Bunch of small problems.
Just a question, on the bunk bed kissing Anna, all choices post tongue give the "wrong/missed" beep, even the one where you stop while you are ahead. Seems like the "stop while ahead" at least after 1 wrong beep should have the good "ding".
Also what controls the sound in this game? I turned down all the sliders and the wedding music especially rock was still loud. Only fix was the "mute all" button.
Also god damn it with your wrong naming of webp. To view the wall images of the sister I opened them in a image viewer to find it. It auto renames them to the proper file type. Just a slight annoyance.
"drenched member ony too plain to see" : (I think you mean "only")
Surprised MC doesn't give a choice to look in Fatima's hug when he does for Anna.
Still have some of the best music choices in games. Fucking bops left and right.
MC not arguing Anna can go out on her own seems a little missed since the whole Sarge debacle.
When not on the Fatima primary path, if you click the hug choice it refers to her as Safa. The same is not true for Anna.
Also Fiora's starting image hangs above the gallery and looks like MC being tortured by deamon lady, the one that he thinks of after he leaves med bay.
Morgana throws an error.
Error going through the images in Virtual stable (I think 1 extra / is the problem)
While loading <'Image' u'images//gui/personnelfiles/morgana/spankbank_decon01good.png'>:
IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/gui/personnelfiles/morgana/spankbank_decon01good.png'.
If not M/M and you click the males in the virtual stable, they have 2 images in the "click for gallery" both the greyed out and the colored in.
Is Fox a take off Fox Mccloud or the Spaceballs weird creature?
Using the progressing walkthrough. Decon chamber 1, right side, the green line skips down from the "minigame" to right after second pink look if you didn't check sam out earlier, an extra line to follow so people don't get confused would be great.
Similar happening in hangarbay 01 it will jump from propaganda movie to wrestlemania without the green line, also there is an extra green line on dither even without choosing it. Thirdly if you are on round 2 and press W it throws an error.
While running game code:
File "game/scripts/wrestlemania.rpy", line 1620, in script
v "Wh...!"
File "game/scripts/UI & Background/walkthrough.rpy", line 10, in execute
screen walkthrough_screen:
File "game/scripts/UI & Background/walkthrough.rpy", line 10, in execute
screen walkthrough_screen:
File "game/scripts/UI & Background/walkthrough.rpy", line 11, in execute
if not walkthrough_scene in persistent.walkthrough_scene_index:
File "game/scripts/UI & Background/walkthrough.rpy", line 30, in execute
for var in use_string:
File "game/scripts/UI & Background/walkthrough.rpy", line 31, in execute
add "images/walkthrough/"+walkthrough_scene+"/"+persistent.walkthrough_scene_index[walkthrough_scene][var]
KeyError: u'pro2tap'
Same error until you get to hell.
Would also be nice if the choices were in the same location in the walkthrough as on screen.
Showerblock with the walkthrough has the Khumon lady sit on top of it after you finish talking to red hair guy.
Walkthrough while in showers throws error.
While loading <'Image' u'images/walkthrough/showerblock01/gir2fin.png'>:
File "game/scripts/showerblock01.rpy", line 1489, in script
call screen showerblock01_shower_nav_screen
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/walkthrough/showerblock01/gir2fin.png'.
I also don't think the Kex Sexy part fired even with her in the stable, the locker part did happen, however I don't remember getting the choices about towel etc.
Walkthrough for beach doesn't mention what triggers Phlaxians, if it is gay/straight/bi, etc.
Green line jump in virtualworld walkthrough if no bi/gay. From Anna? choice to Heart after Relationship?
In the virtualworld second portion, where you are in the corridor and have to click places. If you press W before you click a direction nothing happens, but then when you click it the walkthrough pops over the door open command.
Some choices go weird. Like you go from enabled femdom to disabled to re-enabled in the brig. Seems a bit weird the way to avoid having it continually change is to die, so no matter what it changes.
Had no sexual content with Dave but he is not greyed out in stable.
The Analysis text by morgana/lancelot would be nicer if it was a bit brighter green.
When talking to sister about Psi powers she says "I guess it runs in the fambly" she doesn't really use southern speak much so I think it should be "family"