HTML Sluttown USA: Hometown Corruption [v0.40] [AmusingOddity]

3.60 star(s) 27 Votes


Active Member
Oct 15, 2016
specially obnoxious is someone who claims to be an industry professional, meaning they have years of formal training and formal experience, shitting on someone who seems like a self-taught amateur hobbyist (not intended as an insult).
As I have repeated said, he's taking people's money. When you cross that boundary then you become a professional and you are held to the bare minimum professional standards. If you do not wish to do that then that is perfectly ok, just don't take people's money. You can't have it both ways.

Again people are getting this twisted. I'm not complaining that there are bugs - every product has bugs. I complained that the bugs were from zero testing; that the developer released a live version that he hadn't even tried to play through once. There's different severity of bugs. The severity of the ones in the release before are the same severity as releasing a game that will not launch, for example. To find it you don't have to do any testing, you just have to casually try to play your own game. In terms of your bake sale analogy, it's holding them to the standard of not giving salmonella to people. That level of bare minimum.

But you already know this. You have 3 posts on this forum in 3 years of membership and 2 of them are in this thread - one blowing smoke up the dev's arse and the other providing reports for this game. Let's just say I doubt your credentials as a neutral party here.
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Sep 24, 2018
So here's the criticism. I read a bunch of the comments to avoid being repetitive and and I'll try to make suggestions other than just complain.

You've seemed to gather some folks who are interested here, collect them up as play testers. A lot of the comments out of the gate were easily identified with some play time (and quickly patched - kudos for that). So if you are too deep to playtest yourself, get a couple trusted folks to give it a quick once over before zipping it up for the public - of any kind. Just a good habit to start.

Everyone's talked about the navigation. I watched the navigation of Become Someone evolve into a graphic user interface to try and handle the wealth of locations. I believe CSS will become your best friend here. One big problem is most of the spaces are empty but there is no way to know it. I understand you want to build some excitement for future events, but no one wants to spend their game time clicking boxes for no reason. I suggest a coming soon section on the menu page listing the rooms with no content. Indicators of someone being at the location would be a great step as well.

Don't present the options to use the phone if there is nothing to actually be done, that's too many screens to have to go down to find there is actually nothing to gain. I suggest a simply Boolean property indicating whether you can use the device or not so you don't show the option if there is no gain.

Thematically, this is all pretty worn ground. If you are going to allow setting names and relationships, why not default to something other than the typical incest heavy options and write it from that perspective? In reality, these kinds of sexual webs are not uncommon - but without the incest, so it shouldn't be a stretch to go in a more creative direction. Considering you do so much better on the hypnosis trope, I think it might really set the game apart. There are so many hypnosis in the school setting games, you gave yourself a tough row to hoe, but I think story-wise you are on the right track to making this an interesting title.

Best of Luck!


Game Developer
May 11, 2021
I feel like if you messaged a mod you could get ownership of the thread, seeing as its your game
I probably should. I'm pulling 12 hour shifts for the next 3 days though so it'll have to wait till Tuesday.

So here's the criticism. I read a bunch of the comments to avoid being repetitive and and I'll try to make suggestions other than just complain.
I did collect those people as play testers. I mentioned this before but the subs i sent the game out to were told what it was.

I have already started working on a better nav system. The nav is tied into a lot of events and things though so its going to be a while before its ready. I'll work on it once i have the monthly updates ready.

Yeah, too many locations is a fair issue. I will try to address this at the same time as i am revamping the nav. Maybe add a marker to locations that have someone in them. Something like that.

I'll probably keep with the incest stuff for several reasons. 1) Its popular- you can see that just from the number of games here that feature it. 2) Having India actually being your landlady would give less interesting context to that relationship, which from a story telling side of things would be silly. I actually have an outline for a landlady character already. It gives the game more variety to have them be separate characters rather than wasting the potential of a mom character. Now i can have both you see. 3) There are going to be a shit ton of girls in this thing by the time its finished. Having some of them being related to you gives their story a flavor that will be naturally different form all the other girls in the game.

Yeah, i went back and forth on it being in a school but i realized that it lends itself well to structuring the story. Phase one, get the Dean, Phase 2 start on the teachers etc.

Thanks for the feed back bud. I always appreciate someone trying to make the game better rather than just tearing it down.

Drill Sergeant

Well-Known Member
May 9, 2019
2) Having India actually being your landlady would give less interesting context to that relationship, which from a story telling side of things would be silly. I actually have an outline for a landlady character already. It gives the game more variety to have them be separate characters rather than wasting the potential of a mom character. Now i can have both you see.
Seriously, we get both? You are not kidding? You better not. This is going to be amazing.


Aug 24, 2016
I probably should. I'm pulling 12 hour shifts for the next 3 days though so it'll have to wait till Tuesday.

I did collect those people as play testers. I mentioned this before but the subs i sent the game out to were told what it was.

I have already started working on a better nav system. The nav is tied into a lot of events and things though so its going to be a while before its ready. I'll work on it once i have the monthly updates ready.

