Barkin 10

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2016
I've never played this game, but I've a question regarding it. The game was censored, right? I remember it being called Injustice Unlimited or whatever, and DC put the kibosh on that, correct? So how much was changed, beyond the name? Is it still using DC characters or are they altered? Just wondering what the limits on parody are, since the game is on Patreon and shit.
Read the OP.
Read the very first post.
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Apr 6, 2019
It may come out sometime later tonight.
I hope I'm wrong but I'm suspecting that we're about to get message saying how they need to push it back but it'll definitely come out sometime this week


Aug 24, 2017
There are a lot of people in this thread that seem to be mistaking complaining for critique.
You have never meet the person in your life, he's not selling you anything and you want him to earn your trust?
Im a bit confused do you want play the game or go to the church?
I agree that you are confused, but you haven't realized the correct reasons. He wants the trust of people for two reasons - he's trying(or at least used to) to be an actual game studio and because if people didn't trust him and their opinion was low of him, they wouldn't be willing to give him any money. After all, he's doing this 'project' for money. If he didn't get enough he would've quit by now. Because let's be honest, he doesn't truly care for this game above the point of "I work on this and need to keep it alive and well for the (shit load of) money", otherwise he would've at least hired some people to help him to help him. God knows there are people with enough talent that are willing to work for less than 1000$ a month. It's called outsourcing to 2nd/3rd world countries and a lot of companies do it. But that's another topic all together.


Aug 27, 2019
Ok i aready find cheat menu putting by C.
And gallery room also find...
But gallery room is f***ing ugless...
All scenes just image! It realy just gallery*! Not replay* gallery! Brah... :(

And about commpressed...
PLS, do not teach me...
How it call comressed if after unpack game sizy is.... 7GB! 7 f***ing GB!!!!
Game what not have any f***ing videos or animations or huge BGM/SE/VOISES! Just f***ing IMAGES!!!!
Compressed is exactly what they did. Compress the game for easier downloading. To play the game, you must uncompress it. See nearly every digital game release. You may download 20GB, but once it's downloaded and processed, it's suddenly over 40GB.

Uncompressed images can be HUGE. Graphics guys at my job have .psd's over 1gb in size. You can browse the large files in this game and see everything in them.

If you think this game has big assets just for images, go look at CoD, Overwatch, R6:Siege, etc. They are giants compared to this, not even counting the audio.
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Oct 1, 2017
its out, he posted on patreon !

It's Here!!
Well this build is finally here, after two rounds of testing, and still having to shut some stuff off we got it out.

Unfortunately the website is not a go just yet, but will be up and running in the next couple days. So this will allow you to get the build off the website rather than Patreon if you prefer. We will make an announcement to let everyone know.

Thanks you all for your continued support!


Active Member
Jul 27, 2018
its out, he posted on patreon !

It's Here!!
Well this build is finally here, after two rounds of testing, and still having to shut some stuff off we got it out.

Unfortunately the website is not a go just yet, but will be up and running in the next couple days. So this will allow you to get the build off the website rather than Patreon if you prefer. We will make an announcement to let everyone know.

Thanks you all for your continued support!
So does this mean they will not release the update until the website it ready ????
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