Well... At least I'm non-native... Worse is you that can barely speak your own language, for instance, in the sentence "I see that we have a non-native speaking English Google translate andy over here." Your adjective should be hyphenated: non-native speaking-English-Google-translate andy. It's the prescription. Compound adjectives must be hyphenated before the noun it modifies.
We can also find other instances of you trailer-park English in your other posts:
It should be shitty and not shit. Shit is a noun; shitty is the adjective (unless in the vulgar language of trailer-park plebs like you).
There must be a comma before the "and" because you must use one when the subjects are distinct: "[Yours is a] bad faith argument, and I have no time for this." Also, you can't use a comma to separate independent clauses without a conjunction, thus, your second sentence is badly written. You must use a period, a semi-colon, or add a conjunction. For instance: "You should know what completed means; you are being obtuse for troll reasons."
I could go on and on, but I don't want to annoy others on this thread. So, Buba, go back to your trailer park and learn your language better before criticizing others who are not obligated to know your patois. If you want to be a Grammar Nazi, you must be impeccable, which clearly is not your case.