
Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2022
Good Morning Everyone (It's still morning in the CST where we're based and have always been, but release based on UTC so everyone gets the build the same day.)

Another great week of awesome suggestions from a massive driver of traffic for us. So in order to stay more organized and deliver another on time build. I decided to compile only the best suggestions from this thread. And will make corrective actions on our end to make these changes.

1) Deliver game on Feb 31st, because it is a leap year (totally forgot thanks)
2) Make sure to miss an entire delivery this year, in order to be a full two months late (strange suggestion but ok)
3) Remember to pad the change log, because people play the change log not the game (new concept for us, but amazing suggestion)
4) Make sure to listen to the never supporters, because they will never support. Again make sure to listen to the never supporters, who never supported, or will. They always have the best suggestions, and provide supportish.
5) Take 5 mins to do this weekly Wednesday post instead of 7 mins usually. Don't want to waste time now.
7) Ask SR7 to fire me as a co-owner.

Well that wraps up last weeks tremendous suggestions. Remember we always take this thread with the utmost seriousness.

I'm sorry..... Fab 31, but it's 29 days according to a calendar, there is no leap year....,
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Hater Supreme

Apr 16, 2020
So does anybody in this thread unironically believe that they'll "finish" the Themyscira event in the February update? The only semi-finished character in that event is Nubia, several other characters have like 2-3 scenes at most, while all others have nothing, like there's no way to feasibly finish all of it in one update, and especially not with a game like this that has a track record of broken promises and blatant lies.

So here's my prediction for the February update: it'll be a re-run of that laughable leash update (where we got the same leash scene copy pasted across several characters), but even worse.

In other words, they'll create exactly ONE strip/bj/sex/anal scene and then copy paste it across literally ALL of the characters on Themyscira, then call it finished. Whenever somebody calls them out on it in the future, they'll make up some bullshit or straight up not respond at all.

Then the Patreon members will eat it all up anyways by not using a single brain cell and still paying money for being blatantly lied to, and so then this will become the standard for future SU updates, where all characters will start having the exact same scene copy pasted across the entire board.

He'll give new scenes for like half the characters on Themyscira and then make up some bullshit excuse about bugs or code or getting sick or whatever the fuck he comes up with, and say the other half is coming out in the May update.

Either way, to summarize: there's no fucking way they're finishing Themyscira in February lmfao.
Absolutely not, it will be another tiny update with the usual excuses of ''Sorry guys, we were fixing so many bugs + the last update was bugged so even more bugs to fix!'' and ''Bruh, who knew that work is hard, sure was a shocker for our team, next update for realsies!''.


Jan 14, 2020
sorry can i ask for help im trying to find the image of all the amazons lined up, but i think that was more than 100 pages ago. Does anyone have the 2 images of all the amzons lined up the one with costumes and nude by any chance?


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
So I just watched Infinite Earths... and I gotta say that I have yet another reason to thank Two Earths for giving us the gorgeous specimen that is Superwoman. Not a fan of the Infinite Earths design.

Speaking of Superwoman, she needs to be in more events.
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