Unity - Some Modeling Agency [v0.10.4e] [T Valle]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an absolute masterpiece. The quality of graphics and physics is just amazing. Also I found it very interesting that using Genetic Algorithms for generating new models. Only minus that I can think of is, sometimes models are not very consistent about their "willingness". For example, they may want to sex with you but they may also not willing to "lean forward" which is the simplest pose change.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I made the mistake of rating this game five stars for the 'potential' (as many others do). A year later the core gameplay is getting worse. Everything changed goes in the wrong direction, like earning money that has no use instead improving the most elementary things.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Prepare to lose at least TEN HOURS of your life as you keep ringing the bell to make new models appear as you will the genetics in the game to produce your ideal appearance and behaviour.

    Prepare to wear a hole in your mousemat and probably straight through your desk to the floor and below as you will the progress bar ever upwards to victory.

    Such a simple but addictive mechanic backed by excruciatingly complicated variables, zones, AI, and rules that whisper to you that the next model will be ever so slightly better.

    And the next model. And the next model. And the next model.

    So addictive but so satisfying!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 would fap again. Awesome graphics, lots of variations of girls, a bit repetitive. Can do almost anything you can imagine within a few limits. Would love to see more positions and animations. Or variations of existing poses and variations randomly triggered by position and angle.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Ten out of ten. This game has so much potential for VR... It's so immersive even on desktop with clunky controls. The graphics, sounds, liveliness, physics, gameplay, even kinda-crazy mechanical translation alike feeling texts... Mr. T Valle, don't screw this up. All it needs is to be polished and filled with content. And VR, for the fking amazing dive. It's perfect sketch of the true AAA experiance. You won't find anything similar in the whole internet. VAM might be close, but there are no gameplay nor gravity field in VAM which makes a huge difference. Invest into this piece!
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    IoPzK Creations

    I love this.
    Everything about .
    I realize how much more work there has togo into this .
    My suggestion -*whispers*

    At least for me - this will keep me entertained for longer while I wait for the major updates.

    best luck !
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    great concept - it takes a while, until you figure out how this is supposed to work but after that it gets really interesting. It could use a lot of polish to be really great but way to go! Since I hope for a lot of updates it gets 5 stars.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    There is a lot of potential with this game, a few quality of life features would improve it vastly. The ability to lock to an area to caress or insert, as well as incorporating the editor into the game so you can see the changes in real time would be amazing.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Concept & Idea with great graphic.
    The basic concept is self self-explanatory while the balancing system is complex and the user needs some hints to understand the dependency between model rating, rating scales and its impact.
    With release 0.6.1 it's already entertaining and playable. Some greate ideas and enhancements in the backlog I'm looking forward to next releases.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has great potential but is currently extremely frustrating to play. The genetic system works pretty well for the appearance of the models and it is very satisfying seeing your models gradually get more attractive.

    However I don't think the personality system in this game is great. I think that a simpler system would improve the game as it would make it easier for the player to assess the models personality. Girls in this game can be extremely frustrating because they are extremely picky about where they are touched and at what speed. E.g. a girl might love if you touch her back but will then become extremely angry if you accidentally touch her shoulder in the process. As a result of this, figuring out what to rate a girl's personality is a bit of a nightmare and this can result in the game generating more girls with really annoying personalities.

    I would personally prefer if there was a greater focus on the dialogue. Improving the dialogue system would be a great improvement on the current system where you just say hi and tell the girl how she looks.

    I would probably give the game a 3/5 based on its current state, but the dev has been great at fixing the issues with the game so I am confident it will become a great game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome stuff, dont abondon it. Please also consider a way to change advanced graphics options for those like me with potato pc's.
    All and all iam very excited about this title. We need more like this and Xstoryplayer
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is probably the best 3D game ever released. And has potential to become 10 times better.

    It is very addictive, and you could lose dozens of hours, I recommend playing without cheats, and don't rush.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Although this game has some minor flaws, there are a lot of great pros for this sandbox/simulator game.

    Great visuals and animations
    Amazing model customization through generations

    Needs a more detailed guide and walkthrough for beginning players
    The controls are clunky, and sometimes body parts don't fit together

    Hopefully there will be more content and updates, and I will definitely be following!
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    6/26/21 Feelings:
    Currently feels like Surgeon Simulator but if the patient hated you half the time and there were 16 tertiary systems that all created a more frustrating experience. But, has the potential to be one of the best games on this site.

    Way too many systems in play though, and most are either too subtle to notice or offer seemingly no gameplay benefit other than frustrating the player. For example, certain models being turned on when you stare at a certain part of their body is a fun idea. But having many of them hate it when you do seems pointless. Being able to pressure or compliment models based on their personality is interesting, but having no indicators of how they'll react until after you do it is maddening.