Yeah, too many locations is a fair issue. I will try to address this at the same time as i am revamping the nav. Maybe add a marker to locations that have someone in them. Something like that.

I'll probably keep with the incest stuff for several reasons. 1) Its popular- you can see that just from the number of games here that feature it. 2) Having India actually being your landlady would give less interesting context to that relationship, which from a story telling side of things would be silly. I actually have an outline for a landlady character already. It gives the game more variety to have them be separate characters rather than wasting the potential of a mom character. Now i can have both you see. 3) There are going to be a shit ton of girls in this thing by the time its finished. Having some of them being related to you gives their story a flavor that will be naturally different form all the other girls in the game.

Yeah, i went back and forth on it being in a school but i realized that it lends itself well to structuring the story. Phase one, get the Dean, Phase 2 start on the teachers etc.

Thanks for the feed back bud. I always appreciate someone trying to make the game better rather than just tearing it down.
Are we going to see HentHighSchool or Ashford Academy style corruption in the school later on? Like random encounters being more or more depraved as more of the school falls under control? Or will it be a 'poorly kept secret' kind of thing.


Game Developer
May 11, 2021
View attachment 1293816
Seriously, we get both? You are not kidding? You better not. This is going to be amazing.
This might have been picked up wrong. I don't mean I'm writing an arc for India where she is your landlady. I mean that later in the game the MC will move out of the house and there will be a landlady character that is an actual landlady.

Sorry if i confused you.

Are we going to see HentHighSchool or Ashford Academy style corruption in the school later on? Like random encounters being more or more depraved as more of the school falls under control? Or will it be a 'poorly kept secret' kind of thing.
The late game state of the school will be something like that.

Currently when you go to different areas in the game you get pics of women sometimes in place of the standard image for an area. Over time those will change to reflect the state of the school/town. It won't happen in the same way though. It won't be a flat stat that you grow. It will be based on corrupting individual girls.

I explain it slightly in Jessica's arch. The idea that changing prominent members of a group can shift the behavior of the group. Mechanically that will be reflected by different girls having more of an effect, also if you take them down a public route the effect will be more.

So, yes and no. There will be fun new pics/vids to reflect the world state but i don't know how heavy I'm going to go into random events. (a lot of times when i play games i get annoyed with a random event popping up when I'm trying to do something). My solution to this is to add a set of side characters that you choose to not use the app on. A kind of control group that you can encounter around the world in different situations that escalate as the school becomes more corrupt. I think that's a more interesting way of doing it than events with characters you don't know.

Again, it's going to be much later in the games lifespan before i can start implementing these ideas.

Drill Sergeant

Well-Known Member
May 9, 2019
This might have been picked up wrong. I don't mean I'm writing an arc for India where she is your landlady. I mean that later in the game the MC will move out of the house and there will be a landlady character that is an actual landlady.

Sorry if i confused you.
Nah i got you buddy. I am just happy for the game.
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Nov 18, 2017
Looked through a bit but didn't see an answer. Theres no button when i use the app on the aunt. It says use the app, asks how much, and then it goes to the next screen but theres no way off of that screen.
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Game Developer
May 11, 2021
Looked through a bit but didn't see an answer. Theres no button when i use the app on the aunt. It says use the app, asks how much, and then it goes to the next screen but theres no way off of that screen.
Did you rename her? If so that might be a bug from an old build.
Here is a more recent build. You only need the HTML file if you already have the images folder.
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Jan 7, 2018
As I have repeated said, he's taking people's money. When you cross that boundary then you become a professional and you are held to the bare minimum professional standards. If you do not wish to do that then that is perfectly ok, just don't take people's money. You can't have it both ways.

Again people are getting this twisted. I'm not complaining that there are bugs - every product has bugs. I complained that the bugs were from zero testing; that the developer released a live version that he hadn't even tried to play through once. There's different severity of bugs. The severity of the ones in the release before are the same severity as releasing a game that will not launch, for example. To find it you don't have to do any testing, you just have to casually try to play your own game. In terms of your bake sale analogy, it's holding them to the standard of not giving salmonella to people. That level of bare minimum.

But you already know this. You have 3 posts on this forum in 3 years of membership and 2 of them are in this thread - one blowing smoke up the dev's arse and the other providing reports for this game. Let's just say I doubt your credentials as a neutral party here.
I assume you also stop and kick sand in the face of people playing guitars and shit for donations whenever they miss notes?

You can be an amateur hobbyist and still also earn some money lol. That's literally how Patreon/Subscribestar work. People CHOOSE to donate knowing that they're not getting a finished product, and that in a lot of cases (particularly early on) they're getting a product that may be buggy and/or broken.'re not one of his subscribers so I really don't see how it's any of your fucking business...


Active Member
Jul 1, 2018
i download v 02 and images, unzipped images and put both in one place but when i start game i only get broken links for images. help?
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3.60 star(s) 27 Votes