4.30 star(s) 55 Votes


New Member
Jun 11, 2018

I like your game and i have some suggestions for problems i noticed in your game.

note that i am not native English speaker and i rarely write well anything but i like your game very much so here i go.

-First off normal mobs have too much hp and they spawn too often.

Most problematic are blue mobs mages straw dolls and blockroaches.

My idea to fix this reduce hp of mages and straw dolls and reduce damage negation of blockroaches from 100% and 50% to
50% and 25% , them having 100% damage negation is just too much.

-some skills are not very good so either buff them or give players an option to exclude them from appearing in run.

You could also have some skills that use sexual resistance to not use a turn so you could use that skill and then use attack,skills or items.

-third problem is the enemy capture mechanic, it was somewhat passable for the first area but it's almost suicidal to try it in second area.My advice is to change requirement to capture enemies with net to just defeat them and buff net spells to give player gold if they capture mobs with them or an option to release them for gold at the guild or something similar.

-next problem is the claw mini-game, now hear me out i now you probably put a lot of effort and time into that mini-game but it's problematic you are literary gambling away your gold and it's frustrating to play it because rewards aren't guarantied and you need to get those upgrades to have a chance at second area.

My solution to this is to add an option for player to access normal shop where they can just spent gold to buy stuff they need.

-Rescuing heroines is when they get captured isn't supposed to be easy but you are making player jump trough too much hops for it to be fair to them:

You need to reach slaver guild to buy tickets after that girl using the item need to skip turn

and after all that you need to break the box with the girl in it which means more girls skip turns attacking the box or you just wait for her to escape the box herself which will take several turns

also as a bonus if you make a mistake and lose a heroine and slaver guild isn't near and you don't have a ticket you've basically lost the run and need to start over as winning with two or less girls is almost impossible .

To fix the problem above i have an two ideas :

using slaver guild tickets will return captured girl next turn

and to solve the problem of losing a girl early:
you will get a permanent item from brad, a cell phone which you can use to get girl delivered in a box in exchange for gold.

I hope my suggestions can help you make your game better and i am sorry for the text wall but my Engish isn't good enough to summarize it better.


Jan 21, 2020
OK I'm sorry for asking immediately after the update but does anyone have a full gallery save? I played for like 3.5 hours trying to see all the new content but RNG + massive skill issue is preventing me from seeing it. I got to level 2 only twice and barely made it past the first destination both times. And the only hero that got mushroom TF'ed before game over both times was Archer. I really do like the gameplay but I just wanna see the hardcore pawn without spending 30 minutes getting to it.
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Sep 12, 2017
Anyone have a save at the start of new content or the likes? Lost my old save and im really bad at passing the first stage


New Member
Sep 9, 2017
Ngl Level 2 is hard as hell. I can reliably clear level 1 with ease as long as at least one character has a "good" skill but Level 2 is brutal as there are so many things going on. The mushroom debuff seems like no biggie until you reach critical mass and you're just fucked. enemies transform into a specific orc looking thing sometimes probably related to the mushroom level. Enemies leave behind hostile mushrooms after the bombs start dropping sometimes and those are a bitch. If there was an explanation on level 2's mechanics, my ass clearly did not pay attention. I did encounter a bug (no bug log) when I managed to beat level 1 barely but the ninja was constricted. The next level she was perma restricted so you can imagine how that went. Art and CG is once again phenomenal, building on the already unique charm this game has. Worth the wait in my opinion, but unlocking the CG with any degree of precision is almost certainly a herculean task with how hard the second level is.
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Dec 19, 2020

I like your game and i have some suggestions for problems i noticed in your game.

note that i am not native English speaker and i rarely write well anything but i like your game very much so here i go.

-First off normal mobs have too much hp and they spawn too often.

Most problematic are blue mobs mages straw dolls and blockroaches.

My idea to fix this reduce hp of mages and straw dolls and reduce damage negation of blockroaches from 100% and 50% to
50% and 25% , them having 100% damage negation is just too much.

-some skills are not very good so either buff them or give players an option to exclude them from appearing in run.

You could also have some skills that use sexual resistance to not use a turn so you could use that skill and then use attack,skills or items.

-third problem is the enemy capture mechanic, it was somewhat passable for the first area but it's almost suicidal to try it in second area.My advice is to change requirement to capture enemies with net to just defeat them and buff net spells to give player gold if they capture mobs with them or an option to release them for gold at the guild or something similar.

