But sir, I'm met and touched women of all types and these kleenex chicks are real. In the same year I've courted and made love to several varieties of women that behave and act much like the range I've seen on this game. For real. The realism is uncanny as a matter of fact. One will like a bit of pressure. One will be aggressive. One with huge tits that lies. One with an amazing lean body that believes she is ugly. It's all there, man.
Maybe it's just the kind of woman I attract, but my experience has been opposite; women appreciate that I don't handle them like china, but can give good grip, spank and thrust. If you can turn them on in the first place, their pain threshold will increase the more force and leverage you use.
Seriously the game doesn't give you the means to indulge these whiny bitches. I can hold ALT on every contact and still hear whining about the hurtiness. Even when I do nothing at all, and the only friction is generated by the motion of their own idle animations, they cry about it. Even when they aren't screaming, progress is so slow that the gameplay is hobbled, dull, tedious,
not fucking fun. This is fucking broken and well past time for fixing. This is why I use monkey to just shut that shit off, and the game becomes a whole lot less annoying.