Suggested corrections continued
51 - In the Quest Menu, the quest description for Locating The Beacon. Description says "Wait a for a night and contact Nimhe..." remove the 1st a.
52 - After completing Seraphine's Pony training and visiting Krogneath to report results. MC says "It took some time to, ahem.. Prepare Seraphine." You are missing a period after ahem.
53 - On Krell Dome, speaking to Pony Shop Owner. He says "Tarakian Ponies have the most stamina.." Missing a period.
54 - On Krell Dome, speaking with Shady Trader. She says "This is the only way I can interact here without arousing supicion..." suspicion is misspelled.
55 - Same conversation with Shady Trader at Dome. She says "I am conducting important business here...." 1 too many periods.
56 - The Dome, interacting with Bookkeeper for first time, BB-2 and MC speak. MC says "Well, what can you tell me about Krell betting then" There is no period or periods or question mark or anything at end of statement by MC.
57 - The Dome, same conversation with BB-2, MC says "That's no so unusual..." add a T and change no to not.
58 - The Dome, after Seraphine parade. Krogneath says "Thank you, Human" Missing a period or 3.
59 - Speaking with Seraphine in her quarters after completing the Parade Event. MC says "Of course you have to wear you Pony Costume..." add an r and change 2nd you to your.
60 - Same conversation with Seraphine, she says "I am the Pony they want to see!" I believe you should capitalize the. "I am The Pony they want to see!" or some other way to emphasize THE. Up to you.
61 - When returning from Pony Walk with Seraphine. Vee arrives and then Seraphine says "Nnnnggg...." too many periods.
62 - Numerous instances of Pony Costume being said either Capitalized or not capitalized. Inconsistent. Since it is the title of an item, makes sense they all be Capitalized. Maybe simpler for you to just do a "find all..." in game dialogue files for reference to Pony Costume, and then you can pick a standard.
63 - After taking Nimhe out for Pony Walk outside in Arellarti, she says "Nnnnggg...." too many periods.
64 - Pony walking Seraphine in the Dome, there may be a Krell Pet Owner MC can speak to. If player speaks to him with Seraphine along, Krell says "You wouldn't want to happen to sell her?" This sentence should be corrected. example: "You wouldn't happen to want to sell her?"
65 - In the evening Dr.Moira is in her quarters. But there is no Red dot on the minimap denoting the presence of a NPC in that room.
66 - During the day Dr.Moira is in the MedBay. But there is no Red dot on the minimap denoting the presence of a NPC in that room.
67 - When trying to assign Krell Collar costume to Vee in the morning, if not in Krell Space and at low SUB, she says she will not wear it because it is demeaning. I don't think Vee feels shame. Perhaps a different statement would be more appropriate.
68 - When presenting a Pony Costume to Dr.Moira MC says "Yes, I ahem.... found it somewhere..." too many periods after ahem.
69 - When trying to give Racy Uniform to Dr.Moira she says "I do not plan to work on the the ship like that." duplicate the.
70 - When trying to give a Dildo to Dr.Moira she says "Not comparable to a Krell device of course...." too may periods.
71 - When calling Verity, MC says "Say, at...." too many periods.
72 - When calling Verity, she suggests 8 P.M. The most common and accepted use of the abreviated Prime Meridian is PM. Without periods. True it is an abreviation, and normally would warrant the periods. But PM is standard, without the periods.
73 - After giving bridge tour to Verity, there is a scene and MC repeatedly says "Aaaarghhh" Missing periods.
74 - When using the Voron Hyperdrive to enter Quthor for 1st time, you are intercepted by a Drengarian Destroyer. The Captain says "You have entered our System illegaly." illegally is misspelled, and missing a 2nd L at end.
75 - After delivering cure to Quthor Station. If MC attempts to exit the ship, BB-2 stops them and says "It might take a while the quarantine is lifted..." missing word until. "...a while until the quarantine is lifted."
76 - After delivering cure to Quthor Station, and waiting several days. Station Control contacts MC and says "For your safety please do not enter Quthor Station Locales at that time..." replace that with this. " this time..."
77 - After completing the Cure mission, MC is instructed to speak with Dr.Moira about the 15 Million Cr reward. MC says "We have Crew Task Assignments every morning at 8:00 hours." Suggest changing the time designation. If using military terminology of hours. Then it would be correct to say 0800 hours. With a zero at the front and no colon. However if using standard civilian time then 8 AM or 8 o'clock etc is appropriate. Civilians do not say hour after a time. example: "Hey Bob, see you 8 AM tommorow."
78 - The sector maps themselves, where you see the various planets/domes/stations/belts/anomalies/etc. Each Sector Map has a written title at the bottom right. Each of these differs and the standard varies. For example, in Iltari System it only says Democracy. In Arellarti System it says Krell Oligarchy. In Xenos System it says Imperial Technocracy. In Quthor it says Republic of Drengar. Etc... Suggest modifying each map that does not follow standard the correct standard. example: Iltari should say Iltari Alliance for example.