July 31st around 9pm Central time like always.
The current roadmap still stands as:
- Finish the uncompleted animations (~6)
- Work on a new Event (will not be released till much later)
- WW cell content
- Finish Terra cell content
- Some Misc cell content
There will be plenty of new writing to accompany everything and a few surprises as well. 1 of which should encourage a new playthrough. The new event is looking to be released before Halloween but Sunset has been tightlipped on how much work is left or what the new event is. Expect more news next month after this update. That's about it. Will hop on again when we are nearing release to answer last minute questions.
This roadmap is way more vague than the last ones, SR7 probably doesn't want to create to much hype. Hopefully that means that there will be a few surprises since the only thing we didn't knew about the last update was the leash scenes.
He plans on finishing all the characters at this point of the year. Certain characters do have more trouble than others like Mercy who is such a huge character, that just touching her up for costumes can take weeks of coding (No I am not kidding). The only reason he is finishing Terra first is because he really fell in love with her character and dialogue. Eventually he may just randomly pick girls to finish but at the moment he is trying to go through the girls that are the most fun for him personally. Can't really say who is after Terra but Raven is getting there and so is most of the henchwomen. Pick apart that as you will.
While Terra wouldn't be my choice I'm happy that SR7 is still motivated with this project. I can't wait to see a girl with finished cell content, that should be able to shut a few of the haters.
Any info on Lois' status? I remember reading that she had the same messy code situation that Mercy and Harley had/have
You remember correctly, Mercy, Harley, Lois and Batgirl, if I'm not mistaken have really old code and adding content to them is really hard. So it is likely that it will take a while before SR7 can add content to the older cell characters. Which is a shame really, because Lois is one of my favorite characters in the game.