Already not really big on this game. The balancing is like.... REALLY off. There's no tutorial on which characters are best at what move sets. Fire guy? only good for actual magic, and he's got the most mana by far, but less HP. Lightning guy? Only good for melee combat, has the least MP, more health. And the... water guy? is completely fucking useless. He's, far as I can tell, supposed to be the all-rounder, but both his melee and magic attacks don't even do HALF the damage of either specialist. Frankly, he's best suited for being that last survivor since he has the MOST HP, and slightly more mana than lightning guy. IDFK, use him for your healer, since there IS NO ACTUAL HEALING MAGIC. Pray you don't run out of potions or whatever.
This game's combat mechanics, IN GENERAL, need way more work. It's bad enough just getting through the first dungeon (sewers) is a MASSIVE grind due to some enemy encounters being completely unavoidable, but they also most of the time get the first strike, and when there's three of them, it takes ages to finish the fight. There are no status affects from the different magic types, and, once again, the fire guy is the only USEFUL one so far. Fire doesn't cause damage-over-time, lightning doesn't cause stunning, water/ice doesn't.... well, doesn't do jack shit, can't even be used for healing. I digress. Adding status effects would actually give motivation for USING magic abilities, otherwise, wtf are they there for?
The next big issue I have is, as I may have mentioned earlier, grindiness and repetitiveness. Literally not like, ten fucking minutes after finally beating the sewer dungeon, beating the whale, rescuing the orphan spirit mage whatever the fuck guy, you have to make the excruciating journey ALL THE WAY FROM THE TOWN TO THE VERY BEGINNING WHERE YOU FIRST START THE GAME, only for the party to go, "oh wait, we need to go find this little shit some clothes" EVEN THOUGH YOU COULD JUST GET HIM SOME CLOTHES IN THE NEXT TOWN, IF LOGIC PREVAILED. Oh, and IIRC you also didn't completely kill the whale, I think? So that's an issue? BUT IS IT REALLY??? Nobody even knew that whale was in the sewer/well system, and it's not like it was the FUCKING WHALE that was stealing half the food in the entire town; no, it was the bastard spirit-mage you rescued that was somehow eating an entire town into a famine.
So yeah, right when you get to the very spot where you first begin the game, you have to go ALLLLLLL the way back to do that bullshit, when, again, logic would say it's better to just keep going on, mind your own business, get clothes for the little shit at the next town; the whale isn't going to hurt anybody considering nobody knew it existed. But no.
There was no logic to be had.
It was at that moment, what with the thus-far total lack of any hint of NSFW content aside from lightning-dude pulling the classic ejaculate-and-evacuate on the innkeeper (which the player doesn't get to see), that I said, nah, fuck this, I'm not going through all this effort for a half-baked, extremely cheesy thus far plotline, and no dick to be seen.
To all of you who elected to suffer through the rest of the content currently available, I have no regrets, and I give zero shits if you think I'm "missing out on valuable stories and great porn". Just based off the example thumbnails in the OP, I can confidently say that you, the replying party, are lying to yourself.
Is this scathing? Sure. I'm hoping the developer will read this, think for a moment, and realize, hey, yeah, I kinda planned this out in a pretty dumb way. Let it be a learning experience.