HTML Sluttown USA: Hometown Corruption [v0.40] [AmusingOddity]

3.60 star(s) 27 Votes


Active Member
Apr 3, 2018
- Added 1 new character, Xev. She can be found by walking in the suburbs in the morning after 21 in-game days have passed.
- 12k Words for Xev
- Built the basic frame of a system for earning money with her that starts at the end of her story. Once a week if you post content with her you will gain between 1-3 followers. If you miss a week you will lose 1-2 followers. Each follower pays $3 a week. Over time I will add more content to her and add other girls that operate in the same system.
- 11k words for Romi/Elliot
- Several bug fixes (thank you to everyone that brought these to my attention).
- Fixed bad pathing for the images from the 0.7 update.
- proofread by phupdup and UnwrappedGodiva
Well, shit. I have a terrible attention span. Kinda wish he grouped all the character updates at the beginning so i wouldn't make myself look like a jackass. *slides back over to the downloads button*


Active Member
Apr 3, 2018
Also I kinda hate that we have to do Elliot's content in order to do Romi's content. that sissy stuff is not something I enjoy.
Maybe you will be able to make him a sissy then sort of cuck (he wants to fuck his mom) him by banging his mom in front of him. I want to bang him in front of his mom.
Jan 18, 2021
I just started playing 0.8 and I enjoyed the new scenes with Xev. So much fun! The pranks with the shampoo and cream caught me by surprise and I couldn't stop laughing.

I found a few typos and bugs:
  • The following image is still missing: /Images/People/Jess/Story/1/Sullen.jpg -- It appears after calling Jessica to the office, just before the sentence "Jessica has a usually sullen look on her face as she takes a seat across from you."
  • Typo with "as" in this sentence: "Once he was naked he as asked me nicely if he could see my tits ." And also an extra space before the full stop.
  • At the end of the page containing the previous sentence, there is a "\" before "Continue": "\ Continue".
  • Another image is broken: /Images/People/Joan/Story/1/Smiling.jpg but there is a file on disk called "Smileing.jpg" with an extra "e".
  • And another one: /Images/People/Joan/Story/1/Door3.jpg but that one seems to be really missing.
  • There is also /Images/Misc/Cafe.jpg that is missing, although the file is present on disk with an accent... using the wrong character encoding. I think that it would be better to rename the file and drop the accent, to avoid issues with character encodings.
  • When meeting Xev for the first time, the label for the second input box says: "What is her Surname name:"
  • After meeting her, I noticed that Xev's house disappears from the suburbs during the night and then reappears the next day. Of course it makes sense that one cannot enter the house in the middle of the night, but it should not simply disappear during the night.
  • Before trying the app on Xev for the first time, the following sentence should be "In your head" in a gray box rather than "You" in a blue box: "I guess I should just start by making her comfortable around me. This hostility isn’t going to do me any favors going forward."
  • This is also the case for the following dialogue: "OK, that’s a good start. She already knew I could tell that was bullshit though. Let's try something a little harder. Something she normally wouldn’t tell me, even after that suggestion." and another one at the end of the same page: " . . .OK, so. 1, this bitch is fucked in the head and 2, the app is (...)"
  • And a bit later in another passage, the following sentence appears as plain text but should be in a Xev speech box: "Is that all you think is sexy about me?"
  • Later, another "You" box that should be "In your head": "Did I fuck up the suggestion or is this bitch switching personality's?"
  • When Xev is playing out her second babysitter fantasy, there is a pair of sentences in plain text that should be in a Xev box: "Unfortunately, I don’t have very much money to buy you a nice gift this year. But then I remembered that you're a big boy now, so maybe there's something else I can give you?"
  • Next day, another "You" box that should be "In your head": "Jesus, just when I think I can put up with this bitch she doubles down on being an asshole."
  • Typo: "Just a sister, miss goody too shoes." should be "goody two-shoes."
  • A double typo on payday: "You can afforde to run 6 servers of the avalibale 6." should be "afford" and "available".
  • A typo when the MC builds the web site: "You spend the next hour or so following the toutorials on how to build a simple website." -> "tutorials"
  • Another typo in the foot scene with Xev: "She turns away from you again and returns her attenetion to the TV." -> "attention"
  • If I visit the hacker after I have reached the end of content with her and the I select "Have a little fun", this shows a page with a broken image: /Images/People/Xev/Level/Hack3.3.jpg -- note that the path contains "Xev" instead of "Hack".
  • Also, the "Leave" option appears twice when visiting her:
    • Use App on her→
    • Have a little fun
    • Leave
    • Give her 700 to build another server
    • Leave
  • One of the random videos for the dreams is missing: /Images/Dreams/India10.2.webm but there is a .gif image with a similar name.
  • Another missing dream: /Images/Dreams/Shower.webm but there is "Shower5.webp".
  • I think that I found a bug with Elliot: in the morning, I used the app on him while he was on the balcony. Then immediately afterwards I followed him to the computer lab and tried to use the app again. After the usual sentence "You feel your phone hum slightly in your hand as the app spins up.", clicking on "Continue" led me to a blank page.
The release notes for 0.8 mention that it is possible to earn money with Xev. However, after the dialogue in which she agrees to the 25/75 split, the only option that I see when I visit her house is "Rent a room to chat with her. (Ends the day. Costs $50)" and this always shows a boobjob scene without ever mentioning posting something or having some followers. At the end of the week, nothing happened either. It is only a week later, when I reached payday on Friday that I got the message "Your site gained 1 subs this week." On that same day, I finally got the long-awaited visit from Elliot in the office at school. I do not know if these events are related or if this is a coincidence, but at least for the Xev part there should be more feedback about what is going on.

