix bugs typos and other mistakes made during development.

$50 Tier Overmind

  • Exclusive access to the Early Beta testing channel via Discord.
  • Receive an archive of full size HD art used in our games.
  • Unique Discord role (Overmind)
  • All (Cerebrate) Rewards
  • All (Abathur) Rewards
  • All (Ghost) Rewards
  • All (Hydralisk) Rewards
  • All (Zergling) Rewards
Patrons of this tier and above get access to a Patreon post with a special archive attached, it contains all of the artwork used in the game in the best possible quality. You will have access to each and every scene in the game as uncompressed PNG images, at the resolutions the artists drew them at. That means you'll have the ability to inspect basically every millimeter of Sarah's body to catch every miniscule detail. What else is needed for happiness? You also get all of the rewards of previous tiers, a unique role and our endless gratitude.

Additional New Tier*
$100 Xel’naga

  • Exclusive Discord Channel where your feedback & suggestions will have more priority over any other messages to help with Slutcraft development.
  • A personal thanks from Shadow Portal via message.
  • All (Overmind) Rewards
  • All (Cerebrate) Rewards
  • All (Abathur) Rewards
  • All (Ghost) Rewards
  • All (Hydralisk) Rewards
  • All (Zergling) Rewards
The last and ultimate tier. As is noted above, you'll get a personal message of gratitude from us if you decide to support us at this tier. Also, you'll get access to a hidden Ulnar Discord channel on our server, named after the ship-homeworld of the Xel'naga, where your suggestions and ideas have the weights of supermassive blackholes if you get what I mean.

Well, hopefully you didn't get too bored reading this. The list is neither short nor small, but we tried to make everything as clear as possible and we think we've done an adequate job. Do you? Please comment, we'll be glad to respond. And we'll be even more glad if you liked the changes described above.

Thank you for reading and thank you for your support.

Shadow Portal Team.

We haven't forgot about update 22, don't worry, news about it are coming soon.


Jul 8, 2017
How am i supposed to do

  • Scene: Sport is life level 5
  • Scene: Tentacles levels 0-1
If im in a new chapter with new locations?
3.70 star(s) 83 Votes