
Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
Back to the game:

In some instances I would have wished it was more clear whether I have reached "end of current content".

For instance, when you get frisky at the park, you can meet up with a naked woman riding her "pony" (looks like a full-blown horse to me). This obviously leads to shenanigans... but the only way to realize there isn't more content to be had is to follow this path repeatedly until you give up hoping for new and varied scenes. Especially since the last (latest?) scene doesn't feature full penetration.

Same with the spa and breast augmentation. You can go back - but does that even do anything? I don't even know if going back is a requirement to maintain the bigger breasts. Anyway, if the receptionist simply told you "no point in repeating the procedure" when the size increase is at maximum, that'd be appreciated.

The bit about exposing yourself to some neighbor. Does this even lead anywhere? You can exit your shower naked and turn on the lights... but what do you do to progress this story (if it is even possible)? Please note: I'm not asking for an answer here on the forums. I am asking for more clear information in the game. If the story-line ends, say so! (Simple suggestion: have an ambulance carry someone out of the apartment you were peeked from. This provides an actual clue you have reached the end. If you don't want to simply say "for more, wait for update" of course) If it doesn't end where I lost the thread, add more text to clue in the reader on how to progress.

Same with certain random interactions. Once you've met the Karen and the grumpy cop that lets you go... those encounters just become clicking chores.

The best way to solve this is not to change or shorten the scenes, but to add even a small (20%?) chance of something unexpected happening. Here are a few random thoughts:


The cop could decide to not let you go but instead force himself upon you (probably gated by 20+ Lewdness for this to not be abrupt - you want our girl to have experienced enough free sex for this to not come across as unpleasant). Do you enjoy it? Do you let it happen and move on with your life? Or do you press charges? In the latter case, this increases new random meetings with the officer, who will ask you to drop charges or he'll fuck you again. If you persist with the charges, next random time he'll bring a colleague and they'll double-team you in an effort to make you drop the charges. If you endure rough sex N times, the courts will do their job, and the rape cop will be removed from his job and from the game. Victory! (?)

The Karen: perhaps you can sometimes notice a creepy robber, and if you suggest Karen's house, you can follow the robber to Karen's home and get the satisfaction of watching her get fucked and then robbed. Each time this happens, Karen's behavior against you gets more mellow, until she finally becomes liberated from her pearl-clutching ways and starts greeting you with friendly "nice boobs" and "try losing those panties" types of greeting.

The hypno show: First off - I love the idea, and I realize this is ultimately an elaborate way of bringing you random clothing (and body grafitti). However, it does become a clickfest with no variation other than the end result. Suggestions:
* at first, make it a choice to volunteer or stick with watching the other girl and crucially: you giving suggestions is very hot. More of those please, where you end up directing the crowd to do to her what the crowd is implied doing to you ❤
* add more reaction to the end result of the scene. Sure it makes sense we don't notice body grafitti, but you could add a choice to try to wipe off cum. In some cases, the change of clothing is quite extreme and it would be hot if our girl commented on that. Maybe even have her ask the staff where her clothes went.
* add a small (20-30%?) chance of you resisting the hypno. Do you pretend it works and go along with a scene, for instance the hypnotist demonstrating that you will now suck his dick - do you do it? If you protest, the hypnotist angrily whispers to you he'll change the password if you don't play along (making you have to pay to watch future shows), and if you still resist, break down and plead to you he'll do whatever you want if you don't expose him as a fraud. If you do (and suck his dick to complete the performance) you can later blackmail him back at his office: do you want money? do you want to fuck him (hey, its a porn game)? Or do you want to be his assistant? Or do you want more say over the show, perhaps intending it to be less (or more) degrading to girls? In both these cases (assistant, change show) he'll agree but simply make sure to not fail during the show - you'll be hypnotized and cheated out of the deal. He'll tell you you did great and that the show went according to your wishes, but you'll still leave drenched in cum and graffiti as usual...
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Active Member
Sep 25, 2017

Later in the game you gain access to an apartment. I know it is hard to maintain a constant increase in lewdness, but it struck me as odd to make a big deal out of you having a bathroom with a clear view in from the outside. That's a lewdness 10 challenge, but at this stage my girl had done much worse (at lewdness 28 I think). Maybe change it so that the window is *clearly* transparent, so it is her choice to shower and expose herself and even masturbate if any crowd is gathered?