Thanks again for this great update!


Jan 14, 2018
In the 0.8, I can't progress with AJ. The guide says she's in corridor but she completely disappeared.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Need more info. You aren't at her part of the arc where she's gone to see her uncle and sick aunt are you?

Note that you can use my cheat post on the OP to open up the console and look at stuff. What's the value for ajStory?

I'm having a brain fart and mixing her up with Alex, but their stories are intertwined at various points. So the point where Alex is gone also blocks you for AJ. I think there's another spot that happens. That may be when she goes missing from the corridor.

In the 0.8, I can't progress with AJ. The guide says she's in corridor but she completely disappeared.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Ad blockers shouldn't be a problem because you are opening an html from disk (localhost). If you have something like noscript installed to blacklist javascript by default, that might be an issue. There might be a Chrome/Chromium setting you need to tweak to enable local javascript. Do you run any other Twine games ok in that Chrome?

I use firefox on my real user with an adblocker and noscript. For games like this I use a sandbox user and firefox with nothing since sites like F95 are stupid about stuff. For a playtest I use Chromium with that user so it's just a one tab thing that doesn't get lost in the forest of firefox tabs that are open.

Opens in edge but not chrome, may be adblock plus is stopping it?
Jan 18, 2021
I discovered more typos and bugs while finishing the Elliot path:
  • When Elliot appears for the first time with new clothes, there are several sentences containing an incorrect variable:
    • "$eMom!? $eMom! What the hell did you do with all my clothes!?"
    • "What? $eMom, what are you doing? (...)"
    • Next page: "$eMom stop! What the hell is going on!?"
  • The day after, when talking in Elliot's bedroom: "That’s some crazy shit $eMom got in her head!"
  • At school (Balcony): "$ell is sitting alone in one of the big plush chairs."
  • At school (Computer Lab): "$ell is at one of the computers typing away."
  • Back in their home, when Elliot and Romi are arguing about the revealing clothes: "I don't want guys staring at my ass $eMom!"
  • A typo: "(...) one stern look from RomiAunt takes the wind out of her sales." -> "out of her sails."
  • It would be better to add a comma before "Aunt Romi" in this sentence: "I'm willing to go as far as you are Aunt Romi."
  • On the other hand, this sentence could do without the comma: "All the guys in class, keep looking at me."
  • The following sentence is incorrectly attributed to Romi (hot pink box) but it should be "You" (blue box) instead: "Don’t act like you don’t love it you horny slut."
  • I don't think that "parse" is the right word in this sentence: "Your parse seems to egg her on and whatever reservations she had have vanished."
  • In Elliot's bedroom: "$eMom is just in the middle of a breakdown or a mid-life crisis or something."
  • Asking Romi for a blowjob: "I don’t want to get my $nephews cum all over my clothes." (should probably be "$nephew's").


Jan 19, 2018
Sugarcube cheat dosn't work anymore, i guess the dev patched it out.
i don't even understand the point of doing that,
because very few-peoples will even bother with the mini-games unless they're fun and the stats don't take long to rise.

