Appreciate your effort in trying to help hack this game... Followed your steps and got this:HOW TO MODIFY THE GAME TO LESSEN THE GRIND.
Earn more money from work.
Earn more allure from sexual tension.
Earn more opinion & interest.
it ups the value a little bit, so you can still play the game as intended, but it all should be faster.
1. First get Unren, which allows you to unpack the games files. Unpack using option 1. Then option 2.
2. Edit the following files values:
Add more energy when rest in hotel bed
file: ch_p.rpy
add the underlined line: Player.Energy.Add(50)
Earn more money from work (I added an extra 10 dollars as you can see)
File: BehaviorClass.rpy
Replace this:
With This:
Earn more Allure from each successful sexual tension gain
File: GameObject.rpy
Replace this:
With this:
Earn more Interest points, but THIS IS UNTESTED. I think interests help opinion go up faster. I'm not sure yet. But it should work.
File: PersonClass.rpy
Replace This:
With This:
This is the code where opinion is gained for reference, you don't have to do anything here, it's just reference. As you can see it takes Interest into account, so modifying Interests up above should help opinion go up.
File: PersonClass.rpy
Figuring out how to cheat in code was much easier than trying to figure out the game, jesus.

Any ideas? Do i need to re-pack it - if so how? Do you have the modded files that can be downloaded?