Just noting that you have a Ren'Py ANDROID release, not a Ren'Py PC Release of the same build last time I checked. An official Ren'Py PC release is what a lot of people are interested in as:
1) Ren'Py doesn't put saves in the registry (usually)
2) Weird bugs keep popping up with the SU Unity version. See this very thread for bug reports!
3) Dynamically re-scalable window (click and drag a corner/edge), no black screen error if you pick the wrong resolution settings (I had this very issue with SU Unity).
I did try an unofficial Ren'Py PC port of the official Ren'Py Android port once. And apparently this happened at some point?
Dunno where this screenshot came from, hopefully not from the Android version, and I would assume that this was fixed months ago, but if I saw his, I wouldn't call this bug free...
But back on topic:
I, along with others, are on record noting that we think that SR7 would ultimately benefit from a stable PC RenPy port of the official 'full SU Unity' game, as there are a number of Fungus related errors that keep popping up for some people. That and Unity bloats the size of SU Unity unnecessarily by having duplicates of images, etc, doubling/tripling the size of the extracted version.
In short, a Ren'py version would be leaner and meaner, and it would be a lot easier to track down and kill bugs, as Ren'Py flat out tells you when there's a bug, and most of the time it will tell you exactly what and where that error is.
Fungus is holding SU Unity back at this point IMHO, and SR7 would be a much happier man if he wasn't troubleshooting bugs all the time. That's one opinion anyways...
Whomever is working on your Ren'Py Android version has done a lot of groundwork already, it wouldn't be hard to ditch Unity entirely at this point, with just a bit of elbow grease/time investment... This would make a lot of people very happy...
The less time that SR7 needs to spend on debugging, the more time he has to create new art, and a happier a man he will be...
I'm NOT referring to SU ReImagined btw, that's a different animal, we are trying new things (some cool ideas are being explored though)...
xMendoza 's SU Rebuilt (2) is much closer to the original design if such things interest you...
Food for thought!