
Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Just a friendly reminder that there are two ongoing 'for free' community efforts to port SU over to Ren'Py...


Here's a few recent screenshots from the one I've been spearheading...

Note that this is STILL just an unofficial proof of concept gameplay demo. The next demo update will be dropping in a couple of weeks, and will introduce a bit of new content and a new gameplay angle... It's slowly but surely coming together!

There's also SU Rebuilt 2 (also linked in the OP of the linked thread above) for those looking for a more 'faithful' experience.

My main reason for bringing this up here is that, if a few of you want to "put your 'money' where your mouth is" (not actual money) and may be interested in helping us with these 'for free' F95Zone community projects, help is always appreciated!

This won't replace SU Unity in any shape or form for some time to come yet (play SU Unity for that of course!) but if new ideas interest you...


As for the latest SU Unity update being delayed, I DID tell y'all to just assume it won't show up for around a month after SR7/Smokeshank originally target as their release date, no sense stressing over them routinely releasing things 2-4 weeks after they think it'll be ready! I'm rather interested in the next update myself, I generally only play every other update, that way I have more new content to discover in one go!

Also, I will of course update my SU quick reference sheet for 2.42 after 2.42 drops, give me about a week or so though after 2.42 drops, I'll need to play through the game to 'double check' the new stuff that is added!

Carry on!
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Jun 14, 2018
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every change log I feel my interest dying... and hope fleeting... even my privates drying. The hope for a finished product I've lost... hope for core updates I've lost... won't stop hurting... You feel it, too, don't you?
Suffering builds character bro :ROFLMAO:


May 5, 2022
Ya'll <removed>s need to move on. Bruh, there's people in his server (One of his admins) over here saying dogs and animals can consent. THEY'RE WEIRD. Just move on, hell make a fangame if some of you have the skill. It's over.

Hater Supreme

Apr 16, 2020
Ya'll <removed>s need to move on. Bruh, there's people in his server (One of his admins) over here saying dogs and animals can consent. THEY'RE WEIRD. Just move on, hell make a fangame if some of you have the skill. It's over.
I don't fucking care what some imbeciles in his fanclub think or say as long as none of that goes into the game they're not involved in making.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2017
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every change log I feel my interest dying... and hope fleeting... even my privates drying. The hope for a finished product I've lost... hope for core updates I've lost... won't stop hurting... You feel it, too, don't you?

Anytime the head of an AVN-type project is an artist, you're going to run the risk of things going like this. Artists like drawing new girls much more than (in descending order of "like") { creating scene backgrounds, drawing more of the same girls, plotting writing dialogue, coding, and bugfixing }. Give a guy with talents and interests like SR7 the choice between "draw a new minor side-chick" and "finish the interactions between Starfire and Blackfire" and they'd rather do the former, and they'd rather draw *fire than add the investigation feature, etc etc.

The trick is this: DO NOT THINK OF SOMETHING UNLIMITED AS A GAME. Think of it as a gallery app for SR7s superheroine lewds. Sure, there is some scene-setting text and you have to do a little song and dance to find unlock the CGs, but it's basically an artbook. And that's _fine_, it's great art. But if you're really expecting a proper game you're just going to be sad.


Jul 1, 2017
Anytime the head of an AVN-type project is an artist, you're going to run the risk of things going like this. Artists like drawing new girls much more than (in descending order of "like") { creating scene backgrounds, drawing more of the same girls, plotting writing dialogue, coding, and bugfixing }. Give a guy with talents and interests like SR7 the choice between "draw a new minor side-chick" and "finish the interactions between Starfire and Blackfire" and they'd rather do the former, and they'd rather draw *fire than add the investigation feature, etc etc.

The trick is this: DO NOT THINK OF SOMETHING UNLIMITED AS A GAME. Think of it as a gallery app for SR7s superheroine lewds. Sure, there is some scene-setting text and you have to do a little song and dance to find unlock the CGs, but it's basically an artbook. And that's _fine_, it's great art. But if you're really expecting a proper game you're just going to be sad.
That is where OhWee's ReImagined effort enters the scene.


