dboura's right - he wasn't that smart before the muscles (and the repeated concussions are responsible for most of the decline

). Phase 2 will include plenty of opportunities to increase both IQ and Strength with stat-training (it starts next year). I never actually suggested muscles make you dumb - that was just a joke between Cis and Fiora
He does talks about the Pastor a lot. That's because MC's a naïf who's been indoctrinated into an Ethical system by a dominant personality. It's important characterisation - he's not just going to forget the defining influence in his life within a day!
Whether the way I've done it works or not is a matter for others to decide - but I think that the best games give their MC a life and personality outside the immediate choices presented to the player. Personally, I don't like being presented with a tabula rasa since it makes the character and the game feel empty and disconnected.
However, as you make choices which reform your personality, those which lower your Faith will cause Pastor Chang's influence to fade.