Just let the players cheat if they want to, it's not like forcing them to play your game will gain their interest,
Instead of playing it, they just won't because it's too bothersome


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
What are you talking about? Everything I wrote up in my console cheat guide on the OP works for this and other Twine games just like it's described. If you are talking about playing with the charge variable, that hasn't changed.

Sugarcube cheat dosn't work anymore, i guess the dev patched it out.
i don't even understand the point of doing that,
because very few-peoples will even bother with the mini-games unless they're fun and the stats don't take long to rise.

Just let the players cheat if they want to, it's not like forcing them to play your game will gain their interest,
Instead of playing it, they just won't because it's too bothersome


Jan 19, 2018
What are you talking about? Everything I wrote up in my console cheat guide on the OP works for this and other Twine games just like it's described. If you are talking about playing with the charge variable, that hasn't changed.
i tried it and it didn't work, i get a red-code error instead dude:
"VM605:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Sugarcube is not defined
at <anonymous>:1:1"

but even beside that, if you're gonna make a porn-game, especially a trainer/management-type,
just add a in-built cheat for players who want to skip it


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
It's SugarCube, not Sugarcube. The variable names in the console are case sensitive. If you had typed just Sugar and right arrowed, it would have filled it out for you.

I tried to nudge AO to avoid the minigames way back in the dawn of time since I'm no fan of this sort of thing myself. Others have complained a number of times as well. Why do you think I wrote the Twine cheating post? I got him to compromise on the auto-resolve stuff. Accept the deal and pray that he doesn't alter it further :D

i tried it and it didn't work, i get a red-code error instead dude:
"VM605:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Sugarcube is not defined
at <anonymous>:1:1"

but even beside that, if you're gonna make a porn-game, especially a trainer/management-type,
just add a in-built cheat for players who want to skip it


Jan 19, 2018
It's SugarCube, not Sugarcube. The variable names in the console are case sensitive. If you had typed just Sugar and right arrowed, it would have filled it out for you.

I tried to nudge AO to avoid the minigames way back in the dawn of time since I'm no fan of this sort of thing myself. Others have complained a number of times as well. Why do you think I wrote the Twine cheating post? I got him to compromise on the auto-resolve stuff. Accept the deal and pray that he doesn't alter it further :D
so it's case-sensitive... this is godamn stupid
alright, i'll try it, thanks for the suggestion


Mar 20, 2019
Also I kinda hate that we have to do Elliot's content in order to do Romi's content. that sissy stuff is not something I enjoy.
I actually am happy that we're getting a game with a different take on some of the content stuff.
The gamedev released two or three small games before this big one and we all could see that his game would go in this direction.
I'm just happy that the game didn't go the MC sissification route. It seems to be the majority of sissy content we're getting on the site. So i'm glad we actually get a different take on this side.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Looks like you aren't cut out for software development then. Just about every modern programming language I know uses case sensitive variables. The only one I can think of that doesn't is FORTRAN and that's because it's a fossil from punch card days. It still gets used for scientific computing since compilers can optimize the bejesus in their code generation because of its simple syntax. The only time I use "case-sensitive" and "stupid" in the same sentence is when I talk about M$ and their NTFS filesystem format. It has an asinine way of respecting case on writing filenames but ignoring it on read. This asshattery causes no end of trouble to devs who use Winders for their work but then the rest of the world has to run with it.

so it's case-sensitive... this is godamn stupid
alright, i'll try it, thanks for the suggestion
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Active Member
Dec 31, 2019
Maybe you will be able to make him a sissy then sort of cuck (he wants to fuck his mom) him by banging his mom in front of him. I want to bang him in front of his mom.
Now cucking him by banging his mom in front of him is something I can get behind.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2019
I actually am happy that we're getting a game with a different take on some of the content stuff.
The gamedev released two or three small games before this big one and we all could see that his game would go in this direction.
I'm just happy that the game didn't go the MC sissification route. It seems to be the majority of sissy content we're getting on the site. So i'm glad we actually get a different take on this side.
That's fine, I just wish it was optional for those of us who don't like it. Other games have this as an option cause the devs understand that not everyone likes it. I appreciate it when it's an option. But if it's mandatory to do other content it becomes an annoyance.
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3.60 star(s) 27 Votes