Jan 14, 2022
Anytime the head of an AVN-type project is an artist, you're going to run the risk of things going like this. Artists like drawing new girls much more than (in descending order of "like") { creating scene backgrounds, drawing more of the same girls, plotting writing dialogue, coding, and bugfixing }. Give a guy with talents and interests like SR7 the choice between "draw a new minor side-chick" and "finish the interactions between Starfire and Blackfire" and they'd rather do the former, and they'd rather draw *fire than add the investigation feature, etc etc.

The trick is this: DO NOT THINK OF SOMETHING UNLIMITED AS A GAME. Think of it as a gallery app for SR7s superheroine lewds. Sure, there is some scene-setting text and you have to do a little song and dance to find unlock the CGs, but it's basically an artbook. And that's _fine_, it's great art. But if you're really expecting a proper game you're just going to be sad.
I wouldn't read too much into it, it was a late-night shitpost lol
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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
That is where OhWee's ReImagined effort enters the scene.
I do need to manage expectations here. SU ReImagined is at version 0.27.5 right now, which is a nice ballpark for how far along we are, i.e. about 27% as far as transcribing content, adding new content, etc. is concerned. 0.28 might be a good time to check out what's going on so far though if you haven't been helping out with the playtesting recently. The plan is to release 0.28 in a couple of weeks or so, depending on how long it takes me to hit a few goal posts...

ATM I'm working on an alternate backstory intro that will include a 'Secret Origins' reference from JL. I'm also working on some new game mechanics stuff that isn't in SU Unity. ReImagined is exactly that, re-imagined...

There's also the Rebuilt 2 effort, being spearheaded by xMendoza, which is also coming together slowly but surely.

This is all 'just for fun' of course! Anyone that wishes to help with our for free F95Zone community efforts, well we could use the help! Lots of stuff still needs to be transcribed, we have a bunch of new content that needs to be added, and of course playtesting and feedback is always appreciated!

But yeah, we are a LONG ways away from even worrying about League of Shadows, Themyscira, etc., unless someone else wants to make that stuff their mission in life to add to ReImagined/Rebuilt 2, so as I've been saying, if you want to see that stuff ingame atm, just play SU Unity! Sure, it's buggy and the game mechanics could be improved, but SR7 has been hammering away at it for a long time now (albiet slowly) and there is a LOT of content in SU Unity currently. As DC homage games go, yeah it's more than a bit repetitive, but it's a lot farther along than the other DC porn projects I've seen...

One of xMendoza and my goals has always been to get GS Games to give up on their current buggy Unity build, but SR7 is stubborn that way. Although, I recently heard SR7 lamenting in a recent podcast about Unity being bought out by new owners or some such. He was essentially saying that it just wasn't the same company anymore. This COULD be an opportunity if Smokeshank and SR7 would just stop being so stubborn, just sayin...

I'm very easy to find, I'm here on F95Zone pretty much every day... xMendoza too! And other contributors to the two Ren'Py projects as well!

In the meantime, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. SU ReImagined is pretty far along at this point, and is coming together rather nicely, slowly but surely. SU Rebuilt is also making steady progress, for those looking for a 'more faithful' recreation, as I've mentioned before. Both projects have a long way to go, but we are slowly getting there.

At some point I'll need to play through the League of Shadows stuff, whatever that is in SU Unity. I'm still putting an end of July target on the next SU Unity release (2.4.2), possibly sooner as my guess...
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Classic Krieger

Active Member
Aug 1, 2017
So after many years of not downloading, I caught up less than an hour. I noticed something odd about the latest changelog, like he simply out and lied about some things, so I decided to fix the changelog.

I feel like I have already said this multiple times, but this goes beyond simply inflating his changelogs, the guy constantly lies about adding things, and then he simply doesn't adds them.

And he mentions he fixes things every two months. What on earth does he fix?? Coss lemme tell you, the game is still as broken as it was in 2016. I would argue 2016 works better.
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