Revan 12345

Feb 28, 2020
I dont think SR7 is lazy, his problem is a legacy of lack of knowledge in the inception of his game that came to bite him years later, and bad management, the guy is almost each week putting himself out there doing streams and answering questions, at least he is showing he is doing something, but if he continues to work like this, its going to be impossible for him to continue to work on this game the way its built, not because people are complaining or not, its just going to burn him out because of how many bugs one build will create.

Which comes to this, he came to discord and explained a few days ago that the problem is that whatever they try to change or add, it creates problems and they have to stop everything to fix, and now the complexity of the game just create this massive headache thats dealing with this, a few months i was datamining the game because i wanted to create a mod for it, and the code was literally what i expected from someone that never coded before, but wanted to make something simple out of, years later came to this and now he has to deal with it.

The solution its kind of simple actually, even though he tried and the programmer just bailed out of the project, he has to understand that this game its going to fall on itself if he doesnt plan to rebuild the source code from the ground up, what i would do(and do with my job as a developer when there is a need to replace a old important service thats still been used) its to develop in parallel to the current version of the game and feed the content in once the "skeleton" of the game is done and eventually, turn over to the new version, and management wise making a deliverable in 2 weeks and 1 week for testing, taking in to consideration how much can be done in the meantime, deciding on the size of the update between these weeks of development and having a close build for the next update, and of course, NEVER start teasing a new update if you arent even sure that its ready to go, people get pissed off not because there isnt a update, its more because there was a perspective of having a update, and in the day that should come the update, radio silence, just so the next day pushing for next week, people do get frustrated because its expected a product, which is, you want it or not, a fair criticism.

In conclusion, if they dont have plans to remake the code for this game, i dont think this game will have much of a lifetime, i can say for sure that looking at the code, i can see the hell that is to even touch it, so thats why i can see that he isnt lying and that he is trying, but at the end of the day, this problem its going to get way worse the more he puts content in and the tendency its for the updates to get larger times in between build releases, and i dont think even SR7 wants to deal with this, the only thing i would say its, people have the right to be mad but try to understand as well, SR7 in comparison i think its a great guy because he doesnt run from his community and get radio silence for years and just decide to talk for the game to not get the abandoned tag, the only thing that annoys me its, or people defend him as if its ok to keeping pushing the release another week(As if even SR7 think this is cool and ok) and demonize the people that gets frustrated about the releases, or just saying that he is lazy because the release have not come out when there are way more problems that if you just search for a few minutes, you can see that the problem its still his fault, but it has nothing to do with been lazy, he is working harder, but not smarter its what i concluded with the information that he gives from time to time, not that it really matters really, eventually the update will come out, i'm just kind of pissed from people on the discord defending the fact that its ok to just keeping pushing updates when there was a ETA and mocking people that are not happy about it, and people here that every time this happens, there is a he is lazy and worse or as bad as _*really bad developer that milks money from his patreon with no content to deliver*_, this game will never get better like this.
You're right. He makes himself a problem, because he doesn't want to "share the money" hire 3 more persons to help him out. I mean, realistically he doesn't need to hire someone from NA. People from Europe would gladly work for the lower paycheck.
He should focus only on drawing and hire 3 more persons to do the rest. He doesn't even need to finish the game. DC Universe has so much content that can be implemented into this game. At some point he can close the first part and start SU2.
This game could be so much more if he is ready to share the money with someone else. It could be well animated, with music and better storytelling.
He needs a screenwriter, animator and programmer.
It would be a less crunch and he would earn more money in the long run.

My only fear is that WB is going to shut down the whole thing.


Game Developer
Dec 25, 2017
My only fear is that WB is going to shut down the whole thing.
Nah, they already had some problems with WB years back when the game had a different name ("Injustice Unlimited"). IIRC Warner Bros just told GG to change the game's name and that was it, problem solved. SR7 mentioned they even praised his work or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019

A Change of Pace.
We had originally planned to get this update out then do a small "tune up" update to fix issues and add in content that was cut through out the year. But things don't always go to plan and we've had a lot more trouble than was expected. So we are going to combine the builds. Rather than do two turn-arounds this late in the year. Pulling back on Wonder Woman or other content isn't something we would like to do unless we absolutely had to.

Thanks for the patience guys, we will be sure to have it out before the end of this month.

View attachment 1500544
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this prick.


Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 9, 2018
Does anyone know why the programmer he hired bailed on the project?
There are at least 3 people that tried to remake/rebuild the game (maybe there was 4).
The 1st one is now a successful dev on another game who didn't meet deadlines apparently and there were communication issues etc though his priority back then seemed to have been more on the Scooby game.
The 2nd is LockeKosta who was pretty active on the discord a few years ago. From what has been implied he kept making excuses on why he wasn't making progress and was fired after working on the rebuild for 2 years (he seemed to be some form of professional coder but didn't put the work in.)
The third was a local guy that wasn't active online who seemed to quit on the project less than a year into making it.

I know all this from being a part of the SU discord for the past 3 years or so.


New Member
Apr 22, 2018

A Change of Pace.
We had originally planned to get this update out then do a small "tune up" update to fix issues and add in content that was cut through out the year. But things don't always go to plan and we've had a lot more trouble than was expected. So we are going to combine the builds. Rather than do two turn-arounds this late in the year. Pulling back on Wonder Woman or other content isn't something we would like to do unless we absolutely had to.

Thanks for the patience guys, we will be sure to have it out before the end of this month.

View attachment 1500544
A Change of Pace, What a joke SR7 releasing an update on time would be a Change of Pace.