Maybe the apartment is still under development, but anyway...:

An old neighbor comes to visit. He talks about his dick but nothing comes out of it. Remember, at this stage my girl has worked as a whore and been raped by some ghetto drug dealers. Maybe have him simply fuck you believing you are his long lost wife? Do you go along so the sweet old man doesn't get upset if you tell him she must have died 50 years ago (if she had a body like yours). Maybe you become friends? Yes, he's raping you without taking no for an answer, but really his mind is foggy and he thinks you are his hot young wife, so you think he's not really a rapist - just in love...! If you say no he'll just giggle and say "you were always the naughty one" and fuck you anyways. But he will still bring you more cookies.

Rapist neighbors: Walking home at night you can get assaulted and raped by a neighbor. Do you let it pass (it's a slummy hood after all, and he's not really hurting you, and he only does it on Tuesdays and Thursdays anyway). Do you call the police (a squad car only comes by after the third time he rapes you and you do need to persist in calling them all three times - this does end the sequence)? Or do you strike up conversation, and he tells you his hobby is raping young women in the apartment block and would you like to help him out? (You could offer to ring the door bell and when the girl sees a friendly female face she dares open, and then you and him can have some fun with the girl just to mention one idea).

The Cthulhu dream scene. Have the girl wake up covered in slime and with tentacle suckers coming out her vagina when showering. If you don't react to this and simply go about your day, fine, the dreams become more intense. If you try to do something about it, what? Do you go to the (school?) library to research some protective spell? Do you search the apartment building to find whomever is "pranking you"? If you research a spell, this means the player thinks the otherwordly powers are real - and then they are! If you search the building, the player indicates he suspects a hoaxed and then that becomes the truth instead!

Otherworldly powers: your first attempt fails miserably, the demon laughs in your face, but offers you a deal: if you accept a "gift" he'll give you enough power to resist the others from raping you. If you decline, you can try again, now the tentacle monster overpowering you and giving you a similar offer: accept a "gift" and you will be able to protect yourself from the goat man.

The gifts are things that perhaps break the clothing system but we're at the end game anyway, so: you can get a tail ending in a spades-shaped blade and/or cute small horns in your forehead (this likely won't break clothing). I would suggest your feet transforming into hoofs but this won't be visible, so... You can get elongated tentacly nipples each a foot long and an inch thick. You can get a "penis" of sorts: a blue yard-long tentacle three-inches wide that lives inside your womb but comes out to play when you are horny.
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Sep 25, 2017
Back to the spa and breast augmentation:

Of course I realize that the paper doll Foxy must remain the same image to make all the clothes fit.

Still, it's a shame we don't get bigger breasts. I mean, *really* bigger breasts.

In before the complaints: Foxy is super cute and sexy as is. I would not have wanted her to apply surgery when she was active. This is a game, and it deserves actual cup size increases if it promises breast augmentation.

So here's my solution:

Maybe leave it up to the player? :)

The spa already has some tech gizmo to provide a preview of the lip job. Why not use that to preview the bodily changes from a breast increase (or decrease, I guess)?

So what if the new paper doll's breasts become too large for some sets of clothing to become ill-fitting or even glitch out? At worst, just don't wear those clothes :) At best, you've given the modding community a new quest - "here's a wardrobe for the C-cup Foxy... here's a wardrobe for the DDD-cup Foxy" and so on :)

My point, I guess, is: as the developer - don't limit the spa breast augmentation to what you personally feel up to, when it comes to fixing the clothing!

If you just supply the images of bigger-boobed Foxy... you have provided the standardized fixed paper dolls everyone can now work with!

I'm thinking five sizes:
  1. one flatchested Foxy for those that like that. (Maybe you'll even consider giving this Foxy a schlong - the TF community is strong here on f95)
  2. This is our standard beloved Foxy with her very cute titties
  3. This is a Foxy with slightly bigger boobs - something a real woman (that isn't a porn star) could opt for.
  4. This is the Foxy with large heavy breasts (for her frame). Since this isn't real life, nobody has to worry about back pain.
  5. This is the fantasy Foxy with very large breasts. Surprisingly or even obscenely large breasts for such a slim girl, I mean.