-next problem is the claw mini-game, now hear me out i now you probably put a lot of effort and time into that mini-game but it's problematic you are literary gambling away your gold and it's frustrating to play it because rewards aren't guarantied and you need to get those upgrades to have a chance at second area.

My solution to this is to add an option for player to access normal shop where they can just spent gold to buy stuff they need.

-Rescuing heroines is when they get captured isn't supposed to be easy but you are making player jump trough too much hops for it to be fair to them:

You need to reach slaver guild to buy tickets after that girl using the item need to skip turn

and after all that you need to break the box with the girl in it which means more girls skip turns attacking the box or you just wait for her to escape the box herself which will take several turns

also as a bonus if you make a mistake and lose a heroine and slaver guild isn't near and you don't have a ticket you've basically lost the run and need to start over as winning with two or less girls is almost impossible .

To fix the problem above i have an two ideas :

using slaver guild tickets will return captured girl next turn

and to solve the problem of losing a girl early:
you will get a permanent item from brad, a cell phone which you can use to get girl delivered in a box in exchange for gold.

I hope my suggestions can help you make your game better and i am sorry for the text wall but my Engish isn't good enough to summarize it better.
Agreed primarily on the slave mechanic and the level 2 enemies. It's cool that enemies have their own unique mechanics, but piling one on after another while ALSO increasing their damage AND their health just feels like it's difficulty solely for the sake of difficulty. That on top of the completely random enemy waves is just way too much; if there were some way to control enemy spawn rates based on what types spawn, that would help a lot, but as it is I've had runs where I had SEVERAL turns of zero enemies spawning even with a clear field, and others where it was a nonstop flood of high HP enemies (and, god forbid, spamming blockroaches in zone 2) that can simply overrun you if it decides not to turn off the faucet at any point.

If I had to narrow it down, the problem is that it feels like you're trying to make everything into a challenge when it doesn't need to be; if a girl gets enslaved, maybe make waves spawn less frequently or with only two enemies max, and as the post I quoted mentioned, make blockroaches 25% for adjacent spaces instead of a whopping 50%, and DEFINITELY not 100% damage reduction. I know you intend for blockroaches to be countered by moving them out of position, but you've also made it so that some spawn waves are so dense that you straight up can't move anything, and in those cases blockroaches (or whatever they're guarding) can be outright invincible.

Again, I understand you want the game to be challenging, but the variance is way too wide: case in point, scarecrow lady boss can easily overwhelm you by just spamming damage-absorbing scarecrows (and let's be honest, 50HP is kind of absurd for a minion she can shit out every turn on top of regular spawn waves), yet if you have Restrain on Ninja Girl, you just hard-counter her. Straight up zero challenge all because of one ability. To be clear here as well, the problem isn't "Restrain is too powerful, pls nerf", but that it's an outlier of being an ability that's useful in a variety of situations but rarely "overpowered", whereas almost every other ability has either an RNG factor to it or is borderline useless (most of Swordswoman's abilities fall into this category, as wide slash is an obvious instant pick, yet still suffers from the downside that she has to wait for the other two characters to manipulate enemies into her zone, which feels awkward and often unrewarding).
Edit on this section: I would actually say that the problem is that too many good abilities are on Ninja Girl and too few on the others. All of her abilities are incredibly efficient on stamina (almost all of them offer a minimum of 1 damage per point of stamina), have a movement component, AND are the least limited by zoning. I like the idea of having a sort of "melee/all-rounder/ranger" party comp, but in practice it's too inconsistent, especially if I'm trying to get Ninja Girl enslaved (imo best girl). I shouldn't be extra-punished for the girl I want to enslave being the one that has the most battlefield control on top of already being punished by being down a character.

As always, I love the art, the music and the gameplay in general, but please tone down the RNG/difficulty at least a bit, because Level 2 feels less like a challenge and more like that scenario of "I didn't get the right ability/item to counter X enemy gimmick so I just auto-lose".
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May 8, 2017

More like cockblock roaches *badum-TSSS*

Also I have ZERO idea what to do about the missles that lodge themselves into the ground, I'd love to see what the mushroom enemies do but the bugs fuck my team in the non-fun way before I can find out.
I'll give it some more goes tho, only made it to lvl-2 three times thus far.


