The leash scenes are a good idea conceptually but its just too overbearing on copy+pasting everything except headswaps and using photoshop to change the skin colors easily. Also the ever typical Event ADD again. It's not the focus anymore even though the only character you can penetrate is Nubia with half the characters stuck at blowies and Aphrodite sluts, Persephone, Artemis, Grail, and Yara haven't gotten anything. Great!

At least he'll be able to milk this event when he finishes the bordello in a year.
It's a lot better than the Kasnia event which was actually nothing, but hopefully with whatever's next they keep it smaller scope. Better to have an event with 3 or 4 waifus that are fleshed out instead of these 10+ characters giving the wide as an ocean deep as a puddle vibe. And even though Circe makes sense to be included in Themyscira, don't add a character who's already "finished" to get more content before the newer characters are complete.