There are several issues with the current version 0.4:
- it's impossible to advance the story with Nex: the whole "nun inspection" is buggy. So, scenes 3, 4 and 5 with her are impossible to get (not without a workaround or a cheat). Plus an additional bug for getting the scene 5.
- it's impossible to advance the story with the Mayor. Scenes 2 and 3 are impossible to get (not without a workaround or a cheat). Plus a picture for the scene 2 is missing (i.e. the "mayor_scene2 (9).rpgmvp)" file).
- it's impossible to complete the robot quest: the location of one part of the robot (the torso) has not been implemented in the game. So scenes 1 and 2 with Amber are impossible to get.
- it's impossible to advance the story with Daisy. Scene 2 with her is impossible to get.
Attached, a patch for the last 2 issues (i.e. for Amber and Daisy).
Download, decompress and replace the 2 files "Map020.json" and "Map045.json" in the "\www\data\" sub-folder of the game.
DO BACKUP the original files and your current save files before !
*** Edit *** In my patch, I've added the missing part (i.e. torso) of the robot at the same location of the right arm.