Sooo, a quick note for those that may have missed it...
Apparently the SU Discord group has opened up the 'fan mod of SU' conversation. Whether the 'suggested guidelines' will be shared here is up to GS Games, Smokeshank has been pretty dismissive about the F95Zone community up to this point. Which is too bad, the
F9Zone SU Sprite Re-Mix/Fanart Thread is pretty awesome, with over 100 pages of content and associated discussions!
Myself, if there was a community out there with 5.8 MILLION members, and as I type this there are over 20,000 members online at F95Zone at this very moment (sure some of those are bots), I'd be looking at F95Zone as something that might be worth putting on my troll armor for and investing a little more time in.
Trolls tend to dominate conversations in any forums where they participate, but there are a NUMBER of people around here that DO LIKE this game and talk about it regularly/aren't trashing it at every opportunity.
Now as for 'Valid Criticisms' of the game, and there ARE a number of those (bugs for example, also 'mostly recycled' sprites). But if GS Games isn't interested in making a better product, well that's on them.
The fact that the 'fan made mods' conversation is even a thing over at the 'official' SU Discord is a promising development however. We'll see where that goes.
BTW, I shared 0.26 of the SU ReImagined proof of concept thingie in the development thread today, but I'm awaiting some more feedback before I 'unofficially officially' share the details in this thread. And of course
xMendoza shared his latest version of Rebuilt a few posts above in this thread.
I'll be shifting gears to another one of my projects for a bit, but will keep an eye on the ReImagined thread and still piddle around with things. It's at the point now that ANYONE that wants to try can make girlpacks for it, be it existing girls or new girls content, so I achieved that goal. There's a few loose ends still (mainly the Meta Bordello, Summoning and Cloning) but it's pretty much 'good to go' for others that want to help out with the F95Zone community SU Ren'Py mod thingie...
Anyways, yeah it'll be interesting to see if anything comes from the 'game modding' discussion on the SU Discord! I'll be here in the meantime (Discord doesn't interest me personally).