Because I was asked, just to make some things clearer:
- The button when lying in bed at the morning that looks like a clock and means "stand up" rather implies "set your alarm clock". A button with the text "stand up" would be clearer. A better symbol would be fine, too, but that could be a bit tricky.
- The button one the left of it with the drops and means "masturbate" rather implies "have a shower". A symbol with a spurting penis or one where a hand holds it might be clearer.
- The button for "go to work" is hardly to understand, especially placed in the MC's room. I think that would be better solved by adding an office room to the room bar at the bottom. The player needs to know that he is leaving the apartment now.
- Buttons which will have to effect are a little bit frustrating. Why are there buttons for opening a door when the door is locked? And why is there an option to stand up in the evening when the MC is too tired? If there is not option then no button is needed.
- "soap operas and stupid shows come from the era of this box": If you want to express that the shows and soap operas are as old as the TV, then this could rather be ", coming from the era of this box"
Of course symbols can be independend from the language, which is a good idea. But they also can be rather irritating than helpful.
Language corrections are a bit more difficult because sometimes it isn't completely clear to me, what the meaning is supposed to be. But that may be my problem, since I am no native speaker. And I would have to replay the game...
I hope these hints are helpful.
By the way, it seems that buying the champagne only works properly if you do it in direct combination with looking after how to handle a locked door instead of going to work - and in the morning. If you did not google it right before or right after buying the champagne, you cannot put it into the fridge. But that prevents you from going to work, because doing these two things together in the evening does not have any effect either.