The weekly update is here. I've been actively working on the next SR update since Monday, writing some dialogue. By Wednesday, all the animations for the TFA 6th edition were ready, then I coded it, and you got into early access. I returned to SR on Thursday, actively creating pictures and animations for the SR update. So, the folder with all backup images is filled with new material for those with access. This provides a bit of technical information about the week's performance.
I also want to mention that I'm making some changes to the Patreon tiers this week, both cosmetically (I changed the names) and in terms of content. In terms of content, tier benefits haven't changed much. The primary change is that the ability to suggest an event in the SR game has been moved starting from the 5 EUR tier (20 EUR previously). This change was made because the option wasn't popular, and there were understandable restrictions. Suggestions sometimes conflicted with the story logic or couldn't be implemented immediately due to narrative reasons. Additionally, I don't favour changes like altering Laura's outfit and hairstyle as they are based on a Patreon vote. Furthermore, specific themes, such as bestiality, minors, physical violence, or incest, will not be introduced in the SR game. Lastly, cooperating was challenging when some event suggesters tried to dictate Laura's poses and camera angles, limiting artistic expression.
Therefore, while I initially considered giving up on this idea altogether, I decided to provide the opportunity to recommend events to a broader audience. I can still implement at most one suggestion in a game update, and we'll see how it goes. If it makes my work on the game less enjoyable or if suggestions risk taking the game in an undesired direction, I reserve the right to cancel it.
The other change is that I've temporarily reinstated the 1 EUR tier due to some demand. I had reservations about it, as a small portion of this pledge goes to me because of taxes and platform costs, which might not seem like a fair use of people's money. However, if someone wishes to express gratitude for my work this way, I won't dictate how people use their funds. I'll monitor this option over time and reserve the right to cancel it if needed.
That's all for today. I am back on track with SR.
Have a great weekend!