
Jun 2, 2018
Eh, aside from like one update where everything was buggy as hell they have delivered a top-quality product so I'm find with a little delay.


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
First waifu academy,now this?oh come on:mad:,even if i dont like the story of this shit game and only here for mercy..(sigh)whatever..


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Oh look, he's going to be a few days "late" again. I wonder how that happened? Could it be because he went against his own decision to focus on finishing the characters in the game before adding new ones? Jesus H, finish what you start before starting new shit.
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Nov 17, 2018
And as someone who is actually supporting the developers on Patreon, I feel like it's perfectly fine to be wary that this means that next update is going to end up being delayed as well since it feels like the start of a bad trend. At least they were apologetic about it tonight. Yesterday it was basically "Opps, our bad and you're an asshole if you're upset it's delayed."

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
And as someone who is actually supporting the developers on Patreon, I feel like it's perfectly fine to be wary that this means that next update is going to end up being delayed as well since it feels like the start of a bad trend. At least they were apologetic about it tonight. Yesterday it was basically "Opps, our bad and you're an asshole if you're upset it's delayed."
On retrospect, I can see where you may have interpreted "Sorry for any mental distress/anguish this news may cause," the way you did. That was not intended and it was actually genuine even if a bit exaggerated.
Oct 1, 2017

On the Dangers of Timed Releases…
We fucked up. We could tell that it was because SR7 tried to outdo himself but didn’t have sufficient time to do so. We could explain the cascading dominos from the trouble with the last build coupled with unfortunate business timings due to schedules and legalese. But none of it would change the pure fact that we have to delay the build until April 5th at the latest – and therefore, we fucked up.
We hope that years of being on time has given us the benefit of the doubt that this will not continue or be the new norm, but we also understand our patrons and fans being aggravated that delays have now happened on back-to-back cycles. And none of the reasons behind why this happened excuse that.
Frankly speaking, if we felt like we could or had a time machine, we’d do away with timed releases entirely – especially for a project that relies so heavily on one person. There’s just too much that can happen outside of our control.
There’s a reason a lot of our contemporaries have steered away from, or entirely clear of, timed releases. Game development is a fickle mistress that is nearly impossible to anticipate. Something that you expect to take 5 hours could take 5 mins and vice-versa – and that only becomes truer the deeper you get into a project’s life cycle.
But we understand the timed-release schedule is vitally important to many of you. And we understand we have a duty to uphold the practices and expectations upon which this project was built.
We can’t promise to never have to delay a build again. Frankly speaking, if the decision is between putting out a mess or cutting content vs delaying the build a few days, we’re going to delay the build every time. And that doesn’t mean the delayed build won’t still have issues – as was the case with the Raven build.
What we can promise is to own our mistakes, to learn from them, and to incrementally get better with each mistake we make. At the end of the day, we’re just a collection of humans. But we are trying to do our best and steadily improve.
Again, we apologize for the delay. As a token of recompense, we hope the above teaser/reveal is to many people’s liking (yep, the mystery character was Talia) and tomorrow we will be releasing the next roadmap.
We appreciate everyone’s understanding in this matter,
Gunsmoke Games
Damn i was about to get on the hype train for tomorrow..


May 27, 2018
Was really hoping this wouldn't be the case, but I understand that things happen. Just sad that I have to wait another few days for the content I've been wanting since they were added to the game.


Mar 1, 2018
The roadmap that ends with Artemis was drafted up back in November with the target dates of each of the three releases. So back in November was the time this update was scheduled. But why let goals interfere with goin ta Didney Worl! and riding roller coasters leading up to a day before the release. Just make sure that next month ticks for those sweet pateron buxx before anyone gets anything. Why does April 5th mean anything all of the sudden if the planned release dates don't? Why adhere to anything if it's just "delayed. lol." If they're so against target dates that they set upon themselves now, switch to pay-per-release as an option which Patreon has had for years now. Oh right, because people wouldn't be scammed for empty months/late releases. Forgot that.

I don't exactly remember where I read it (the discord if memory serves) so I won't try and push this as truth: I recall reading someone asking if the extended delay with the Miss M/Raven update was going to bleed into this upcoming one in a negative fashion which GG said, no. Well the fact they used it as an additional excuse for this one is a bit of a :ROFLMAO: not to mention they're leaving the door open for this update to be buggy as hell too. So don't be surprised if unlocking an Artemis costume locks out all of Cheshire and Talia's content shows up in the -Known Bugs tab. Which will lead to this delay bleeding into the next update, repeat, repeat, repeat.

