
Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
How many trainers will there be? To one of the corps?
It's going to vary - and plans aren't entirely finalised. You've seen quite a few - Cis and Fuukumi for Flite, Kex and Dr Lazarus for Sci, Fiora for Medi, Sarge for the FI, Ayewn and Meera for Securi. None currently for Comfort; but HanZi, Lenore, Dave and Krathi for Servi. I have 2 males for Medi planned, and a Futa; a male for Flite; and an additional male and female for the FI. :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
is there compressed version?
Unfortunately no. Trying to compress the game breaks the game. I'm no expert but I think it has something to do with the brainwashing algorithm RanliLabz put in the code. Why he just doesn't start a religion, I don't know, I mean, it sounds simpler. Then again, using aliens is already Scientology's thing, so maybe they don't want the competition.


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Unfortunately no. Trying to compress the game breaks the game. I'm no expert but I think it has something to do with the brainwashing algorithm RanliLabz put in the code. Why he just doesn't start a religion, I don't know, I mean, it sounds simpler. Then again, using aliens is already Scientology's thing, so maybe they don't want the competition.
Who says I'm not starting a religion ;)


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
I'm leaving this review here because I cannot put it in the 'reviews'.
There are three things that make these games fun. Theme, Sex and Plot. This has a good Sci-Fi Theme. This one has lots of sex with choose-able paths. This one has absolutely no PLOT AT ALL.
The MC comes in as an ignorant, 'country-hick' with an IQ of 70 and stays that way as he stumbles from encounter to encounter with no goal, no idea of what he's doin' or where he's going...which is nowhere. Then he starts 'magically' falling back and forth into another demon dimension and for no reason , starts to read minds. ?? And is still dumb while doing it!! He is NOT what any self respecting person/pervert would want to be! That took all the fun out of it for me. No one would want to be this guy...or imagine themselves in his place.
The "story" lets him wander about nekkid for no other reason but to use him for his 'monster schlong.' I'm sorry. I would have loved to enjoy this game but I just couldn't. The SpaceFarce is a joke...and a front for someone's idea of a monopoly ...and an evil one at that...but it doesn't go anywhere, do anything. The whole thing is just a bizarre environment to torture the MC in one way or another. (He rescues his girl and then DROPS HER??!! AW COME ON!! and then is arrested for everything that has happened TO HIM?!)

I see that a lot of guys like the game because of the sex, graphics, and few animations. TO me, it seems such a waste to have lavished all this attention and effort on something that NEVER had a clear plot development in mind to start with. SO SAD but I must give it a 2-STAR rating. I will drop this one and leave you to think about how you could put some meaning into this ...this "story" because it has none...and for 'gods sake' put some character in your MC!! And if this all sounds harsh, I say it for your sake, not to be mean.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
This one has absolutely no PLOT AT ALL.
It does. That's why it has such a huge setup. Remember, this is phase 1, which is basically the prologue. There isn't "plot" because we're still in the worldbuilding phase. We don't know this world, and we're learning it all while snippets of plot are dropped. Sure, we could have started with plot, but then we'd have all this world dropped on us, not knowing what was going on or why certain things are important. Now we learn more about the details that will be important when the story actually starts.

He is NOT what any self respecting person/pervert would want to be! That took all the fun out of it for me. No one would want to be this guy...or imagine themselves in his place.
Have you played the games on this site? In a lot of games, the MC is a devious, manipulative asshole, who lies, cheats and does whatever to obtain his goals (sex). They are certainly not people that any self respecting person would want to be (if they are, there's something wrong with the player). But I don't play this game because I want to pretend to be the MC. I play it for all the reasons you don't want to play it. I like the dumb humour. I like the stupidity of the characters and the situations. I like the fact I only need one hand to play this game, so I can use the other to facepalm.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
Suddenreal, what story? If this is a prolog, it totally fails because it is too damn big and long. You want a good example of a good prolog, go get and play Heavy Five or Callisto. A prolog's purpose of setting the scene should be completed in one chapter, not six. I'm not sticking around for the story because I lost interest in the game because it kept dragging on with the same repeated boring dumbness. Any good writer knows you must engage the audience right away and get them interested in the characters and problem. I lost interest in the MC when he never changed from the big dumb cluck he started as (which Originally I liked, but man...dumb as a nail all the time gets OLD)
Ok, yes there are asshole MCs. But they have character (I may not like them but I understand how they think..) As for Dumb and clueless, that gets old fast. Yes, there were dumb jokes that made me laugh. I grant that. BUT that does not carry the play. If you like the stupidity of the character(s) (not all were stupid--just the main one) that's fine. Go ahead. I'm just giving the DEVS some first hand professional feedback as someone who has written stories, played the game and came away vastly disappointed. Especially so, because I LIKE Sci-Fi games with sex and I felt cheated. For me, I couldn't wait until I got done...which took hours. (BTW, if you look at the reviews that did not give it 4-5 stars, you'll find the same type of complaints)
Anyway, if you like it, that's fine. If it was my project, I'd rewrite this 'prolog' and put some action, conflict, progress and especially character development in it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
RanliLabz reminded people recently that the whole thing is set in the same day. If you expect serious character development in one day, you won't find it in any form of story telling, those things take time. And there is action, conflict, progress and even character development in the prologue.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2018
Anyway, if you like it, that's fine. If it was my project, I'd rewrite this 'prolog' and put some action, conflict, progress and especially character development in it.
Dear Professor, I am sure, you are totally missing the genre of this game and therefore the point. There are many possibilities how to write a prolog or build MC. Please, read more older reviews, there are many clarifications that can help you understand it. St Sarah bless you :)


