Absolutely awful first impression. The main character is another wussy useless wanker who stutters all the time, the exposition regarding what aunt is feeling all the time is pointless, the mechanics tutorial is a massive spoiler and the game has very little in terms of CGI so far.
Oh, and before I could do anything I got a surprise test - right after the tutorial - and practically started the game with -3 affection. Not impressed.
Played a little longer and now I can confirm that UI is shit as well. It's very annoying to click and wait a second every time I want to move from room to room, and 'Leave' and 'Menu' keep jumping around the screen between rooms. Bad, bad, bad design.
And my god, reading dialog is such a pain, where every single line Chris says has at least one stutter. This is really grating after a while. Especially since 90% of the dialogue is against black background because the devs were too lazy to design something to put there instead.