...I am sure people can a) accept that some pieces of clothing simply no longer fits... I know I can!

...and b) this is the internet - porn almost solves itself out here! I'm sure someone will provide at least a moderately-sized number of replacement tops and dresses for at least one of these four extra paper dolls :)
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Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
Reading through some of the recent reviews:

I hope we all agree achieving the perfect pacing (demure --> slutty --> cum-bucket) is impossible. Please ignore those that give out fewer stars because of this. No two playthroughs are alike, and the sheer amount of options more than make up for the fact that you will have an encounter that feels a bit off (why be shy now, I just sucked off ten guys?) or (whoa there, I just got felt up at the bus, I'm not at the stage where I do porn!).

The other consistent criticism is something I experienced myself: the "nothing" bug. It shouldn't be hard to code the drop-down menus to ALWAYS start with "Nothing" as the first choice. Nothing shouldn't be an item of clothing; it should be the lack of choosing any clothing. Fix this, and you'll fix the bug where clicking "Nude" does make the paper doll nude, but it doesn't clear all the drop-down menus. I always try to remember manually finding and selecting "nothing" since I realize that letting the mismatch between paper doll and menus can only lead to crashes later on...
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Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
(Replying to this specific post since it's the one linked to from the first post. If you have made later comments, I'm not ignoring them, I just didn't spot them)

I deeply underestimated how complicated the logic in this game was
I think flowcharts just isn't the right approach.

It would be much more useful to simply present the game logic in a readable way (making it easy to find each day and scene).

Each and every single step of a scene isn't something you should be compelled to document. Just the branching, and perhaps the Lewdness increases.

For instance when Lenard comes to pick you up on your Day 5 date, what you - as the player - really wants to know is what variables govern each outcome (dinner, club, stay in, park). What actions do you need to take to gain the various Lewdness bonuses? This can be conveyed much more succinctly than in a bewilderingly complicated flowchart.
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Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
One more idea...:

In the late game, you move to a slummy apartment. AFAIK the landlord, this reasonably young and attractive guy, only appears during negotiations. You can pay him off using sex if you don't want to give out $400. I'm thinking, at this stage you have likely had random hookups lots of times. There needs to be more of it than him paying far more for one sexy time than anyone else. Perhaps this is still under development, perhaps I missed it, but...

What about him accepting sex for the rent or so you think.

When you get back at night to your new apartment, the fridge is stocked, and he's waiting for you in the bedroom. At this stage your only options are to get in bed with him or be kicked out of the apartment (which could be a game over event at this stage). He's good at sex, he has a large dick, and he has incredible stamina. He fucks you no less than three times that night (player's choice: cum on tits, ass, pussy each time, except each time you choose something else than pussy he asks twice before relenting). In the morning, you wake up him pounding you, and player gets a vague choice ("is there something on your mind?") - if you don't actively answer yes, he dumps his load inside your pussy w/o asking.

Then, while your showering, he makes breakfast as if he's lived here always even though it's the first morning you've been with him. (If you exit your shower naked, "oops you forgot you weren't alone", he takes that as an invitation and grabs you to straddle him for another fuck).

Then you go about your day. He will be there when you get back at night, and you realize what the true payment of not giving him $400 really is. Maybe you like it - he does prevent old men and other riff raff from entering your apartment...


Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
I think you're right, the more I've thought about it (in between embarrassment at having done No Work in ages) the more I think I was a fool, a rube, a buffoon, etc.
Well, I didn't set out to discourage... My point was that this game can well be dissected and analyzed, only that perhaps a less laborious approach would make it possible to reach the end :)

Let me see if I can't compile a list of Lewdness increases in the game. That in itself should give the reader a rough overview of what the game contains and how to gain (or avoid) Lewdness.

Then obviously more context would be welcome in those instances where the "if then else" logic is particularly involved; where it isn't obvious how to reach a certain spot.

An example:

Early in the game Ben asks you to come to school next day wearing something more daring. The key information to give a reader is that the important thing is to wear something with a higher Lewdness score than you have ever done. That is - if you play the game like many people do and always try to max out your Lewdness, you can't reach the goal of impressing Ben.

