Hopefully Batgirl. Reading parts of the thread before posting this and seeing what Ivy's addition did to her Bordello scene I understand that may be difficult but she seemed to have so much put into her cell content and then boom, it just cuts off.Don't quote me on this but he is trying to finish 1 character every update or getting them to near 90% complete. I say don't quote me because anything can happen while he is working but he is open to having this be a part of the road maps aka (Finish etc character).
A lot of people were disappointed with the last update and rightfully so but in the end it was a recipe for disaster in the end. A lot of the posing system took A LOT of work away from the update and Sunset was in the process of losing weight and got sick alongside it. Took him out for a week leading up to release and the night of the release which got delayed because he started hallucinating and started getting progressively worse. That extra week was supposed to wrap up everything but it didn't happen. At the moment Sunset knew where he fucked up and is fixing it. To quote him at the moment, this upcoming update is double the size of the biggest update aka the Terra update and the 2nd Prison update. While it is still a gamble on what is going to get finished he is still very comfortable in saying this will be a big update.
This will be the last I say about it since there is nothing else to talk about that hasn't been talked to death on the Discord or the streams.