I'm not a steam user, so this has never affected me, however I feel I can still have an opinion, despite the polll. Persoanlly, if handled right ie not pushing one agenda over another, not allowing big money games while blocking small ones, etc., I think it has to be a positive move, but I am ever sceptical of anything a large corporation does.
or parents who don't put restriction to what their children's have access to.
These are the people that should be banned...well from parenthood, M$ among all the crap actually has pretty good CP software. There's plenty of free stuff out there to restrict access and restrict hours of use (or just the mains switch). There is no excuse for lazy parenting. Before anyone asks, parent of 2 now adult children.
ETA and yes, I understand that "except for things that we decide are illegal" is a VERY grey area. Ummm, the courts and laws and things like that decide. If corporations got to "decide" what's legal or not, we'd all be fucked.
We're all fucked then. :/
Will adult game devs will prevail or those religious cults will? only time will tell.
They have prevailed for 5000 years, while they can still push their agenda in schools with the backing of governments, they will continue to do so.
They just have to switch to the model where they finish their games.
Why? Do the big games? I play Neverwinter (not through Steam) and the next update is coming out in this month. There is one every 6 months and granted the base was sort of finished on launch, there is no specific end to the game.
I've made a number of questionable comments in my post and happy to take them further in PM, but wont here.