
Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
Hello kinda off topic but I’ve had this problem for a while and wanted to know if anyone can help me solve it? This happens to all of the games I try to download.
Make sure your winrar is up to date (download new one if needed), or switch to something else like 7zip.


Also, just to make sure, you're unpacking the archive before trying to play, right?


Jul 18, 2017
Every time I play this game, I get more and more horrified by the code.

So listen to my situation. I am peeking on my aunt inside the bathroom of step mom's house. I want the scene where step mom caught me and I cum on aunt's face. But it's just not triggering. So, what does any normal person do? You unren the garbage game and diagnose the issue.

And me oh my what I found. Jesus, please. Help keep my sanity.

You have a function, BathroomPeepingOnMAuntLabel. You'd think that code handles events inside a specific room, but no. It handles Aunt batrhoom events. But different bathrooms, different events, with different ppl. Reading the code is ... a nightmare.


What does the dev do? He executes a function is MC allowed in bathroom?, if yes x = 1. Else x = rand(1,3). Then he does a series of

if X:
elif Y:
The thing is, the code fails to do what I'd expect it to do ... a tremendous amount of times. So I dig deeper.

There's a scene selector. The dev does some logic, produces a number based on the logic, or if it fails, a "random integer". Then based on that number, a scene plays out.

To avoid all the above insanity, I just said "fuck that nonsense, fuck whatever the dev intended. Let's just do randomInt(1,3) and I'll get scene 1, 2 or fail (3). Note: This will fail if I restart the game cuz I can get inside of the bathroom with aunt, ranodmly, without seducing her. Because I removed the code that says if seduced, then value = 1 Not a great solution. Just me testing the waters.

What did I find out? It still never worked. I was absolutely perplexed. I failed like I always failed. Strange. How could that be? I thought. Unless, if that function doesn't even do what it says it does. And ... yeah. It doesn't. It doesn't produce a random int. Let me repeat myself. The method randomInt(1,3) does not produce a random int between 1 and 3. It produces the same number over and over again.

What it does is that at the start, it populates a huge list of numbers. There's some seed action that fixes you at some position in that list. And once seeded, all random calls will produce the same number. IMHO, insane.

BUT! To give the dev SOME credit. It could be either :

1) an anti cheat mechanism to prevent save scumming. Or
2) A consistency mechanism so that scroll back doesn't produce different outcomes mid event.

The above makes sense as a game design. But considering this entire game is "be at location X at Y time. And pray to RNJezus that what you hoped happens, does indeed happen". And if not, just wait a week, ask your aunt again to go to your step mom, do everything again, and try again. If you fail this time too ... well, there's always next week!

Fuck. That. Noise.

This is on my top 5 favorite games on this site. But I hate its design, sooooo, god, damn, much.

I decided to just make random produce randoms so I can easily save scum.


What I hate most about this code is that reading it is an absolute nightmare. Combined with how the original random works (aka, lies to you) ... it's ungodly.

temp_allow_inside_bathroom = has_aunt_started_allowing() and destination = "MotelBathroom"

Where has_aunt_started_allowing() is only true ONCE when she starts to allow and you go inside false forever after. But good luck finding that out. You could say the name implies it, but IMHO, you'd be wrong. It's moon logic.

Then tmp.val = 1 if tmp.alw_insb else GData.RandomInt(1, 3). Where random isn't random and it can generate a 1 anyhow. Even if the previous if fails.

So 1 if X is true, otherwise 1 (possible outcome).

And because the random isn't random, you're stuck, and have to repeat the week, no save scumming for you!



