Okay so in the beginning there was .1 and it was a start. We moved to .2 and then to .3 where Obscure took 5 and said "damn guys I got this gimme like 4 months and I'm gonna bang out like half the game" but the time grew near and it seemed that binge dev'ing doesn't do good things for triple A studios and it doesn't do good things for our friend Obscure so to take a break and cleanse his (hey, or her. Obscure if you're a hot chick in disguise hit me up I can get a squirrel costume bb

... anyway) palate with refining the first game. After that he went back to the drawing board and decided that "hey, maybe I was too critical on my project, I've got a real magnum opus on my hands" but alas, the framework he had to work with was found lacking in his eyes so he set out to completely overhaul SLII and went back to the very beginning, to .1 with a BIG SEXY new look with all sorts of polish and sparkly new bits. Legend has it that some day obscure will use the dollar that I give him every month to buy a hat, a good hat used for making things, a hat that will usher in the release of .22f but until those dollars stack high enough to build the release hat we wait... maybe I should be giving 2 dollars instead, then he can buy the magic hat faster.
All jokes aside this is as much as anyone can know or theorize from Obscure's Patreon posts.
Obscure if I missed anything or if you want some more hat money let me know and we can set the record straight for these peeps. (also when devs reply to me it feels like I'm talking to a celebrity)