The second post containing the unwanted news was at least worded tactfully unlike the previous one. And again I can't provide proof other than circumstantial evidence of the somewhat "Piss-off." update being posted by smoke while the more mindful one was done by Locke who is basically the repping PR-Guy. So I think that says enough.


May 27, 2018
The roadmap that ends with Artemis was drafted up back in November with the target dates of each of the three releases. So back in November was the time this update was scheduled. But why let goals interfere with goin ta Didney Worl! and riding roller coasters leading up to a day before the release. Just make sure that next month ticks for those sweet pateron buxx before anyone gets anything. Why does April 5th mean anything all of the sudden if the planned release dates don't? Why adhere to anything if it's just "delayed. lol." If they're so against target dates that they set upon themselves now, switch to pay-per-release as an option which Patreon has had for years now. Oh right, because people wouldn't be scammed for empty months/late releases. Forgot that.

I don't exactly remember where I read it (the discord if memory serves) so I won't try and push this as truth: I recall reading someone asking if the extended delay with the Miss M/Raven update was going to bleed into this upcoming one in a negative fashion which GG said, no. Well the fact they used it as an additional excuse for this one is a bit of a :ROFLMAO: not to mention they're leaving the door open for this update to be buggy as hell too. So don't be surprised if unlocking an Artemis costume locks out all of Cheshire and Talia's content shows up in the -Known Bugs tab. Which will lead to this delay bleeding into the next update, repeat, repeat, repeat.

The second post containing the unwanted news was at least worded tactfully unlike the previous one. And again I can't provide proof other than circumstantial evidence of the somewhat "Piss-off." update being posted by smoke while the more mindful one was done by Locke who is basically the repping PR-Guy. So I think that says enough.
boy, you're just a ray of sunshine, ain't ya?

Kylar Stern

Jul 29, 2017
You know why I love the hell out of this team? Transparency. They own their mistakes. Unlike some devs who just make the excuse and say Coming Soon* or devs that literally say nothing for months, these guys make an effort to stay connected to everyone. EVERYONE. For that they will always have my faith and understanding.

But seriously my dudes, the let down sucks especially at 2am pst. Godspeed, good luck.


Sep 25, 2018
The roadmap that ends with Artemis was drafted up back in November with the target dates of each of the three releases. So back in November was the time this update was scheduled. But why let goals interfere with goin ta Didney Worl! and riding roller coasters leading up to a day before the release. Just make sure that next month ticks for those sweet pateron buxx before anyone gets anything. Why does April 5th mean anything all of the sudden if the planned release dates don't? Why adhere to anything if it's just "delayed. lol." If they're so against target dates that they set upon themselves now, switch to pay-per-release as an option which Patreon has had for years now. Oh right, because people wouldn't be scammed for empty months/late releases. Forgot that.

I don't exactly remember where I read it (the discord if memory serves) so I won't try and push this as truth: I recall reading someone asking if the extended delay with the Miss M/Raven update was going to bleed into this upcoming one in a negative fashion which GG said, no. Well the fact they used it as an additional excuse for this one is a bit of a :ROFLMAO: not to mention they're leaving the door open for this update to be buggy as hell too. So don't be surprised if unlocking an Artemis costume locks out all of Cheshire and Talia's content shows up in the -Known Bugs tab. Which will lead to this delay bleeding into the next update, repeat, repeat, repeat.

The second post containing the unwanted news was at least worded tactfully unlike the previous one. And again I can't provide proof other than circumstantial evidence of the somewhat "Piss-off." update being posted by smoke while the more mindful one was done by Locke who is basically the repping PR-Guy. So I think that says enough.
Their trip wasn't "goin ta Didney Worl! and riding roller coasters". Yeah, they took advantage of the trip a bit and did go to two tourist places, but the vast majority of our time was spent on the business. Hammering out legalese details, planning for the future, talking about this build and the next 3, etc. It was first and foremost a business trip, one we'd already put off multiple times and finally got to the point where it just needed to be done. And we handled our business.

The dates are there to keep everyone informed, as are updates to when they get pushed. And yeah, there's a reason game release dates routinely get pushed back. There's a lot in this industry that you can't account for. Had everything worked after a test pass or two, the build would've released on time even with the last delay and the trip. Unfortunately, that didn't quite happen. And yeah, we still could've put out a build today by just cutting the content that wasn't quite right yet, but we've chosen not to do that. If that means to you have dates don't mean anything, that's your prerogative. But I know for a fact most people would rather be kept informed as to our intentions and what happens than not.

I'm not going to bother talking about the realities of game development, funding and how pay-per-release would make the vast number of nsfw projects impossible. If you don't like it, don't pledge. (Which, to be honest, I'd bet money you're not doing anyway considering this is something brought up 99% of the time by people who'd never financially support a dev team regardless of circumstance.)

