RPGM - Completed - Sol Rui -after mini- [v1.2] [Enokippu]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I think others already said most of what there is to be said.
    If I had to say something, is that this is a porn game. It doesn't really pretend to be some incredible deep RPG. After the intro (10 min or so), you can just see porn after porn if you want to.
    Another interesting thing is how the corruption is used. Basically, for the final fight, the higher your corruption is = the harder the fight is. I like this kind of stuff.
    I'm a tad disappointed about some aspect though. Goblin den felt underwhelming compared to the other 3 door. Rabbit house could have had some more content. Mad school didn't have much content in the 2nd half.
    Likes: Daioh
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd like to give this 5 stars, but while I enjoyed most of this game the performance on my PC was really bad in some areas. In a game where you are required to carefully sneak and position your character just right so you don't get caught, smooth response to keyboard/mouse is crucial. Performance was fine for 75% of the game, and during that time I had a blast. The MC is really well designed and animated, the corruption (if you are into that sort of thing) is well done, and the 4 quite different challenges present within the 4 realms gives a nice variety to play.
    If this game is ever optimized so that the slowdown is no longer an issue, I'll definitely play this again. My only other complaint is that there is no oral sex (at least that I saw).

    Edit: I just finished replaying this game and it had very minor performance issues compared to my previous playthrough. While I think it still missed on a few aspects...no oral!, it was a very enjoyable experience.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic and atmospheric! The entire world is beautifully consistent in keeping to its themes - the actions of the demons are horrific, violent, deadly, and frightening. From the gruesome violence of the school's monsters hunting you, to the goblins leaving corpses that have birthed too much, to the Rabbit House where women are drugged and used till they're insensate.

    If you follow to the true ending, you get a look into the antagonists thoughts. Like anyone who would sell their soul for power, the worlds Rui visits are made for the selfish whims of its maker. And even though it should be clear how selfish Tsuberosu is without the extra context, having a little back story is always appreciated.

    Rui stays true to herself though, no matter what happens to her. There's hardly any dialogue that involves her being broken or given into pleasure. Rui may be strong enough to kill anyone she likes, there's plenty of interesting dialogue about her aversions.

    So thematically I feel like the game is about treating others well, by showing the player how disgusting the reality of pure selfishness can be.

    As far as porn goes, it is truly depraved. My only complaint is that there's not enough content in the Rabbit House. More Rabbit House. More games where you can play as a bunny girl in a steamy pink space lounge please.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll keep it short because there are a ton of other reviews, but essentially this game definitely deserves all the 5 stars its getting. Varied gameplay, most the whole game is pretty erotic, and the ENTIRE GAME (or 99%) of it the heroine is animated with live 2D the entire time. Every single thing she does, all the harassment, all the attacks, while idle, all the movement, everything. The plot isn't great, but thats not really what you're here for.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the best "corruption" type game I've ever played. It deserves even better than a 5 star rating because this is one of pinnacles of hentai games that exist right now.

    The only complaint I have is that I can't skip some of the text on repeat playthroughs, but repeat viewings of scenes are taken into account and it does let you skip them if you've seen them once before, so the game never gets too dull. I don't even have most of the fetishes in this game, but the animations are so beautiful and the story is so perfectly paced that I still enjoyed most every scene. For example, even if you don't like watching goblins rape some girl, her character artwork and animations are never covered up, and are animated well enough that I can almost get off to merely watching her changing poses and expressions. (might as well note here, as others have, that this game does come with a BIG content warning. But as long as you aren't completely sickened and turned off by it, then this game makes it easy to remember that it's just fiction)
    Though it's still mostly story based, the gameplay has a lot of variety, and it gives the player just the right amount of choice. It kind of feels like 4 completely different hentai games combined into one, while doing a great job at capturing each of those genres. It might also be the only "corruption" game where I couldn't immediately see through the gameplay, and it actually felt like I earned the lewd traps that I got caught in. I'd also like to note that you can save at any time, but while it's sometimes tempting to just reload an earlier save, the corruption aspect is so skillfully paced that I often found myself just deciding to take a few corruption points rather than wasting the time to go back, only to later realize that it may have added up more than expected.
    All in all, almost everything about this game is perfect. It truly deserves the highest praise and recommendation.

