Will pregnancy be a feature?
I dont know. I know that at least one of the girls I have in the game currently has done pregnant porn so i could use that somewhere if its something people want.
Will there be some AJ content in the near future?

Loving it btw
It depends on what people over on subscribestar vote for. I've noticed that people tend to go for AJ or Alex once one of them has been updated, so maybe soon.
How do I find Leah? and this just a private route update for Alex right? because when I go check up on her after class it says (Public Route not implemented yet) would be helpful if it said what route is updated so we don't have to download just to check.
Leah unlocks by playing through India's content. Once you finish India's content youll get a scene in the morning in the house that unlocks her. I'll add a note on this to the guide.
If you look at the gameplan on the first page i mention that I'm working on the arcs one at a time. Its only after a characters private arc is finished that I'll start on their private arc.
You need to try moving several folders around and combine them differently. I had to do that last time but
don't remember how I finally got it to work. It's confusing. I mean, I realize I'm an idiot..but dang, lol.
Good Luck, you'll need it. lol
Seriously, though, the Dev is doing a really good job but has been extra busy lately so you might want to check back in a few days to see how the downloads are going.
Sorry i haven't been around and checking in on this stuff. Covid has been ripping through where I work. I'm back to having 2 days a week off as of this week though. I'll start going through bug reports today and get a cleaned up version out when I can.
I just can't so Eric gets taped sexually assaulting MC's mom, and he only backed off cause that video takes Emma down with him????? Uh what, that video just shows he sexually assaulted a young girl not even 21. Eric is dead cause that prison don't like dudes like him, he has nothing and your mom seems to be intelligent enough to know that.
I'll get back to him in time dont worry.
I think I broke the game somehow. No matter who I use charges on it totally empties my pool. I'm enjoying the game but I'm not going to play the minigame for days to have it all gone on one attempt.
Is this happening at every chat event or just for a specific chat?
I'm a little lost with what to do for the following for Alex. Any help?
I think she said she is running her club on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the evenings. I should swing by the gym and see how it's going.
The guide is for the next event trigger. You still need to do the chat events to get the app attuned as normal.
I played through all the current content and I have a few things I wanted to mention.
1. Leah is not on the Guide menu. I did see her there right before or right as I met her, but her name was "messed" up (I think it was like $leah or something like that). It was easy enough to know what to do when you went to her place, but it would be nice if it stayed on the Guide.
2. I've been seeing many many errors in who each person is to others. I've seen myself called a tenant when talking to mom and sister. When talking to Leah I've seen, in the same sentence, brother and roommate. I've seen Romi call Elliot her tenant and son. It is all so very confusing.
3. I like the content for Xev, but I don't like who you got for the actress. She never shows her pussy or asshole. You never "really" see her being fucked (by showing the actual penetration) and when she does blowjobs, is she doing it with a real cock, or is it just one of the realistic dildos that is just slipped into someone's pants. Her whole act just seems so fake.
4. Not sure if it because of the odd way things were uploaded or if it actually missing, but the picture for Leah's gym is missing.
5. When you get to the current end of Elliot/Romi's "quests", it says that you should go visit them in the morning and have breakfast with them. However, the only day that is available is Sunday, but their Guide hints never tell you that. Maybe putting that into the Guide will be more helpful.
6. I've seen the names messed up for all the NPCs at different times, where it would appear $Mom (or something like that). I've also seen my name reset to Jacob.
Now, I've been playing from a saved game. I'm not sure if any of this is happening because of that or if it is happening from a fresh start as well.
1. I have time this week to look at bug reports I'll get this sorted.
2. I probably hard coded brother/sister in some places. I'll try and find them to correct it.
3. That seems to be a common things in performers that do the Virtual Sex thing. I have a few more outline for girls that do the same kind of content and they seem to almost all shoot in a way that shows little or no penetration. I don't really know why this is but that style of performer fits that in game character type well.
4. On it.
5. This should trigger on any morning so long as you have the app attuned.
6. I have no idea off the top of my head what would make the name reset. As far as i know the only place in the code you have the chance to set it is right at the start. I'll see what i can find.
I've done the Squarespace thing, just am not getting the option to post the videos. It's weird because I don't remember having any trouble on my other runthrough
I'll have a look at this as I'm going through bug reports today. Thanks for letting me know.