I like Akabur's style. If you want nothing but hardcore vanilla sex why don't you just stick to pornhub?Dont bother, the last update was nothing but a few naked Chibi Sprites, i have given up all hope for this lazy Bum to ever release something substantial in the next 10 years.
Lol, wasn't talking to you, I deleted a few posts. Yours was quite civil and I appreciate it.The guy started calling Akabur "lazy bum" just because he doesn't like his game. I was as civil as possible.
But you didnt answer my question of when he releases his games. Is it only on mondays or any day when its done?He probably wants to polish things up as much as possible. Let's just be happy that Akabur is determined to develop episode 4 as fast as possible! Star channel has been amazing so far!
He got burnt out on it or something, and took a break to make another short TMNT 'game', and came back to this one a while back.what happened to episode 3?
I unlocked a few more jasmine quests after buying her first outfit (the 100 credits one)Uhm can somebody point out why i wouldnt be getting quest im on day 119 ive done a bunch of quests and events but im not finding anymore even though i can see i have a lot more to do. I currently have ashelin and jasmine.
yeah I figured it out after a while still thanks tho.I unlocked a few more jasmine quests after buying her first outfit (the 100 credits one)