
Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Porn addicts and gamers are the stupidest consumers. Porn addicted gamers are straight up retarded consumers, so yes, they do deserve it.
It's less about the porn addicts and gamers and more about the stolen intellectual property. Plenty of patreon projects bring in a fuck ton of money every month and the bar for entry is lower for projects that are based on preexisting IPs with large built in fan bases. Between that and how little money you actually have to pay per month to support a patreon and it's easy to see how people wind up paying into shit like this. Using myself as an example there's an artist I support on patreon who occasionally puts out content based on Tron Bonne from Mega Man Legends. He puts out some other decent stuff but also has a weird fetish for dwarfs with ridiculously exaggerated proportions and obese dragon girls. I pay $4.50 CAD a month on the off chance he puts out stuff I like. It's extremely easy to justify a few dollars a month, it's not even a fast food sandwich these days.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
how many people draw dc characters like this artist does?

and how many of them deliver consistent porn like this artist does?


he makes lots of money cause people are bored of pirating brazzers porn and cause pervy dc fans are thirsty for his product.
Plenty use a style similar to this one, plenty of them deliver consistently.

The real question is how many of them deliver so little content on so much money, and how many of them are constantly late, fail to deliver on promises, and actually forget to include content in updates even though they say it's in there and claim to test?

You are grossly exaggerating SR7's capabilities considering the fact that he frankensteins artwork together from older assets, his once solid grasp on anatomy has degraded further and further in recent years, and his proportions have gotten more and more freakish. SR7 has the ability to do incredible work but all you have to do is look at the litany of half finished work in his history to see that he doesn't actually ever put in true effort. He's coasting on patreon support, putting in the lowest amount of effort possible, while ensuring that the only voices he hears are the ones that puff him up. Take his dick out of your mouth for a bit and you'll see it.


New Member
Jun 3, 2020
A decent amount of the porn games that people make aren't worth the money you pay for it. Definitely a big reason why I try to stay away from it. Though, I will say that SR7 has some pretty good art imo.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
are could just be finding the drawings made by the true artist work and just codeing the stuff to fit lol.
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