Jun 6, 2018
The latest Patreon post is a PR disaster. Sunset has failed to get the update ready within a reasonable time - what's done is done. I'm not gonna get into that. But the Patreon post, which I assume is written by Smokeshank, has to make a better attempt at calming the masses and instilling confidence.

They go from a post that claims that "the finish line is within reach" to this bare minimum notification, telling us it's delayed for possibly two more weeks. The post should have been three times longer, go full Cyberpunk 2077 with it and explain how the technical side is a complete clusterfuck and how very sorry you are. It's OK if Sunset is too busy to write a long explanation/apology, but isn't this Smokeshank's job? I remember them putting out long Patreon posts in the past, informing patrons about the dialogue bugs in Fungus, for example.

Why even bring up that you had planned for two more updates this year? The second update had yet to be announced, and I'm sure almost no one remembered the vague mention of "two more updates this year" in a Patreon post months ago.
Now they've put more pressure on themselves by revealing that this update is going to have even more content than what had already been announced. Why not just be silent about that and push those things to next year when you're having incredible trouble releasing this update as it is?

The one thing they did right was to put Wonder Woman in bold, reminding people that the most popular girl is going to be in this update. And I suppose it could have been worse, there could have been total radio silence.

Luckily for them, the people seem to be taking it well for now. I checked the comments and most are understanding, with a couple of zealous defenders pre-emptively striking down any attempts at criticism. There is however a user who simply replied to their post with "LOL". He would have never done that if they had written a longer explanation and apology.


Sep 21, 2019
You're right. He makes himself a problem, because he doesn't want to "share the money" hire 3 more persons to help him out. I mean, realistically he doesn't need to hire someone from NA. People from Europe would gladly work for the lower paycheck.
He should focus only on drawing and hire 3 more persons to do the rest. He doesn't even need to finish the game. DC Universe has so much content that can be implemented into this game. At some point he can close the first part and start SU2.
This game could be so much more if he is ready to share the money with someone else. It could be well animated, with music and better storytelling.
He needs a screenwriter, animator and programmer.
It would be a less crunch and he would earn more money in the long run.
It's not because you're hiring people that you'll work better. I mean, with how we've seen how he doesn't know how to manage himself, do you expect him to manage a team ?

But besides that, people are forgetting that managing a team when you don't have experience is really hard.
The thing is, if he has to hire people, he will have to slow down his work to train them with the tools he uses, and I think that's what he doesn't want to do, because he only sees his next patreon payement and not to the long term.

But even then, you have to find experienced developpers, and they aren't cheap. Especially with the fact that he could be sued someday, so he has to takes freelances, he has to manage how they are paid. And no, you can't just hire someone from the other side of the planet because you have to communicate with him, which becomes a problem with the jetlag. The closer you are with the people you are working with, the better it will be.

Managing people is cumbersome and not anyone can do it. And He already failed to do it so he maybe hasn't the motivation anymore to start a process that would just end up wasting his time and money.
I can understand someone who would be like "I'm making money, I'm doing what I like, why should I bore myself with managing people and deal with papers when I could just continue like this ?"
It's never as simple as "just hire people".


New Member
Oct 2, 2017
This is heavily reminding me of south park, where butters and scott are waiting for pizzas from George R. R. Martin and when they ask where the pizzas are hes like "THE PIZZAS ARE COMING, WHAT KIND DO YOU WANT? it wont just be 2 pizzas, um, itll be 5 and theyll be HUGE! you wont believe it!!" ....but they never got the pizzas did they


Jul 20, 2018
Judging by the recent comments, there's not a lot of consistency with updates? Is it worth starting this game, then? I'm assuming there's a decent amount of content for being five years old.
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Mar 10, 2018
Is there anything following after you get the second gland? The one from the Alchemy quest when she is given a love potion by Phobos?


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Just... don't compare SR7 and Sad Crab. SR7 has it's flaws, but he's not near as bad as Sad Crab is. SU at least has sex scenes for almost each girls and there is a lot of them, with some have multiple with event/bordello. IW there is 5 girls and only 1 has actual sex and the games have been around for the same period of time.

SR7 is really bad with communication and there is always delays, but if you only take each update, they have way more content than 99% games here.
How many porn games are just ripoff from Honey Select with 1 update every 3 months and will be discountinued within 1 year, but you'll see the comments like "this developer is wonderful and you shouldn't share his patreon content". And I'm not talking about those games just having a blowjob scene were you only got a sex scene each 3 updates.
SR7 is just doing is stuff and promising false things, but if you only take the game, it's not that bad.
Something Unlimited isn't the best porn game, but at least we have sex scenes at each update, with a really nice 2D style. it seems like the bases but there is so many games that don't even do this. But because the developper is a nice guy all is forgiven.

Yeah we could talk about how much money he is making, and it could be better, and it's our right to critisize him. But that doesn't mean either it's the worst porn game ever made.
I would compare SR7 to Sad Crab without a moment of hesitation. Both can't hit release dates to save their lives, both dangle content fans want in front of them for years at a time, both have successful kickstarters primarily because they're using parody laws to get around IP theft, and both produce work that can only loosely be called a game. The only difference between SR7 and Sad Crab is that Something Unlimited cannot be developed in a manner that would allow SR7 to not produce proper content for years at a time, while Innocent Witches is such a game.

As for having more content than 99% more games out there... most of it is still images. SR7 produces an extremely small amount of content and wraps it up in poorly written, repetitive scenarios. If every project approached content the way SR7 does, then that 99% of games would all have as much or more content than Something Unlimited.

You're making excuses for a cheap, lazy scam artist.
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