    (p.s. to the people encountering error messages, pressing TAB should make them disappear. If that doesn't work, then you can troubleshoot by searching the discussion thread)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game without a single dull or tedious moment due to the good and very unique gameplay in different stages. It has every good aspect from different RPGM games and merges it into a single solid game. The fact that it is MTL (as of now) is something to worry about but ChatGPT (praise the AI-takeover) really did a solid and made it non-poetry level and understandable, pretty ok considering it was done by a machine (but still far from good.)

    The heroine and the many various scenes are hot. Good use of Live2D. I suggest starting on the far left door (school) if you want the ability to transform her boobs early. Womb tattoo that grows along with corruption stages is also a hot detail. It's all animated as well. Very fappable game.

    The game still has some bugs and needs a polish but just make sure to save often and you can just reload to a few minutes back whenever. The game also has a nice corruption system

    NOTE: Not for the faint of heart. This is not a wholesome game by any means. Every section of the game has a different theme but it all ranges from rape, humiliation, hypnosis, mind break/control, ryonna/necrophilia (literally fucked to death in multiple occasion), bestiality, prostitution, etc. None of that sweet love-making. (no NTR though so i guess it would still be playable for most of you lol)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a cut above most RPG games, and I really enjoyed it more than the bog standard of the format.

    • Art style is good to great
    • Live 2D 'status' screen of the heroine on the side of the screen. If she attacks, she'll animate to show she's attacking. If she gets attacked, she'll animate accordingly to show she's taking damage. And, best of all, if she gets harrassed, the status screen will show it. If she's taken a beating, she'll have cuts and bruises. Splattered with semen? You'll see it. Honestly, this feature is fantastic.
    • Customizable MC boob size. Yes, it's just limited to 3 sizes (medium, large, and extra large), but I really appreciate the option. It's a godsend for people like me who are fatigued from seeing MCs with big boobs, though that's of course just my preference.
    • Customizable outer clothing, underwear, hairstyle, and hair colour of MC
    • Clothing break/tearing mechanic upon accumulating enough damage
    • The gameplay of each stage ('door') is varied. It's not just like your usual battle-mobs-get-money-and-XP affair that comes with most RPGM games. One level feels like Metal Gear Lite with its usage of [admittedly simple] stealth.

    • Game can be a tad short and would really have benefited from having more content
    • There's some mild to moderate poetry, but to be frank it's not as though anyone with a decent grasp of English will fail to understand the gist of every line of poetry. It's better than what you expect when you hear "machine translated", seriously.
    • There's a popup error screen that shows up on the top left that refuses to leave (unless you load a prior save when the popup wasn't there) when you try to purchase items from a 'shop' in one of the levels/doors. It's possible to just not buy items, but then why have the shop in the first place, right?
    Excellent game. Not perfect, but I've seen plenty of games in the same format do more but achieve less.

    IMPORTANT! One other reviewer pointed it out after I made this initial review, so I'll stress the same point they did: this game can and will be messed up when it comes to the content, particularly the h-content. Stuff like getting killed via sex is a thing, as is causing the MC pain and suffering (no, I don't mean consensual S&M, I mean legit pain and suffering) and having the affair be erotic in how it's portrayed. I'm almost tempted to add the fucked up nature of the game as a pro, but I'll just leave it listed in this afternote. If you're looking for a wholesome time, you will find none of that feel-good stuff here, so it will be best to look elsewhere. But if you're questionable in the head when it comes to fantasies (like me), well... say no more and play this.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    yea this shit is bussin, the story is quite simple but the gameplay and the live2d is the star of the game, what you are basically gettins is four distinct stage, each with unique gameplay, hell one was even literally a slay the spire with the advancing dungeon and the map overlay with rest stop and another one being a semi-horror stage (which i admit given me a little bit of anxiety with the atmosphere and the ambience)