    Also multiple player files would be a nice feature until the hiring process is added. You quickly lock into one or two "looks" and the leveling feature doesn't change that in a satisfying way. With multiple player files (or more *direct* input to the types of models that show up) we could have different options to work with. (ie: This is my tall and busty file, this is my tan chubby short haired file, etc. for whatever people are into, so they aren't locked into one type)

    Will definitely rate higher once more QoL or additions are added
    EDIT: Especially needs a skip without rating option, and oral either needs a tutorial or a rework cuz it seems to not work 90% of the time

    11/3/21 Feelings:
    NEW EDIT: My critiques mostly still stand, but the updates and my... playtime mean that 3 stars is just not fair. Still want changes, but deserves 5 stars.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Like a Surgeon Simulator!!

    I'm surprised by how fun it is.
    I thought it gonna be repetitive.
    which it is. but it's also fun too.
    try to perfect our standard for the next girl.

    PS to DEV. give me a black couch and more talk options! :D
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    i fucking love this game :D

    waiting for more content
    i suggest adding more commands like strip for me or dance for me,ride me or something along does lines.it a new and fresh game for me a breath of fresh air away from all the 3dcg and html games this one blow me away
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Poor models, poor animation, rudimentary sound, but worst of all, frustratingly inaccurate UI coupled with an AI that will criticize you for using it.

    Movement isn't even animated, the models just teleport to locations -- how do you evaluate a woman's body if you don't observe it moving?

    The interactivity is kind of fun and honestly a bit addicting, but how many of hours of tedious repletion should it take before 90% of your options are actually effective? How much hamfisted stupidity should you have to tolerate before anyone is happy, including yourself?

    EDIT: The game consistently generates unappealing results, and the developer conveniently shifts the blame to the player for this, so he never needs to heed that there's an issue. But after hours of tediously clicking through, letting the profile autorate the girls, the only way you'll find a pleasant subject is if you deliberately edit characters, and even this can get arbitrarily thrown out to generate a fresh group of horrid individuals. This isn't a unique gripe; many players have made the complaint, and the developer stubbornly holds those complaints in contempt.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    magnificent we just need a lot of add but the base is extraordinary!!! the more we rate the more we get into.. amazing game grateful if need support just ask were going for a masterpiece here
    thanks a lot keep on working this way adding more and more dialogue and action options!!!
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Really want to like this,

    I like that its intelligent enough that every model is differnt, but simple enough that you can progress fairly smoothly. I like to it caters to my prefferences in the appearnce of the random models.

    what I don't like however is the camera movement and controls; very janky and "rammy". Trying to get your hand angled just right is tedious AF, trying to line your memeber up with where you want it to go is.. well tedious. Having fingers and members made of silicon(?) is also problematic.. wanna push you finger into her butt hole?, better line it up just right or your gonna have a physics siezure on your screen, same goes with the member (so many times I've just thought "ouch").

    It really needs a free cam or 3rd person angle selector. You get a slutty chick thats not full slut enough to bare all and let you go to town, but enough to have her strip to her panties and get on her knees... Good luck getting that BJ, she stares at you cock, you stare straight down. its kinda like a plug in behind a couch, you know its there, but you're going in completely blind sliding it back and fourth wondering why the hell you can't get it in the hole... free cam or different angles would help big time... nothing worse than getting the Dialog "did you just penetrate my mouth" indicating you can penetrate here mouth, and then spending the next 15 trying to figure out how you did it in the first place because you weren't even trying the first time... just sloppy and lacking foresight imho.

    so yeah 3/5 . keep it up, just some fine tuning, maybe add a couch (so original right), fix the controls and cameras and then it might be a 5/5 for me.


    Too many touch zones.. who the hell on this big blue planet really gets off on their eybrows, cheeks, lips, eyelides, eyeballs.... you get the point, and thats just on the head.. narrow it down, cheeks, neck, shoulders, waist, hips, thighs, calves, upper arm lower arm. tits, crotch, ass. Scrap the sensitivity aspect. keep the pain tolerance, but at current it's far too fine tuned of a system to cater to . should be based more on a fast slow or slap rub mechanic. Sometimes less is more.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very solid and there are no gamebreaking bugs so far with Version 0.5
    The Models are very realistic in my opinion and do not really need any more work put into them.
    There is a short in game guide about what this game is all about. It contains all information necessary to understand what the game is about.
    Allthough also with that guide it is a little bit hard to understand whats really going on at the beginning but 1 or 2 days of playing and you should be good.
    The animations of the "scenes" themselves are allready there and good so far but it may take a little while until you understand them and how it really works.
    The idea and the concept is absolutley great and i reommend playing it.
    The main part of the game is allready there and only needs fine tuning in my opinion. Also the sound is really nice when you touch the models.
    Breathing heavily sounds very good.
    The hand and the movement are very tricky for me. Sometimes the hand goes a little crazy or you massage a spot or an area and after 5 minutes you realize it doesn't do a thing.
    I wholeheartedly recommend playing it.