What did make me wonder is … Why are cole and Fatima and cis not under that pastor thumb so to speak with his religion talks.
And the mc is under that pastor spell for some reason ? Is the mc the only one who got placed under the pastor teachings ?
Would also be pretty interesting seeing a round 2 between Sarge and the mc with his new found powers well the minute he starts to control them freely ofcourse
Luved the vin diesel refrence in the jail cell scene really brought back memories of those movies with him very nice thing to implement there
With religion, Cole, Sam, Cis, Felix, Bailey, Gilly & Anna were all taught by the Pastor too (as a Backcountry girl, Fatima wasn't under his thumb: no Sunday school, no Church). However, the Pastor took a special interest in MC - and as the most naïve of the bunch, he took it all more to heart. Anna's pretty religious too, though; and Sam believes in a less serious way than MC. As a rich kid, Cole always felt a bit above it all (and Chang couldn't as easily control him). Cis and Felix were always wilder (more like cowboys than the farmboys MC and Sam). I'll deal with Gilly and Bailey when I come to them (lol, spoilers).
In Phase 2, I'm going to have a ton more wrestling scenes - hopefully with all the main characters, and def more with Sarge. She's the wrestling 'Boss-level' though - so I reckon MC will need his powers to defeat her!
Lol - and the Chronicles of Rydick is coming along nicely. It's an extended Rydick backstory cutscene, so I've got some very fancy lighting and effects in them to try and capture that sci-noir feel - plus lots of sex, of course!

I've also been watching the films again to get the way he talks, and have really enjoyed it (I didn't like 2 & 3 when I first saw them because Pitch Black was so much better... but having rewatched them they're actually alright!)