    also kudos to chatGPT the translation are fucked but not too fucked to the point it become poetry so +1 for that

    the only issue i have in my playthrought are performance issue i don't know if this is because of my pc specs OR the RPGM engine couldn't handle it, overall i think they did a pretty good job on this and actually make a great short RPGM game to play
    Likes: Daioh
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this game a lot in Japanese, and has increased the quality quite a lot at this current version
    ChatGPT being an MVP by translating the game so well, paired with amazing art, fun flow, nice events
    It's the kind of game in which I like to add some new events for fun, because it lacks exhibitionism events, for example, since it's a brainwash-based game...
    Overall is a very good game, worth it tons of hours
    Likes: Daioh
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Played throug the entire thing with all scenes except good ending. I used the two fixes from the thread and didn't have any bugs or errors crop up.

    My very first knee jerk reaction wasn't golden, I will admit. You could tell the langauge had issues, though its way better than most mtl. And that kinda takes you out, until you get to the first actual scenes and they are really nice. The good use of the l2d really overshadows the language issues. It would be a bigger problem with fewer moving visualization to prop up the writing.

    The novelty of this l2d implementation is kind of the star of the show. I think over longer time without more custom cg animations this would get repetetive, but the length and amount of scenes made good use of it and it ends before it gets stale. I hope this is further explored and used in future games.

    The scenario is stuff i like, the gameplay was simple but effective. The way it is diversified in a few ways helps break it up. There is a small bit of farming in one of the stages but there is none of the dreaded grind of some RPGM so thats fantastic.
    Likes: Daioh
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is actually
    1. Fun - Gameplay actually makes sense and is fun. Doesn't overstay its welcome.
    2. Erotic as hell due to great art, great proportions that are customizeable (breasts + pubic hair changes scenes)
    3. Animations are actually meaningful and well done.

    The only downsides are
    1. Censorship because Japan
    2. When a bug occurs, a menu opens up and it's not closeable. You have to reload your save.
    3. It's too short and we need more of this wonderful character and developer
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A short masterpiece that desperately deserves sequels that expand on its concepts. Four different areas that each serve their own kinks, snappy gameplay, fun story that does a good job setting up the girl enough for it to be hot to see her get fucked. My only complaint is that the goblin area is a little undercooked, both in terms of gameplay and h-content, but that's not nearly enough to take away from this.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    So, first things first, fetishes aside, this game is as good as it is rated; there is barely anything that sets it back.

    - Amazing art with incredible animation to compliment it; no scene in this game isn't animated, and no scenes are really reused.
    - The game is short and fun; if you play normally, it'll take about an hour, though if you're someone that goes for a true ending off the bat, it'll take a little longer.
    - Levels are short and sweet; it doesn't feel like you're stuck some place for too long, and things get done with fast enough so that your attention span doesn't get swallowed away.
    - While the plot isn't something otherworldly, it keeps itself nice and simple, which means you don't really have to use too much brain-power to get it.
    - The gameplay itself is somewhat different, depending on which level you go in, and it's different enough that it doesn't make you feel like you're torturing yourself to get through certain parts of the game just to get through them. Again, it's short and sweet.
    - Interactive gallery can be unlocked at the end. This shouldn't be a pro, but some games don't do this, so to me it's a pro.
    - There is barely any grinding at all, making for a seamless experience.

    - As of the current build, v1.10, error messages can appear that don't go away tmk, so you have to be careful what you interact with.
    - While I did say there's barely any grinding, you will return to one particular level to get a little more buffed. This can take a bit, as grinding is mostly randomized; you just have to hope RNGesus is with you to make things go fast. But, even so, it doesn't take ages.
    - The true ending, however, can take quite a bit if we're being honest. Spoilers but, if it wasn't obvious, for the true ending you'd have to avoid getting over 30% erosion, and there's a small side-quest in the rabbit room. Now, while the latter doesn't take that long, the former can definitely be quite time-consuming given that most things are just up to chance, and you have to be careful with where you screw up. True ending isn't anything too special, but it's still nice that it's there.

