Thanks DA22!
I've tended to approach F/F and F/M content as within the same kink bracket (although you have to enable Sapphic to see the F/F). That's mainly just the porn convention - since visual porn is mainly consumed by men, and most guys who want to see f/m are also keen (or at least relaxed) about f/f. It's reinforced since straight women are typically less grossed out by f/f than straight guys are by m/m and tend not to complain in the same way. Gangbangs are always tricky - especially with gated content... some folks will be happy to see any gangbang (getting the thrill from the transgressive nature of orgies themselves) but most will have strict rules - mmf-only, ffm only, maybe only fancy white or black girls, only want to see masculine or feminine men involved etc. That
before getting into views on incest, or aliens, or anal; or whether individual characters float your boat or not. And after all that, there's the inevitable horror-show discussion about NTR and everyone's different definitions

Overall, my determination not to force content means that many players will miss significant parts of the game... even whole storylines! However, I believe that my ever-growing wall-chart mitigates against any major continuity errors and hope that - having been corrupted by the game - players will replay with additional kinks enabled