As for the bleed issue, I don't recall someone asking that, but if they had then the answer would've correctly been no because we didn't think it would. We're not prophets. If everything had gone according to the plan, it wouldn't have happened. But it didn't. We didn't know there'd be an inordinate amount of bugs. We didn't know SR7 would get painful migraines for 24 hours after flying.

Allow me to dispel some bullshit: The Raven Update Was NOT "Buggy as Hell"

I can't express in words just how sick I am of seeing that. It was a simple switch and the fix was up in less than 12 hours. That's not "buggy as hell" by any stretch of the imagination. The sky isn't falling, Chicken Little. Stop over-exaggerating.

And finally, the main reason I'm addressing this on my personal account, I wrote both posts. I'll admit in retrospect that I can see how some people misconstrued the Who's that Pokemon post as "Piss-off", but that's not at all how it was intended. It was sincere, albeit exaggerated. What I think happened is that I swapped gears from happy-go-lucky teaser to we-might-need-to-delay in less than a minute and the first tone bled into the next.

Honestly, there was internal debate about saying anything at all until SR7 finished his assessment, but we ultimately chose to be upfront and let people know about the potential for a delay as soon as possible. At that time, there was still a very real chance SR7 looked at the test feedback and said, "Yeah, no problem, I can clean this up and still make launch comfortably."

I appreciate that you feel strongly enough about the project and our team to write all of this. But you're off-base with your assumptions, ill-informed, overly-exaggerating like crazy, and talking about things you don't have any actual experience with as if you do.

It would be savage as all hell if their April Fool's day joke was that they were actually on time. ;):mad::sick::poop:
On time would be today, March 31st our time, so that wouldn't exactly work. You might want to pay attention to our Patreon come April Fo- I mean, April 1st, though. ; )


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
Their trip wasn't "goin ta Didney Worl! and riding roller coasters". Yeah, they took advantage of the trip a bit and did go to two tourist places, but the vast majority of our time was spent on the business. Hammering out legalese details, planning for the future, talking about this build and the next 3, etc. It was first and foremost a business trip, one we'd already put off multiple times and finally got to the point where it just needed to be done. And we handled our business.

The dates are there to keep everyone informed, as are updates to when they get pushed. And yeah, there's a reason game release dates routinely get pushed back. There's a lot in this industry that you can't account for. Had everything worked after a test pass or two, the build would've released on time even with the last delay and the trip. Unfortunately, that didn't quite happen. And yeah, we still could've put out a build today by just cutting the content that wasn't quite right yet, but we've chosen not to do that. If that means to you have dates don't mean anything, that's your prerogative. But I know for a fact most people would rather be kept informed as to our intentions and what happens than not.

I'm not going to bother talking about the realities of game development, funding and how pay-per-release would make the vast number of nsfw projects impossible. If you don't like it, don't pledge. (Which, to be honest, I'd bet money you're not doing anyway considering this is something brought up 99% of the time by people who'd never financially support a dev team regardless of circumstance.)

As for the bleed issue, I don't recall someone asking that, but if they had then the answer would've correctly been no because we didn't think it would. We're not prophets. If everything had gone according to the plan, it wouldn't have happened. But it didn't. We didn't know there'd be an inordinate amount of bugs. We didn't know SR7 would get painful migraines for 24 hours after flying.

Allow me to dispel some bullshit: The Raven Update Was NOT "Buggy as Hell"

I can't express in words just how sick I am of seeing that. It was a simple switch and the fix was up in less than 12 hours. That's not "buggy as hell" by any stretch of the imagination. The sky isn't falling, Chicken Little. Stop over-exaggerating.

And finally, the main reason I'm addressing this on my personal account, I wrote both posts. I'll admit in retrospect that I can see how some people misconstrued the Who's that Pokemon post as "Piss-off", but that's not at all how it was intended. It was sincere, albeit exaggerated. What I think happened is that I swapped gears from happy-go-lucky teaser to we-might-need-to-delay in less than a minute and the first tone bled into the next.

Honestly, there was internal debate about saying anything at all until SR7 finished his assessment, but we ultimately chose to be upfront and let people know about the potential for a delay as soon as possible. At that time, there was still a very real chance SR7 looked at the test feedback and said, "Yeah, no problem, I can clean this up and still make launch comfortably."

I appreciate that you feel strongly enough about the project and our team to write all of this. But you're off-base with your assumptions, ill-informed, overly-exaggerating like crazy, and talking about things you don't have any actual experience with as if you do.

On time would be today, March 31st our time, so that wouldn't exactly work. You might want to pay attention to our Patreon come April Fo- I mean, April 1st, though. ; )
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