May 19, 2019
It's going to vary - and plans aren't entirely finalised. You've seen quite a few - Cis and Fuukumi for Flite, Kex and Dr Lazarus for Sci, Fiora for Medi, Sarge for the FI, Ayewn and Meera for Securi. None currently for Comfort; but HanZi, Lenore, Dave and Krathi for Servi. I have 2 males for Medi planned, and a Futa; a male for Flite; and an additional male and female for the FI. :D
Hooaah Forward Infantry the backbone of SpaceCorps


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
I'm leaving this review here because I cannot put it in the 'reviews'.
There are three things that make these games fun. Theme, Sex and Plot. This has a good Sci-Fi Theme. This one has lots of sex with choose-able paths.
Thanks! 2/3 ain’t bad ;)
This one has absolutely no PLOT AT ALL.
The MC comes in as an ignorant, 'country-hick' with an IQ of 70 and stays that way as he stumbles from encounter to encounter with no goal, no idea of what he's doin' or where he's going...which is nowhere. Then he starts 'magically' falling back and forth into another demon dimension and for no reason , starts to read minds. ?? And is still dumb while doing it!! He is NOT what any self respecting person/pervert would want to be! That took all the fun out of it for me. No one would want to be this guy...or imagine themselves in his place.
I think that you’re being a bit unfair here... after saying there’s no plot, you go on to describe several plot elements. One of these is his growing psi-powers - what he initially believes to be fantasies proving to be an ability to read minds is a clear plot point. The fact that every time he falls unconscious, he is dragged into a Daemon dimension is another clear plot point that appears to be related to the first. It’s implied and explicitly mentioned in some scenes that there must be something on board that is heightening his psionic powers.

On your point about whether he’s someone to aspire to be... well... not really! SpaceCorps is a sex comedy, not wish fulfilment - and MC is not a hero, but a protagonist. Think Archer, Futureman, Rincewind or Deadpool rather Bond, John Connor, Potter or Batman.

However, in Phase 2 I am going to give players the chance to ’improve‘ and heroise him.
The "story" lets him wander about nekkid for no other reason but to use him for his 'monster schlong.' I'm sorry. I would have loved to enjoy this game but I just couldn't. The SpaceFarce is a joke...and a front for someone's idea of a monopoly ...and an evil one at that...but it doesn't go anywhere, do anything. The whole thing is just a bizarre environment to torture the MC in one way or another. (He rescues his girl and then DROPS HER??!! AW COME ON!! and then is arrested for everything that has happened TO HIM?!)
Well - the fact he dropped Anna was a joke ;) It’s a comedy :)
I see that a lot of guys like the game because of the sex, graphics, and few animations. TO me, it seems such a waste to have lavished all this attention and effort on something that NEVER had a clear plot development in mind to start with. SO SAD but I must give it a 2-STAR rating. I will drop this one and leave you to think about how you could put some meaning into this ...this "story" because it has none...and for 'gods sake' put some character in your MC!! And if this all sounds harsh, I say it for your sake, not to be mean.
Well - suggesting that I remake 2 years worth of work that has proved successful on Patreon and is currently the 28th top rated game on f95 seems a bit harsh... not to mention unlikely :ROFLMAO:

Your assumption that I had no clear plot development in mind is just plain wrong - I made copious notes and treatments before I started, including the main-plot and sub-plots, and am currently on track with them all. And as far as putting character into my MC - I did, he’s moe distinctive than most MC’s... you just didn’t like the character ;) That’s fine - we all have different tastes - but not liking something doesn’t mean it isn’t there :)


May 19, 2019
Suddenreal, what story? If this is a prolog, it totally fails because it is too damn big and long. You want a good example of a good prolog, go get and play Heavy Five or Callisto. A prolog's purpose of setting the scene should be completed in one chapter, not six. I'm not sticking around for the story because I lost interest in the game because it kept dragging on with the same repeated boring dumbness. Any good writer knows you must engage the audience right away and get them interested in the characters and problem. I lost interest in the MC when he never changed from the big dumb cluck he started as (which Originally I liked, but man...dumb as a nail all the time gets OLD)
Ok, yes there are asshole MCs. But they have character (I may not like them but I understand how they think..) As for Dumb and clueless, that gets old fast. Yes, there were dumb jokes that made me laugh. I grant that. BUT that does not carry the play. If you like the stupidity of the character(s) (not all were stupid--just the main one) that's fine. Go ahead. I'm just giving the DEVS some first hand professional feedback as someone who has written stories, played the game and came away vastly disappointed. Especially so, because I LIKE Sci-Fi games with sex and I felt cheated. For me, I couldn't wait until I got done...which took hours. (BTW, if you look at the reviews that did not give it 4-5 stars, you'll find the same type of complaints)
Anyway, if you like it, that's fine. If it was my project, I'd rewrite this 'prolog' and put some action, conflict, progress and especially character development in it.
Professorx10, I'm not sure I would say starting with a rather hostile tone is in keeping with leaving 'professional feedback'. Additionally, as the game is clearly in the parody/satire vein, the developer does engage the audience rather quickly. A casual study of the piece will reveal it is a comedic remix of several other intellectual properties that have come before it. As was said earlier it seems you missed bit somehow.