Most of the scenarios play like this

tmp = 1 if not_unlocked_x or randomInt(1,4)
# if you have not unlocked a scene, you get sent to branch 1. But if you did unlock it, then it's always random

if tmp = 1:

     # here you get a spicy scene as an "unlock", if you've met the requirements

     if not_unlocked_x and should_unlock_x:
        not_unlocked_x = false
        should_unlock_x = false

    # but once that is done, you will never enter in the above "if". Always enter the bellow else

        # Failed event, boring

elif tmp = 2:
    # spicy event

if tmp = 3:
    if you did above 2
        #super spicy event

if tmp = 4:
    if you did above 3
        # orgy
So, in pure THEORY, it goes like this: If you should start having sex with your family member, it jumps to the correct path. Does the spicy event. But it locks you out of that quick access route forever. So branch 1 is either "spicy unlock" or, once that has happened once, it is forever a "fail" branch.

Next time it's RNG. And if you roll a 4, before doing 2 and 3, failed event. if you roll a 3 before doing a 2, failed event. If you roll a 1, unless it's the unlock moment, failed event.

Only once you unlock EVERYTHING, you have a THEORETICAL 3 in 4 chances of a great scene.

To be fair to the dev, he might even have a fall through mechanic where if you've done the orgy, and roll a 2, you'll still get an orgy. But rolling a 1 is a fail non the less.

AND BECAUSE THE RNG DOES NOT PRODUCE RANDOM NUMBERS, you get a disproportionated amount of 1s. And I mean a HUGELY disproportionate amount of 1s.

I cannot even start to explain how frustrating discovering this was.
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New Member
Aug 26, 2023
Hola tengo una duda como puedo saber donde trabaja jill o es hasta que me salga la opcion ya estoy en el dia 133 y no me sale


New Member
Mar 29, 2021
Ahem. Hello there, fellow F95zoners. It was an honour to me to be part of this community and now it looks like it is my turn to give something back to this wonderful community. So I present you my Walkthrough+Gallery Mod
Updated mod to v3 (checked 50% of game content on unlocking condition by doing fresh start)
Unfortunately right now I'm tired of this game so I will take some break


Apr 29, 2024
Aunt and Step-mom only thus far. Mom and Step-mom are still working on their relationship.

Thanks for your answer. How can I trigger the aunt/stepmom event?

Edit: OK, I found out how: Invite Aunt to sleep at your room (step family house). Play with her boobs while she's doing yoga on your bed. Stepmom will join.
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Sep 16, 2019
How to get anal with Mrs. Carson?

edited:you have to be promoted to work alone in the sex shop
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Buster Himen

Oct 6, 2019
This is the best incest game currently, it's a shame that the grind and RNG are extremely absurd, if it weren't for that it would be 10/10
The grind isn't so bad, it's the RNG that is atrocious. In a video game, grinding isn't bad if the payoff for the grind is achieved upon completion of said grind. In this game it is completely and utterly random and I still haven't gotten some outcomes available in this game. It is a decent game, but there are for sure better games. I think ToS prevents me from naming them in another game's thread.


New Member
Oct 14, 2017
Make sure your winrar is up to date (download new one if needed), or switch to something else like 7zip.


Also, just to make sure, you're unpacking the archive before trying to play, right?
Yeah I redownloaded it. How would I do that?


New Member
Jul 7, 2024
in the walkthrough for the 0.56.0 v, it says that in day 1 at 22:00 u r mean to watch 18+ movie, but I actually encounter a scene and later on day 3 the walkthrough says u will encounter that scene but it doesnt happen, what do i do?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2019
in the walkthrough for the 0.56.0 v, it says that in day 1 at 22:00 u r mean to watch 18+ movie, but I actually encounter a scene and later on day 3 the walkthrough says u will encounter that scene but it doesnt happen, what do i do?
The walkthrough is only good as a reference, nothing more. Its author has clearly written it: The WT is out of sync because of the new content with each update. I will not be redoing it from start to end again (sorry new players), but i will try to keep it updated with the new content added to the bottom of it with each update, for new players, use it as a reference.

And don't forget that a number of events are RNG-based.

As for television, you must buy access to adult channels from Darna, for this you need money, cheat-mod to help you.
3.70 star(s) 185 Votes