Idk if this has been answered b4, but can I start with gay/bi orientation tho?
NoStepOnSnek and
rfox317 already answered this pretty well (and thanks, Major Fox... I
am awesome

). MC starting out as straight is very important for the m/m storyline - he can become bicurious from the first scene and bisexual from the scene with Lancelot - but will be able to become gay only at the very end of the prologue. Until that point, he will be
extremely conflicted about his emerging feelings due to his upbringing and faith.
So I really love the game, but have a few thoughts for the dev if they happen to come across it - I'm not a big adult video game player (this is my second!), so hopefully my opinions might be useful as those of a 'newbie':
- Some of the decisions are pretty hard to tell what they'll end up as from the line of text given; whilst a surprise can be good, it can mean having to re-do a section because the outcome is just not at all what was expected. Maybe a bit more description on what you're going to do would help for 'big' decisions.
- Some of the conversations are way, way too long without anything really happening. Not saying that it just needs to be exciting scenes and that's it, but some of the conversations just sort of seem needlessly padded out (or a bit repetitive), which leads to a serious case of 'spacebar fatigue' (and the writing/story is so good I don't want to just plain ctrl-skip it) if playing for any length of time. I don't think some trimming of responses/etc. would hurt either the humour or the character development - especially with the length of the game.
- It'd be good if you could put some of the personalised options in an editable options file (I renamed Cis incorrectly and can't change it!)
- Catching the thought bubbles/etc. doesn't work well for me at all - if I'm pressing spacebar through loads of text, to then have to jump to the mouse and try and click on it gets a bit annoying (especially as they often come out of the blue) and as I know I definitely want to see them, I end up reloading every time I miss it. I imagine most others do too, which makes it a bit of a non-game.
Just thoughts - really awesome work!!!
Glad I was your second game

It's interesting to hear from a newbie... SpaceCorps is traditionally a 'more advanced' adult game

ROFLMAO: by which I mean the place you go when you've exhausted all the vanilla options).
- With decisions: a big part of the prologue is making the natural choice for you rather than aiming for a specific outcome. You'll be pleased to hear that in the (upcoming) Phase 2 of the game, there will be more signposting. This part, however, is all about building a personality!
- On the dialogue: lol... yeah, I can be a bit wordy

. A problem with serialisation, I'm afraid (less editing time to trim it down the way I would a complete piece).
- On Cis' name: I'm afraid that naming is a one time only thing! It's just the way the code for name changes is set up. A more accomplished python coder could prob fix that easily... but I have no idea how to even start

- Thought bubbles: lol - I've gone as far as I'm able to on that one, I'm afraid (i.e. I slowed them down by half and doubled the time limit). I'm determined to retain some of the game elements, as without them the gamier parts of Phase 2 will feel like too much of a break with the prologue.
Nevertheless it would be marvellous and very practical to have the option to give names to the individual saves.
If only I was good enough at coding to do it! Someone suggested a model to look into, so perhaps I'll manage (I
really need it for the testing!)