As for the MC's intellectual prowess, the developer has a plan for that which was already stated. Had you familiarized yourself with the game's development before firing off your scathing indictment, you would have realized the seemingly moronic and innocent nature of the MC is a clever way to allow for the player to 'level up' the MC's personal intelligence eventually. However, as was revealed in one scene, the developer became aware that the dull-mindedness of MC became a hard thing for some players to reconcile, so that process was expedited a bit. The developer has a number of skills the player will be allowed to 'level' as the core of the game is all about player agency. That is to say, the player will be able to customize their playthrough more fully for the romantic and career experience they desire within SpaceCorpsXXX. This is a very ambitious undertaking made even more so as the 'DEVS' are actually one developer.

Regarding your criticism of plot, as was also previously stated, Phase 1 is only Day 1 of MC's acclimation to SpaceCorps. This serves as a robust prologue to help players see what they can expect and begin plotting their own personalized narrative. Due to the extensive choices players will be making, in addition to introducing the A,B,C story-arcs, this naturally requires a lengthier set-up. Put another way, you are in effect, passing judgement on the entirety of a complicated action-comedy weekly serial series based solely on the first 32 run-time minutes of the pilot episode with a total runtime of 42 minutes.

While it's unfortunate you didn't care for the content you played through so far it feels as though your criticisms, while your own impassioned opinion, are somewhat unfair. However, there are many other games on F95 that you could check out and you may find more to your liking. I'm sure however, the developer appreciates that you shared your opinion and will file away anything they find useful, in order to create a better gaming experience.


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Professorx10, I'm not sure I would say starting with a rather hostile tone is in keeping with leaving 'professional feedback'. Additionally, as the game is clearly in the parody/satire vein, the developer does engage the audience rather quickly. A casual study of the piece will reveal it is a comedic remix of several other intellectual properties that have come before it. As was said earlier it seems you missed bit somehow.

As for the MC's intellectual prowess, the developer has a plan for that which was already stated. Had you familiarized yourself with the game's development before firing off your scathing indictment, you would have realized the seemingly moronic and innocent nature of the MC is a clever way to allow for the player to 'level up' the MC's personal intelligence eventually. However, as was revealed in one scene, the developer became aware that the dull-mindedness of MC became a hard thing for some players to reconcile, so that process was expedited a bit. The developer has a number of skills the player will be allowed to 'level' as the core of the game is all about player agency. That is to say, the player will be able to customize their playthrough more fully for the romantic and career experience they desire within SpaceCorpsXXX. This is a very ambitious undertaking made even more so as the 'DEVS' are actually one developer.

Regarding your criticism of plot, as was also previously stated, Phase 1 is only Day 1 of MC's acclimation to SpaceCorps. This serves as a robust prologue to help players see what they can expect and begin plotting their own personalized narrative. Due to the extensive choices players will be making, in addition to introducing the A,B,C story-arcs, this naturally requires a lengthier set-up. Put another way, you are in effect, passing judgement on the entirety of a complicated action-comedy weekly serial series based solely on the first 32 run-time minutes of the pilot episode with a total runtime of 42 minutes.

While it's unfortunate you didn't care for the content you played through so far it feels as though your criticisms, while your own impassioned opinion, are somewhat unfair. However, there are many other games on F95 that you could check out and you may find more to your liking. I'm sure however, the developer appreciates that you shared your opinion and will file away anything they find useful, in order to create a better gaming experience.
:love: Many thanks, rfox! Usually I'd comment more on a post of this length... but since I agree with every word (and you put it rather better than my own last response), I shall leave it there :D
My professional feedback.
Its f*cking awesome, I just wanna go build a hut and live out my days riding the constable.
:ROFLMAO: spencer gets it!
I'd just rent a cabana though :p leaves more time for the riding!


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Have you played the games on this site? In a lot of games, the MC is a devious, manipulative asshole, who lies, cheats and does whatever to obtain his goals (sex). They are certainly not people that any self respecting person would want to be (if they are, there's something wrong with the player). But I don't play this game because I want to pretend to be the MC. I play it for all the reasons you don't want to play it. I like the dumb humour. I like the stupidity of the characters and the situations. I like the fact I only need one hand to play this game, so I can use the other to facepalm.
So that’s what you’re doing with the free hand :ROFLMAO: I agree - a lot of the MCs seem like deeply unappealing characters - some to the point of psychopathy. It’s all different strokes for different folks :D
St Sarah bless you :)
And St Sarah Bless You too, child :)
4.00 star(s) 176 Votes