You specifically need to voluntarily keep dressing modestly so that you can still "break your record" on the day of Ben's judgement. Not taking advantage of the Lewdness increases you have already gained. If you have already maxxed out your Lewdness, there is simply no space to wear something extra daring.

This is what the game keeps track of as max_slut as opposed to the slutty (Lewdness) score itself. And it is slightly counter-intuitive, especially for a p0rn game. (I'm not sure but I think this max_slut score is latter dropped and plays no role)

My point is that even a great flowchart (this you do cover in the walkthrough since it's so early) fails to tell the player what he needs to do. Or not do. That's why I'm suggesting maybe flowcharting this game is a lot of work for not so much payout. I'm simply saying another way of presenting the game logic might be more effective in conveying the essentials - what the player actually cares about: what to do or not to do, to reach a given outcome.

If you were to give this another stab that would be excellent :)
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Mar 25, 2018
Well, I didn't set out to discourage... My point was that this game can well be dissected and analyzed, only that perhaps a less laborious approach would make it possible to reach the end :)

Let me see if I can't compile a list of Lewdness increases in the game. That in itself should give the reader a rough overview of what the game contains and how to gain (or avoid) Lewdness.

Then obviously more context would be welcome in those instances where the "if then else" logic is particularly involved; where it isn't obvious how to reach a certain spot.

An example:

Early in the game Ben asks you to come to school next day wearing something more daring. The key information to give a reader is that the important thing is to wear something with a higher Lewdness score than you have ever done. That is - if you play the game like many people do and always try to max out your Lewdness, you can't reach the goal of impressing Ben.

You specifically need to voluntarily keep dressing modestly so that you can still "break your record" on the day of Ben's judgement. Not taking advantage of the Lewdness increases you have already gained. If you have already maxxed out your Lewdness, there is simply no space to wear something extra daring.

This is what the game keeps track of as max_slut as opposed to the slutty (Lewdness) score itself. And it is slightly counter-intuitive, especially for a p0rn game. (I'm not sure but I think this max_slut score is latter dropped and plays no role)

My point is that even a great flowchart (this you do cover in the walkthrough since it's so early) fails to tell the player what he needs to do. Or not do. That's why I'm suggesting maybe flowcharting this game is a lot of work for not so much payout. I'm simply saying another way of presenting the game logic might be more effective in conveying the essentials - what the player actually cares about: what to do or not to do, to reach a given outcome.

If you were to give this another stab that would be excellent :)
Shark made a game that actually has some depth and nuance to it's systems, unlike the normal erotic game which encourages bigger number = better. Making a walkthrough for this is...difficult, to say the least. It's probably best done by paths to a desired endpoint vice trying to chart it all out in one go.

Also, Anedwcan, did you happen to write on years ago? I recall working with someone with your handle on some paths for Smutty Sex Romp years ago.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 3, 2020
This girl has the perfect body in my opinion. Give her a little freckles around the nose and cheeks, long flowing red hair, and emerald green eyes and she would be perfection to the max. I love her wardrobe and hope you can increase it with even sluttier outfits. She should be able to visit a tattoo shop. Love that she has to take her buttplug out at night so that we can see her enlarged butt hole. More molestations on the bus and train, please. Would love to see her get a pet, maybe a Great Dane, to keep her company and safe at night (wink-wink). Or the neighbor boy who doesn't look like he is 18, but is, falls for her, and she takes a liking to him, so she works to slowly corrupt him.
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Apr 15, 2019
... walkthrough ... flowchart ...
There's already a working quest system in the plotato engine, it'd elegantly act as walkthrough. I suspect it's just too time-consuming and tedious to add content and link checkpoint data.

Anyone interested can help by creating a mod script, which is also already working in plotato engine.


Feb 21, 2023
i have an idea for a potential event and it goes like:
so if you have seen modern family, in season 1 episode 15 phil and claire go for a valentine, what my idea was that maybe emily goes to a hotel and meets a guy there and then the guy tries to impress her and then she goes to the bathroom removes her dress and comes out in just a coat and then asks him to follow her to the escalator. her coat gets stuck in the escalator and then a bunch of men come and try to get the coat unstuck and see that she is nude and then they all try to get her to remove her coat as the coat isnt coming out. she finally does remove the coat and is now standing naked in front of everyone and then they all fuck her together and bukkake her and she is left alone naked covered in cum. you can also add a few leashes to make it more kinky like the guy she was with was walking her with a leash to the room.
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Feb 27, 2019
kinky! Sounds pretty good - as long as it is not just guys. It would be weird to ONLY have guys around (besides, some other women getting railed by their boyfriend/husband while they watch Claire and 'friends' would be hot).
Feb 26, 2023
(outdated comment, since I found girl life and have been using that for quite a while)

-bar day deliveries (multiple variants)
-bar night deliveries (multiple variants)

Why do you insist, oh great dev-sama, to make more missable RNG stuff?

