I used a single lyric from a song and got an entire theme out of it. Just changed one word to fit better with what I had in mind. Was probably the first or the second prompt I tried.Adding Lyrics to a Prompt
Just saw someone's promp, he just dropped a few song verses on top of whatever and it cameout nicely. Probably, under the hood, this acts like a seed.
So, I tried adding "Cry Me a River" verse to this red bikini clunker here: link and I gots:
So, yea, when you have an image but you want a tiny difference, as in: same but different, just throw in some random sweet nothings and good things might happen.

Just the line "all I am is a (((ginger rebellion))), I won't hurt you but I might hurt someone" from the blond rebellion lyrics by Pretty reckless.
Of course it worked with the normal lyrics, I just wanted the subject to be a redhead.
To clarify, my original prompt was just that lyric line. All the rest was added to modify the background and the clothing. Still, both of those things, I got from random renders I did with the prompt, I didn't think to give her a romper initially for example.
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