to more clear:
one single image to polish would take 5-6 minutes or up to 10, it's not a single click think, the market isn't ready for this disruption, our patreon went from $90 to $60 after our 2nd release and it costs a bit of money to support team + the electricity to run 2x4090's.
I hoped that people would jump onboard to support but they mostly complained about random things so it's testament to the saying "That's why We Can’t Have Nice Things". I didn't want to waste my time and our teams effort for no reward. thanks again
it's not the update schedule but the actual support on patreon, we released 2 different releases and the monthly support was $60 while the daz renderer along costed $1k+, writer $150 a month plus all the other work I did as the creative director and founder (ai polish, daz camera tweaks, custom outfits etc)+ custom outfits ranging from $125 to $250.
I will make a clearer message in the thread, I wanted to see how AI can augument DAZ and i gave the project around 5-6 months and 2-3 releases and not going over $400 in monthly supported made this worthless.