shit will probably stay confuse,and maybe got even more confusing in the future,the only thing we can always be sure is that at least it will be funny,but as i said before,you have 2 options let the game be completed while you focus your atention on other things,or bear with it and suffer like that guy on Bleach,Aporro,becuz the speed of development that Akabur employs is basically exactly like that....
i m not against his development speed . he is pretty correct imho. update took me 30 min to be done, and it come out more frequent than befoe (no more few yaers to wait lol)
as for the story, i dont ask to rush it. its good like it is right now. its just the fact that its very confusing and it feel like it miss some nice opportunity to prefer turn into some weird way.
let's be honest... last update, the Lara croft mansion stuff and even the video game stuff with her was kind of useless and didnt give the game something noticable.
the udpate about April getting milked is on the same way.... as fun as it is, it didnt give the game much more.
notice that both April and Lara arent corrupted AT ALL yet. the only girl that i feeel like she is kind of corruptd is Ashelin , Lola and Jasmine tend to show some little "effect" of it. nothing crazy, but can feel that its coming.
at least, Akabur should add some stories that actually (not only) make sens with the whole plot, but also help Genie to corrupt the girl.
having Hermione in a toilet giving handjob is nothing corrupting, that's for sure. fuck, i think he should litteraly give Hermione to Snape for a week, and she will come back even more corrupted than what Genie can do in 200 years...
the whole "invisibility" thing was also completly useless, as everybody see Genie as the boss, i dont see why he should hide... more specifically in a school where peoples can simply ask anybody for a blowjob or something.
fact Akabur should also have give the player a choice between be gentle with the student or aggresive. but nope... that would also open some side effect on the story to make it more interresting.
in final, that update was dissapointing. some opportunity missed to make it more enjoyable. player doesnt have a single choice to make on this whole update. that's also bad