    The last three are barely any big problems, honestly, with the first one being the most annoying, though I'm sure it'll get patched in no time.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely post messages but honestly I felt like I needed to rate this game 5 star there are tons of rpg hentai games in here , but this one have really some of the best motion art I have seen so far

    Of course its a small game and few levels are more there to fill some void but honestly the feelings and the immersion is good , I really hope the author will make another one in the same vibe
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    agus gines

    another masterpiece from enokippu, the prequel is kinda bad but crimson colloseum and kunoichi botan are masterpieces
    this games feel like the future of h games with animated cg that are great
    the game is Fun but it could be better im giving it 5 stars because its not lacing in anything but I expect a bit more from this studio
    the story is nothing great once again the main character is trapped in another world and has to escape, to do this she will have to pass 4 levels that vary in gameplay and style.
    Overall the game is great im looking foward to see what this studio does next.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those examplary hentai games.
    1. Hentai from the get go
      You can avoid it pretty much half of the game, and even do "virgin run"
    2. Graphic is superb
      Live2D "status" heroine visible while playing and reflects interactions.
    3. No boring gameplay
      Non-hentai gameplay is justified and engaging, unlike overused "rpg battle system" that is there just because...
    4. Multiple endings.
      Not much length in those, but they are not the "different colour end" kind of dry.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly thought, at first, that these reviews are biased since it was just released and there's already 3-4 5 star review but when I played it, I realized that their review are accurate.

    5/5 Great game. One of the few ones that is worth playing from start to finish. Makes me curious with the prequel.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent HRPG, this is how you make a game, not these lame VN and other boring games here. So many different animations and variations, heroine is also very cute. Really recoommend this gem and supporting this dev.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Could only be improved by more content per door. easily the best game ive played this year, love how each door is basically a different "game". I recommend you do the first door to the left at the start, and lose during the first cut scene. This unlocks your character looking different the entire game. (skip the rest of the first door because the first door is the worst. 2nd and 3rd door are best.)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A genuinely fantastic hentai game. It's not perfect, but it still gets 5 stars for doing what maybe .1% of porn games fail to achieve. It focuses on the porn, and hardly punishes you for wanting to get it.

    It has only 2 real issues, and neither are even that bad.
    1) It re-uses assets a decent bit, making minor changes
    2) Some animations have clipping issues.

    That's it. I could nit-pick, but how often do you get a porn game that just gets right into the good stuff? Add to that the fact that this is not just some RPGM trash and you're golden.

    The game itself consists of 4 entirely different games within, ranging from a maze to a streamlined RPGM-esque mode. Each of the games has their own monsters, and each are packed with a handful of different scenes. With every scene being animated, this game's content already surpasses the majority of others out there. On top of this, you unlock customization options as you progress (they're minor, but still neat to have).

    Each game is simple, being easy enough to get through quickly, but engaging enough that I actually didn't hate beating the game. I would dare say that I enjoyed it, and that's pretty damn rare for a hentai game. It's got a great ratio of gameplay to lewd. The only game I actively disliked was the RPGM-esque mode, and even that was easy enough to beat.

    Lastly, you can immediately access the gallery. There is a folder including a picture with the corner you need to look at. Just stand there and spam Z/Enter and you'll get it. The gallery itself isn't entirely straight forward, but it's not complicated either.

    All in all, a game that doesn't waste your time in the slightest. I personally adore the style, even if it does fall a bit short in a few select instances. The animations are all very nice, even factoring in the few with clipping issues. When you actually pay attention to more of what the game offers, it seems like they initially intended to go deeper and do more with what they have, making me pretty hopeful for what they might do next.

    Seriously, this game is worth a try.