
May 11, 2017
How is this grindy, by no means is this all that grindy. Trust me if seen grindy, its were you spend 100 actions over a day to just setup one event only to make a progress of 1 out of 100 so repeat it 100 times to complete one phase out of 10 to 30 phases. See that's an example of a grindy game, n I can hear people laughing as they prolly know the game I'll not mention as i dont want that bad taste again.

Love and curruption can be gained with money just work n buy n give gifts and up its strait forward n easyer that way. Heck cheat n give yourself money if you wanna skip the grind.


Jan 29, 2021
I think people complain about Grind when they can't get everything with only one click. But that would be a slideshow and not a game.
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Devoted Member
Jr. Uploader
Jul 29, 2017
...public poll on patreon....
Game's focus moving forward

This is going to be a very important poll so please vote if you can. As you know, the core gameplay of the game is divined between two main aspect, influence and corruption. I initially have to this as a way for people who doesn't like corruption to still be able to enjoy the game where influence were more vanilla while corruption would contain more hardcore fetish. However, this made creating content for each girls very difficult and increase the work load by double if not triple.
I have received quite a few comment on potentially just focus on corruption aspect to reduce workload. And I do see some benefit from that. I do enjoy working on corruption aspect of the game more and it would make creating content for each girls much faster and more efficient. However, on the down side, I will need to rework the core concept of the game, adjust the grind, interactions and so one. That will take at least a month of update or more. But one that's done the new contents would be develop much faster. The other negative point would be reducing the freedom of the player, right now you can decide if you want the girls to be corrupt or not, or just corrupt them to the point you want. By removing the influence side of things, corruption would be require to progress their story.
The result of this poll wouldn't take into effect immediately, and just because one option has more vote doesn't means that will definitely be the direction the game will go moving forward. But it would be a good indication for me to gauge people's interest.

As for the poll about characters to focus on for 7.0. So far, Alyssa seem to lock in. I still need to calculate the total votes for one other character since each tier voted differently this time.

Keep things the same with both influence and corruption

Remove Influence and focus only on corruption
20 votes total
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Dec 13, 2020
...public poll on patreon....
Game's focus moving forward

This is going to be a very important poll so please vote if you can. As you know, the core gameplay of the game is divined between two main aspect, influence and corruption. I initially have to this as a way for people who doesn't like corruption to still be able to enjoy the game where influence were more vanilla while corruption would contain more hardcore fetish. However, this made creating content for each girls very difficult and increase the work load by double if not triple.
I have received quite a few comment on potentially just focus on corruption aspect to reduce workload. And I do see some benefit from that. I do enjoy working on corruption aspect of the game more and it would make creating content for each girls much faster and more efficient. However, on the down side, I will need to rework the core concept of the game, adjust the grind, interactions and so one. That will take at least a month of update or more. But one that's done the new contents would be develop much faster. The other negative point would be reducing the freedom of the player, right now you can decide if you want the girls to be corrupt or not, or just corrupt them to the point you want. By removing the influence side of things, corruption would be require to progress their story.
The result of this poll wouldn't take into effect immediately, and just because one option has more vote doesn't means that will definitely be the direction the game will go moving forward. But it would be a good indication for me to gauge people's interest.

As for the poll about characters to focus on for 7.0. So far, Alyssa seem to lock in. I still need to calculate the total votes for one other character since each tier voted differently this time.

Keep things the same with both influence and corruption

Remove Influence and focus only on corruption
20 votes total
I thought both stats kind of led into each other, like you couldn't advance far in one without advancing the other?
  • Thinking Face
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Jan 29, 2021
Yers you cannot advancee corruption without influence, but you do not need to do the corruption events if you only want to have the influence 'friendly' mode. I'm not a patron so I can't vote, but I would prefer having both, despite enjoying the corruption content - I think only concentrating on one route is too limiting , especially because you have no choice which way the corruption goes.

pineapple warrior

New Member
Sep 4, 2018
I voted in the poll, I think it would be interesting to do the vanilla stuff, but if the majority of people want the corrupted route to take precedence I think it would be interesting to revisit the vanilla stuff later down the line after the base game and ideas are more hashed out.


Apr 19, 2019
If you do the corruption only route, you can always add a dialogue box to "ask" the npc to look (and maybe act) more vanilla.


Apr 15, 2021
Easiest way is just to make a hard split of vanilla and corruption route in the beginning. So there are exactly two sets of outfits and corresponding scenes. Not a bajillion combinations of each level of corruption and influence.
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New Member
Jan 19, 2023
Did the dev fix the grind at all? I played this awhile ago and the grind was atrocious.
Idk when you played last, but with the newest update there's ways in game to bypass the grind, buying the suit allows you to do the corruption/influence actions more often each day, and just showing up at places can also increase influence. And more importantly with the better travel map, that annoying childhood friend and next door neighbor are easier to get to/remember and require far fewer clicks to do.

We also have hints of more characters being added and just extras that allow you to do more which distracts from the grindy bits because you always have some other goal to work towards as well, or just something extra to distract you from repeating the same process over and over (take the hint MMO devs)
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Active Member
Nov 22, 2021
Is title page shot a picture of same character with modified appearance based upon choices made in the game?


Game Developer
Jun 15, 2023
Easiest way is just to make a hard split of vanilla and corruption route in the beginning. So there are exactly two sets of outfits and corresponding scenes. Not a bajillion combinations of each level of corruption and influence.
I do see the benefit from this as it would eliminated the needed to accommodate multiple corruption states for each influence event. However, as a sandbox game, it just doesn't sit right with me to block off content like that. I made the game the way I did so that if you ever want to change the girl and see more hardcore content you can work on that route at anytime. Thanks for the suggestion though, I do lurk around here and there to see what everyone thinks. In any case, I will ponder about this over the holiday till next year.
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Post Pro
Sep 3, 2022
Sovereign [v0.7.1] [Zinikis Production]

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2.90 star(s) 51 Votes