Not bad for 0.21 version but need more girls diversity
i suggest nech characters like
Litte lupe Anya ivy Cory Chase Ava Adams Lela star Brigitte B rebeca linares or Jada fire
a the code minigame needs revision is frustrating
This is just the start of the game. I have a bunch of outlines for other characters. Including at least 2 of the people you mentioned.
I have already made tweaks to the mini games.
Yo, when I try to use the app on those bitches the game doesn't give me any option to continue, and pressing C doesn't help, any suggestions, please?
That was a bug caused my renaming characters. Its fixed now if you wanna grab a fresh copy.
What kind of hypnosis situations are you planning for the game?
Eventualy, all of them. The characters in the first Phase of the game wont go too crazy to set a base line but as the game goes on I can get more and more out there.
Any sort of grinding is a Very Bad Thing for adult games.
To each their own. I like games where you start off having to work for it and over time become more and more powerful. It won't be for everyone, but that's what i like so that's what I'm going to make.
Coding test is bullshit. It takes too read the text, move hand from mouse to keyboard, type before the timer expires
On the first page of the game it tells you that you can use the enter button. . . You gotta meet me half way here man. There is only so much i can do if you aren't going to read the instructions.
I have since tweaked it to give more time. I honestly didn't realize that i was fast at typing.
and thats an understatment. cory chase and ava adams are in every single game. like ow my god their are other milfs you can use as your milf/mother figure. even india summer got played out for a good while (no where near as bad as ava thou). their are porn stars who have made a correr out of plying a mother, yet we stick to 5
If this is a genuine question i have a genuine answer for you. For me it all came down to content available/ content diversity. Yes there are a tone of pornstars out there that do milf stuff but you want to pick someone that gives you options for the story. Especially if you are making a game where the story can grow and take turns over time. For example I really wanted to use a particular pornstar in this game but she only does straight scenes with white duded. No dp no group no interracial no Lesbian, that means I would be really limited in what i could do with her from a story perspective. Hope that gives you some idea of the thought process behind picking girls for these games.
Any plans on a sissy/trans character?
Yes. The Romi/Elliot arc is going to head down that path and i have ideas for other characters in the future. This arc is probably going to move slower than others because its 2 arcs that are tied together so it requires a lot more work.
I'd appreciate it if there was a skip for the coding, i have slow and fat fingers
Added an automatic dice role to the color game and an automatic coin flip to the codeing game.
You, are a scholar and a gentleman my friend. I have already added this stuff to the game. I don't know when the tread owner will get around to posting it but thanks for taking the time to do this. I appreciate it.
howw do i progress with sarah path?
Cant yet. If you read the game plan i explane it mroe in there but basicly, unlocking her is the goal of the first phase of the game. It will be a while before i get there though.
Ah, so I see you dropped this one over here already. I kind of scattershot my last checks of your old betas. I'll probably proofread sequentially in emacs this time and then maybe focus on the immediate family.
I actualy didnt put it out. I guess some one my subscribestar account is a pirate

. I was gonna put it out here next week once i had more feedback but i guess the choice was taken out of my hands. Oh well.
A quick advice on 'learning how to code' - you don't need to type the word
Some good suggestions here, thanks.
I would watch Abella Danger read the dictionary.
This is alwase the push and pull of picking girls for these games. You want to use someone that isnt in everything but i bet the number of people that ignorea game cause Ava Addams is in it is actually way less than the number of people that will jump on it for the same reason.
It'll be a little while before Abella starts getting scenes but i have plans for later on one of Karlees arcs. That's actually one of the reasons i picked Karlee as the sister character. She and Abella have a good number of scenes together. Its hard to find people that have more than one or two scenes together.
This is a pirating site. Toxic behaviour to devs is literally what we do here. We steal their content and give it to others for free.
And expecting people who release a product to have a working product is not toxic behaviour, it is the absolute minimum of standards
. . . You see why this is stupid right? "We steal their content" followed by "expecting people who release a product to have a working product is not toxic".
I didnt "put it out". You are essentially whining that the toaster you stole is burning you toast. I was planning on putting the game out here next week once i had time to do bug fixing. If you want to whine to anyone direct it to the person that pirated the game before it was ready.
Wait. I just noticed you have Hulk Hogan as your avater. Never mind, you make more sense now.
Minor bug, if you visit Romi's room at night there's no way to leave on the main game interface like with other people. The work around is as easy as using the back arrow on the left panel of course, but it seems like a dotting the i's, crossing the t's sort of error you'd still want pointed out.
Some good advice here. I added a guide to the game that should make it more clear which areas you can avoid for now. Overhauling the nav is on the to do list but i only have 2 days off a week and so its something that I'm just going to have to chip away at once i have that months update done. Might take a while.
I'm stuck on the first step, where does India(stepmother) work?
Realtors office in town.
I look forward to enjoying this game more when the bugs are fixed.
Some amateur advice(the worst kind): You might want to include a reset feature where you can reset a person's variables to the beginning of their current level. Sometimes it lets a user fix their own bugs. Also makes bug hunting easier since methodical people can replicate the problem.
There are variables that once set will have an effect on other characters. Allowing characters to be reset would probably cause more problems than it would solve in the long run.
Then im left with the problem of not being able to type fast enough. i appreciate the help but i think ill have to sit out the coding until they change the time (if they change the time)
Done. Sorry for the frustration. I didn't think i was fast at typing but i guess maybe i am? I also added an option for a simple dice roll if you prefer that.
I'll stat over because I must have screwed ut ip but I did meet AJ when she was trying to get ALex to do her homework. After that I need to progress with mom to the point she talks about her?
Assuming that you have the more recent build where her bugs have been fixed. All you need to do is write some papers (3 i think) during the week and have , i wanna say 15 charge available. She should enter your room after the last one. If this isn't working it might mean you have found a bug. Let me know.
I wish the assistant had the option of Private/Public. I do understand the need for the story-line, but heck, I could have used the Dean to come in and reward the kids... lol
I really like the game. The 'codeing' game and colors game are fine for me and I've progressed a few rounds through those, not sure how many I should do...
I like the grindyness of the game as it is. When I got tired of it was only when there was a problem w the game itself. So no big deal there. I love sandbox games like this especially when there's no hurry to complete tasks. Perfect job there...
I dunno.... Keep up the good work, looks like there are several folks willing to help so that's fantastic as well.
Thanks bud. Always nice to hear people are having fun with the game. The mini games are a tricky thing to get balanced right. Eventually you will get to a point in the game where getting charge isn't a big deal. In order for that to feel powerful you need it feel the grind in the early game. Its tricky to get right. I think i got the bugs out of those systems now though so hopefully its less frustrating for people.