Just completed 1.50. Like the additions, but they feel... incomplete (so much is "future version" stuff, like entering your own girls into the ponygirl racing, and milking the rest of the crew, and obviously the completion of Moira's quest). This, alongside things like the Chambermaid quest, the hints that we may eventually be able to alter Khelara's and possibly other outfits), and it still feels like we're not really "complete" as a game. Which can be a good thing, as I keep looking forward to new content.
Food for thought suggestions for more "expansions" going forward:
I know that you don't want "multiple endings," but I STILL would really like some sort of option for a "complete" game without going back to the milky way, even if it's just something satisfying BEFORE jumping back home that could be headcanoned as the "alternate ending."
More images for Sera's handjob scene in other costumes and uniforms. She apparently dresses up in her pink jumpsuit to give you a handjob even when wearing a Krell Uniform, only to go back into her Krell uniform once she's done. Uh...
Already mentioned and at least briefly discussed as a possibility post 2.0, but we could use more content with both the Drengarians and Vorons. Also, we could use some more info about the Tarkarians, so we can see why they make such good-but-difficult-to-train pets.
We could use two-three new systems to explore:
One for the Nilurians (or whatever they're called; I keep meaning to write it down when they get mentioned, so I can remember, but forget in the moment); they get referenced once or twice, and we see "N-class" bot skins that represent what they might look like, but we never see a "live" one. Being able to visit their home system might be fun.
One for the Syrax. It'd be interesting to see what other Syrax make themselves look like, since our sole example of Nimhe seems a bit... unique. I imagine they would be very... Cyberpunkish.
And, of course, Zebulon. Prove the Lizards of Zebulon exist... (or expose the hoax)
I would love more end-game content. More things to do once Moira and the rest of the crew are fully trained. More things to do with the hundreds of millions of credits you probably have by the time you get to the Swarm system. Might be a use for the Nilurian system, if we get to it -- some sort of pleasure planet you can take your fully-trained crew, a place to use all of their (ahem) "favors" in a new setting, etc.
I would love a quest where we don't just get to see a "special" episode of Galaxina, but we get to outright be part of the making of one. Perhaps tie this into the Syrax system visit I was suggesting, above.
A more definitive way of "completing" the elements of training a crewmate. Perhaps a way to get them to agree to continue doing whatever acts you want without favors, from that point forward (it would be more of a trophy than anything, as I've almost never run out of favors late-game, but still)
While the Krell uniforms are close (and arguably even more kinky), convincing your whole crew to serve nude (and serve nude voluntarily, so that it leads to no more stress than any other uniform) would be the completion of a goal the player-character expresses at one point early-game. Similarly, ways to convince ALL the girls (not just Vee and T'Ris) to wear buttplugs as part of their standard uniforms wouldn't be amiss.
And I still want a way to fully convince T'Ris to enjoy sex without having to be "tricked" into it through alcohol or duty.