Artist, writer, game designer.
Game Developer
Jun 16, 2018
because I love you guys I'll let you in on a little secret
I'm pretty sure you can save scum when you save in the rest area. So if you're getting burned out from going through level one, that's currently a way you can start at level 2. All you need to do is use the save and quit function, and then reset the game before you go back to the hub and it should start you back at the rest area.


Jul 1, 2018
Well, I'm kind of enjoying the game, I think... There's some good stuff here but man it's such a slog sometimes. Wish I had seen that little tip about the save area exploit though sooner.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2019
because I love you guys I'll let you in on a little secret
I'm pretty sure you can save scum when you save in the rest area. So if you're getting burned out from going through level one, that's currently a way you can start at level 2. All you need to do is use the save and quit function, and then reset the game before you go back to the hub and it should start you back at the rest area.
sorry can some one show how do that? :D I can't do it


Artist, writer, game designer.
Game Developer
Jun 16, 2018
I thought game would give us a choice of what level we wanted to go to. well...
sorry if that was your expectation, but the game is structured as a roguelike, so you start from the beginning each time.


Nov 6, 2020
Well I'm completely fucked literally and figuratively on level 2. Seems way harder than level 1. The mushroom shit just stacks up everywhere, shield bugs stack up everywhere giving everything damage immunity, and it's generally suffering. I thought it'd be easier because you keep your items and level ups from the previous level, but nope.
not sure if you heard, but this is a rogue-like.
You got to do something about the Blockroaches. It makes the second part basically impossible


Active Member
Apr 26, 2019
sorry if that was your expectation, but the game is structured as a roguelike, so you start from the beginning each time.
aa thats why its so hard to play, i get it:HideThePain:. I first thought you just fans of sega games, when you have need complete a levels without saves. Game is good you just need balance gameplay, like add such as: add a backpack so that all the things we loot stay with us, or a chest. Saving character statistics after beat levels.


Artist, writer, game designer.
Game Developer
Jun 16, 2018
I've been reading everybody's feedback, and I appreciate all of it. I can't respond to everything because I only have so much time, but know that i try to read every word of every post. I'm sure lots of you are new and seeing this project for possibly the first time, and you're probably surprised by the seemingly impossible difficulty of this game.
I'm sure you've noticed, but this game has NO easy mode.
I'm sure you've noticed there is NO progression in this game.
maybe you're asking, "WHY!?"

Well, here's why.

I believe if you make a game for everyone then you make a game for no one.
Is that exclusionary? Yes, and I'm aware of that. But I think there's lots of artistic merit to it.
In the same way that filtering out scenes of a movie makes a movie more inclusive, so does altering difficulty in a video game. But in both cases it alters the artistic expression of the work, the intended experience has been altered.

My target audience is masochistic veterans of turn based strategy games looking for something a little more challenging. So I guess keep in mind when you give me feedback that every choice i'm going to make as a designer will be favoring veterans above beginners. You're welcome to attempt this game though, and i still appreciate you being here.
If this design choice is just still absolutely baffling to you, I recommend checking out this video by ElectricUnderground:

Am I perfect at balancing this game? Heck no. Do I sometimes make terrible design choices? Yeah absolutely.
But I put a lot of thought into my design, and I know the type of game i want to make. The big final boss of erorpgs. Once you've played 200+ erotic rpgmaker games like me and many others have, that's when you'll understand why i'm creating this monster.

That being said, the game will continue to get easier and better balanced the more we shave off the rough edges and add things to the game. I'm not a fan of bullshit RNG either and if there's ever a situation I can't consistently get through then I make it easier. I just want to maintain a constant level of difficulty that the player has to solve their way through, so that's why there's no meta progression to where you can just grind your way into winning.

Thank you for your feedback, even if tend to disagree on a lot of things I appreciate you taking the time to play and write about your experience and frustrations. Thanks for being here, everyone.
Also before I go to bed.
Here's some memes I thought up based on the reactions to level 2, I hope you enjoy. (these aren't made to make fun of anybody, I just feel like the capture how this update is feeling to lots of people)
1719912960041.png 1719912991162.png 1719913316791.png 1719913867859.png 1719914064122.png 1719914592708.png
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4.30 star(s) 55 Votes