I have a real love-hate relationship with this game. It's SO GOOD, and yet the design decisions are baffling. There's so many great scenes that are so easy to miss, so many things that rely on taking a specific path and getting the correct RNG.

This is why RPGM games are great; there's the tradition of having various sub-routes, and being able to pursue whichever ones you want. (bar1, bar2, bar3, etc. are in sequence, and unrelated to bath1, bath2, etc.)

This mixed approach to event-by-day and sandbox is infuriating. If the game weren't this amazingly fantastic I'd use a lot of mean words towards Mr. Shark.

Once again, here's hoping his next serious game will not be a convoluted mess, internally. I've looked at the game's insides and I am in no way smart enough to untangle that mess.

(also hoping that the next game won't have good content locked behind themes/tags I dislike)


Mar 22, 2018
I can not work at the Bar anymore after getting the Mesh Uniform. Is that just the end of current content on that front? Because it seems to me that i lost the relevant clothing in the event where you can get the Overalls and without a away to get it back i´m barred out of this job.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
(outdated comment, since I found girl life and have been using that for quite a while)

-bar day deliveries (multiple variants)
-bar night deliveries (multiple variants)

Why do you insist, oh great dev-sama, to make more missable RNG stuff?

I have a real love-hate relationship with this game. It's SO GOOD, and yet the design decisions are baffling. There's so many great scenes that are so easy to miss, so many things that rely on taking a specific path and getting the correct RNG.

This is why RPGM games are great; there's the tradition of having various sub-routes, and being able to pursue whichever ones you want. (bar1, bar2, bar3, etc. are in sequence, and unrelated to bath1, bath2, etc.)

This mixed approach to event-by-day and sandbox is infuriating. If the game weren't this amazingly fantastic I'd use a lot of mean words towards Mr. Shark.

Once again, here's hoping his next serious game will not be a convoluted mess, internally. I've looked at the game's insides and I am in no way smart enough to untangle that mess.

(also hoping that the next game won't have good content locked behind themes/tags I dislike)
While I agree with a lot you have said, RPGM games have their problems of their own, the biggest of which is adherence to the same tropes in most: a silly magical virgin girl getting molested during battles with cartoonish monsters, only to find out she needs better gear to suckseed; which means she needs a lot of money quick and a seedy bar just so happens to be around the corner, offering part time positions and hefty tips for extra positions. Oh, and there's a bath-house nearby, I wonder what's in there, and a friendly Mr. Hypnotist too!

Regardless of the engine used, only a handful of lewd games allow the player to play an actual game - most of them are just more or less pornographic stories utilising gaming engines, is all. This one is just a VN really, with a wardrobe and a few choices to be made (many of which are illusionary at the end of the day). The sandbox aspect is just a decoration the same way most battles are in RPGMs. No one is playing those to spam attacks on some flying dicks with batwings.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 25, 2018
I can not work at the Bar anymore after getting the Mesh Uniform. Is that just the end of current content on that front? Because it seems to me that i lost the relevant clothing in the event where you can get the Overalls and without a away to get it back i´m barred out of this job.
You can continue the bar job after day 20 (Monday after moving to new apartment) indefinitely (delivery jobs will repeat randomly, day and night have different sets). The uniform should magically reappear each time after the before-work handwash (as in "you're being washed by hand", not "you washing your hands").
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Mar 22, 2018
You can continue the bar job after day 20 (Monday after moving to new apartment) indefinitely (delivery jobs will repeat randomly, day and night have different sets). The uniform should magically reappear each time after the before-work handwash (as in "you're being washed by hand", not "you washing your hands").
Yeah, it did. Thanks for the Reply!
4.40 star(s) 71 Votes